
This is the transcript for Dorothy the Dinosaur's Travelling Show!.


(The video starts with Dorothy opens the door during the song: I'm Dorothy the Dinosaur!. A scene where to visit friends from all over the world, while it show their names in the opening sequence.)

Dorothy: (singing) Hey there

It's time for singing, dinosaur dancing

And fairy fun

Let's fly, we'll travel so far

As high as the stars

High as the sun

I'm Dorothy the Dinosaur

We'll fly to some exciting shore

London to Japan

The flight will be just grand

Then home to have some rosy tea

Sweet rosy tea

Henry and Wags are dancing

The Captain's prancing

So join the fun

There's Clare, and Fairy Larissa

We just can't miss her

So come along

I'm Dorothy the Dinosaur

Let's stroll right down Rosy Lane

For flowers right to bloom

Smell their sweet perfume

Then home to have some rosy tea

Sweet rosy tea

(giggles) Heeeee

(A floating clouds transition to the video title card appears on the screen. Then, a floating clouds transition to John the Cook played by Nat Jobe pushing a cart with a cake for Dorothy & introduced himself.)

John the Cook: (He whistles.) Fairy castle. Fairy Ca… (to viewers.) Oh! Oh! Hello, everyone. Let me hear you say, "Hello". Oooh, lovely! But I'm sure you can do it louder than that. Whoa! (He falls down & laughs.) There's no need to shout. Well, now that I have heard all of your beautiful voices, let's all sing a song about a spider who climbs up the water spout. Do you know what its name is? Yes, of course! "Incy Wincy Spider". Let's all sing the song together. And you can follow me for the actions.

(Song: Incy Wincy Spider.)

John the Cook: (singing) Incy wincy spider climbed up the water spout

Down came the rain and washed the spider out

(He falls down.)

Out came the sun and dried up all the rain

So incy wincy spider climbed up the spout again.

John the Cook: (singing) Incy wincy spider climbed up the water spout

Down came the rain and washed the spider out

(He falls down.)

Out came the sun and dried up all the rain

So incy wincy spider climbed up the spout again.

(He pushes a cart & falls down.) Whoa! Silly me! Oh, such beautiful singing. Give yourselves a big clap. (He's clapping with his hands.) Oh, look, look, look, look, look! (He is showing a special cake to the audience.) Look! What do I have in my hands? Yes, it is a cake. It looks lovely. (He sniffs.) Mmm, and it smells beautiful. Would you like to taste it? Oh, I'm sure you would. Well, I'm sorry, but this cake was made by me, John the Cook. And I made this cake for a very special friend of mine. She is a dinosaur. And she's green with yellow spots. And she loves to eat roses. Do you know what her name is? Uh, sorry, what is it? Oh, yes! Of course. David the Dinosaur. Oh, oh! Not David. Oh, silly me. Please, what was the lovely dinosaur's name? Oh, yes! Of course. Derek the Dinosaur. Oh. Oh. Not Derek, either. Oh, I seem to have completely forgotten the lovely dinosaur's name. Will you help me one more time? What is her name? Oh, yes. Of course! Dorothy the Dinosaur. This cake is for Dorothy the Dinosaur. Well, now that we know who the lovely cake is for, we just need to work out where Dorothy is. Hmm. Let's see. (He puts a cake down.) The address I was given said "Fairy Castle, Wiggle Bay." But I can't see a fairy castle anywhere. Can you? Oh, you can. Where is it? Oh, over this way. Uh-huh. Fairy castle! No, I can't see it over there. Sorry, where is the fairy castle? Oh, over this way. Oh, silly me. Fairy castle! No, I can't see it there, either. Sorry, please one more time. Where did you say the fairy castle is? Behind me? Oh, no, it's not, you trickers… (He turns around & looked at the fairy castle.) Whoa! (He turns around back to the audience.) Oh, a fairy castle! Oh, maybe the fairies inside will be able to help us find Dorothy the Dinosaur. Will you help me call out to them? On the count to three, let's all say, "Fairies, come out." Are you ready? Here we go. 1, 2, 3… Fairies, come out!

(More Coming Soon)
