This is the transcript for Dorothy the Dinosaur Meets Santa Claus.
(The video starts with The Wiggles Logo is shown, while sleigh bells jingle & jangle in the distance. Then, it translates to the Song: When Santa Meets Dorothy The Dinosaur. A scene where Dorothy introduced herself at Christmas time.)
Washington the Elf: (singing) Come on along
Come on along with me
For our Merry Christmas story
Hear the reindeer
Outside your door
When Santa
(Santa: Ho, ho, ho!)
Washington the Elf: (singing) Meets Dorothy the Dinosaur...
(Dorothy: That's me!)
Washington the Elf: (singing, while Harry & Harvey are singing in backing vocals.) Come on along
Come on along and hear
(Harry & Harvey: Ho, ho, come on and hear!)
Washington the Elf: (singing) Christmas bells in all their glory
And what's more
There's more galore
When Santa
(Santa: Ho, ho, ho!)
Washington the Elf: (singing) Meets Dorothy the Dinosaur...
(It translates to Captain Feathersword introduced to these popular characters.)
Captain Feathersword: Ahoy there, me hearties! Welcome to our story, "Dorothy the Dinosaur Meets Santa Claus"! Starring the one and only Dorothy the Dinosaur...
Dorothy: (She giggles.)
Captain Feathersword: (offscreen.) ..and Santa Claus!
Santa: Ho-ho-ho!
Captain Feathersword: ..myself, Captain Feathersword, and introducing, my 10 nephews and nieces.
Captain Feathersword's Nephews & Nieces: Ahoy there, me hearties!
Captain Feathersword: (offscreen.) With Dorothy's great friends, the fairies, Henry the Octopus...
Henry: Hello, everyone!
Captain Feathersword: (offscreen.) ..Wags the Dog...
Wags: Ruff!
Captain Feathersword: (offscreen.) ..and introducing Santa's helpers, Harry...
Harry: Merry Christmas!
Captain Feathersword: (offscreen.) ..Harvey...
Harvey: Merry Christmas!
Captain Feathersword: (offscreen.) ..and Santa's chief elf, Washington, who has the most beautiful singing voice.
Washington the Elf: (singing) Hey Santa
(Harry & Harvey: (singing) hey Santa)
Washington the Elf: (singing) Hey Dorothy
(Harry & Harvey: (singing) hey Dorothy...)
(Dorothy: Hello, Santa!)
Washington the Elf: (singing) Hey Santa
(Harry & Harvey: (singing) hey Santa...)
(Santa: Hey, hey!)
Washington the Elf: (singing) Hey Dorothy
(Dorothy: Hello, everybody!)
Washington the Elf: (singing, while Harry & Harvey are singing in backing vocals.) Come on along
Come along and see
A merry Christmas story
Here those reindeer
Outside your door
When Santa
(Santa: Ho, ho, ho!)
Washington the Elf: (singing) Meets Dorothy the Dinosaur
(Dorothy: That's me!)
Washington the Elf: (singing) When Santa
(Santa: Ho, ho, ho!)
Washington the Elf: (singing) Meets Dorothy the Dinosaur
Dorothy: (She giggles.)
(The video title apears on the screen, until rose petals were falling into the sky. While, it translates to Captain Feathersword on his pirate ship with 10 nephews & nieces.)
Captain Feathersword: Ahoy there, me hearties! Welcome aboard. Well, it's Christmas day, and we're gonna have a great party for Santa and Dorothy the Dinosaur. (He laughs.) It's gonna be so much fun! We'll open all our presents when they come, won't we?
Captain Feathersword's Nephews & Nieces: (They're cheering 'cause they're gonna open presents.)
Captain Feathersword: Oh, I'm looking after my nephews and nieces so their moms and dads can have a rest and a nice cup of coffee. Hello there!
Captain's Pirate Children's Parents: Hello! You're doing a great job.
Polly the Pirate Niece: (She's tapping Captain offscreen.) Captain Feathersword!
Captain Feathersword: (He laughs.) This is my youngest niece, Polly.
Polly the Pirate Niece: What's it like to be a pirate?
Captain Feathersword: A pirate? Well, a pirate's life is, well...
(It translates to the Song: Tell Us A Story, Captain Feathersword. A scene where Captain's nephews & nieces are gonna tell a Christmas story for him.)
Captain Feathersword's Nephews & Nieces: (singing) Tell us a story
Tell us a story, Captain Feathersword
(Captain Feathersword: whoa, that's me.)
Captain Feathersword's Nephews & Nieces: (singing) No one tells a story like the Captain tells a story
He's Captain Feathersword
(Captain Feathersword: whoa-ho!)
Nephew: (singing) Captain of the high seas
Niece: (singing) Captain of the far east
Parent: (singing) Captain with the family
(Captain Feathersword: Whoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo!)
Captain Feathersword's Nephews & Nieces: (singing) Whoo, hoo, hoo, hoo
The tales of Captain Feathersword
(Captain Feathersword: Oh, yeah!)
Parent: (singing) The tales of Captain Feathersword
Captain Feathersword: (singing) I'll tell you a story, yes, I'll tell a story
Captain Feathersword's Nephews & Nieces: (singing) Captain Feathersword
Captain Feathersword: (singing) I can tell the story 'cause I was in the story
Captain Feathersword's Nephews & Nieces: (singing) Captain Feathersword
Captain Feathersword: (singing) I was in the wild rain, I was in a hurricane
I was in a big parade
Captain Feathersword's Nephews & Nieces: (singing) Whoo, hoo, hoo, hoo
The tales of Captain Feathersword
(Captain Feathersword: Whoa, ho!)
Parent: (singing) The tales of Captain Feathersword
Captain Feathersword's Nephews & Nieces: (singing) Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
Captain Feathersword: (singing) Captain Feathersword
Captain Feathersword's Nephews & Nieces: (singing) Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
Captain Feathersword: (singing) Captain Feathersword
I was in a typhoon, whoo, what a typhoon
Me and my pirate crew...
I'm love my pirate crew. They're amazing. Oh, I couldn't ask for a better crew.
Captain Feathersword's Nephews & Nieces: (singing) Whoo, hoo, hoo, hoo
The tales of Captain Feather
The tales of Captain Feather
The tales of Captain Feathersword...
Captain Feathersword: (singing) There's typhoons, there's hurricanes, there's wind blowing everywhere. There's too many tales to tell! Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!
Captain Feathersword's Nephews & Nieces: (singing) The tales of Captain Feathersword
Captain Feathersword: Gurgh!
Polly the Pirate Niece: Uncle, I found a picture of you, Santa and Dorothy the Dinosaur. It's a very unusual picture.
Captain Feathersword's Nephews & Nieces: Unusual? What's unusual?
Polly the Pirate Niece: Uncle, you know Santa?
Captain Feathersword: Oh-ho, yes, I do, Polly.
Polly the Pirate Niece: Well, what's he like?
Captain Feathersword: Santa? Well, um... he lives in the North Pole. And he loves giving presents. You know, Polly, I'd have to say, all in all, Santa is a wonderful man and a lot of fun.
(It fades to the nighttime sky, where Santa is in a sleigh ride, while it comes up with the Song: Riding On Santa's Sleigh.)
Santa: (singing) Come on along, Donner and come along, Blitzen
Harry, Washington & Harvey: (singing) Riding on Santa's sleigh through the night
Santa: (singing) I really love Christmas and giving out gifts then
Harry, Washington & Harvey: (singing) Riding on Santa's sleigh through the night
Santa: (singing) Come on
(Harry, Washington & Harvey: (singing) Doo-doo-doo)
Santa: (singing) Come on
(Harry, Washington & Harvey: (singing) Doo-doo-doo)
Santa: (singing) Let's
(with Harry, Washington & Harvey singing.) ride, ride, ride
Santa: (singing) My reindeer really knows how to ride
Harry, Washington & Harvey: (singing) Riding on Santa's sleigh through the night...
(Santa: Ho, ho!)
Harry, Washington & Harvey: (singing) Do-do-do-d-o-o-o-o-o
(Santa: Come on Blitzen!)
Washington the Elf: (singing) Everything's right when I'm taking a sleigh ride
(with Harry & Harvey singing.) Riding on Santa's sleigh through the night
Washington the Elf: (singing) Working on the sleigh ride is more like a play ride
(with Harry & Harvey singing.) Riding on Santa's sleigh through the night
Santa: Come on Dancer, come on Prancer
(with Harry, Washington & Harvey singing.) ride, ride, ride
Santa: (singing) Oh, my reindeer really know how to fly
Harry, Washington & Harvey: (singing) Riding on Santa's sleigh through the night
(Santa: Ho, ho, ho!)
Harry, Washington & Harvey: (singing) Do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do
Santa: (singing) Come on along, Donner and come along Blitzen
Harry, Washington & Harvey: (singing) Riding on Santa's sleigh through the night
Santa: (singing) I really love Christmas and giving out gifts then
Harry, Washington & Harvey: (singing) Riding on Santa's sleigh through the night
Santa: (singing) Oh my reindeer
(Harry, Washington & Harvey: (singing) d-o-o-o-o-do, do)
Santa: (singing) Oh my reindeer
(Harry, Washington & Harvey: (singing) d-o-o-o-o-do, do)
Santa: (singing) They can
(with Harry, Washington & Harvey singing.) ride, ride, ride
Santa: (singing) My Santa's sleigh lights up the sky
Harry, Washington & Harvey: (singing) Riding on Santa's sleigh through the night
Riding on Santa's sleigh through the night
Ride, ride, ride...
(Santa: Oh, my sleigh ride!)
Harry, Washington & Harvey: (singing) Ride, ride, ride...
(Santa: Santa's sleigh ride!)
Harry, Washington & Harvey: (singing) Ride, ride, ride...
(Santa: One more sleigh ride tonight! Ho, ho, ho, ho!)
Harry, Washington & Harvey: (singing) Ride, ride, ride...
(Santa: Merry Christmas!)
Harry, Washington & Harvey: (singing) Ride, ride, ride...
(Santa: Ho, ho, ho!)
Harry, Washington & Harvey: (singing) Ride, ride, ride
Ride, ride, ride
Ride, ride, ride
Ride, ride, ride
(It fades out. Until, the sparkles transition to the story called: Dorothy Through History. A scene where Captain tells Dorothy about going through timeline for a long time for different places.)
Captain Feathersword: That's what Santa's like.
Polly the Pirate Niece: And Santa's good friends with Dorothy the Dinosaur.
Captain Feathersword: Oh-ho, wonderful friends. But this is an unusual picture of her too.
Captain Feathersword's Nephews & Nieces: Unusual?
Polly the Pirate Niece: What's Dorothy like?
Captain Feathersword: Well, Dorothy the Dinosaur, um... Oh, she eats rose petals. Oh, she drinks rosy tea. And she loves dancing! Did you know she's 5 million years old? Oh-ho! Yes, indeed! Oh, she's seen some wonderful things.
(It translates to Dorothy skipping through the history timeline to go some places all around the world to visit. First, they would have to go to the prehistoric times.)
Captain Feathersword: (He narrates offscreen.) In 5 million years, she's seen one or two interesting things. Now, let me think what she's told me. Um... Oh, yes, she was with her friends, the fairies, one day. Let's see, Dorothy was there when they first turned the wheel.
Cavemen: Ouch! (He stubbed his toe.)
Dorothy: Oh, dear! Let's try again.
(It translates to Dorothy skipping through the history timeline again. Second, they would have to go to the stone worker.)
Captain Feathersword: (He narrates offscreen.) They were there the day they first poured steel.
(Ancient worker is pouring lava into steel with the shape of a wine. But then, "KABOOM!" The stone went all broke.)
Dorothy: That was unfortunate. Perhaps if we use a different kind of clay, do you think?
(It translates to Dorothy skipping through the history timeline again. Third, they would have to go to the restaurant to go get some food to eat.)
Captain Feathersword: (He narrates offscreen.) And they were waiting in line for the first drive-in takeaway meal.
Drive-In Waitress: I'm sorry, but we don't have rose petals on the menu.
Dorothy: Oh! Rosy tea?
Drive-In Waitress: Oh, no, we don't have any of that, either. Just hamburgers.
Dorothy: Well, I'll come back tomorrow.
(It translates to Dorothy skipping through the history timeline again. Fourth, they would have to go outside & waltz dancing with the fairies, while the Vienna musicians playing music to the Song: Waltz With Me (Count One, Two, Three).)
Dorothy: But, I'll tell you, there was something created without faults one day in Vienna, when they first played the waltz.
(singing) Waltz with me, waltz with me.
Count 1-2-3 and waltz with me, Dorothy.
Waltz with me, so waltzingly
Count 1-2-3 and waltz with me, Dorothy
Count 1-2-3 and waltz with me Dorothy.
(It translates to Dorothy skipping through the history timeline again. Fifth, they would have to go to the S.S Great Western.)
Dorothy: We saw the first ocean liner enter the sea.
Isambard Brunel: I name this ship the S.S "Great Western" (He's holding a rosy water.) Ahem.
Dorothy: Let's try again.
(The fairy is holding a rosy water. But then, it broke when the water came out, until the confetti exploded when the S.S Great Western sailed away to sea. While, it translates to Dorothy skipping through the history timeline again. Sixth, they would have to go to the Thomas Edison's develop electricity.)
Dorothy: We helped Thomas Edison develop electricity.
(Thomas Edison pulls a level, when the light bulb turns on, but it turned off by electrocuted.)
Thomas Edison: Dorothy, perhaps if I used a stronger filament.
Dorothy: Good idea, Mr Edison.
(It translates to Dorothy skipping through the history timeline again. Seventh, they've had to watch television. But then, a BBC television announcer come on.)
Dorothy: And we sat up to watch the first night of TV.
BBC Television Announcer: Hello, Radio Olympia. This is BBC Television coming to you direct from Alexandra Palace. (The TV was making their static noises, until it shuts off.)
Dorothy: They'll get this right one day.
(It translates to Dorothy skipping through the history timeline again. And Finally, they would have to go outside & waltz dancing with the fairies, while the Vienna musicians playing music to the Song: Waltz With Me.)
Dorothy: But the only thing I saw created without faults was that day in Vienna when they first played the waltz.
(singing) Waltz with me, waltz with me.
Count 1-2-3 and waltz with me, Dorothy.
Waltz with me, so waltzingly
Count 1-2-3 and waltz with me, Dorothy.
(Instrumental break to the fairies & Dorothy could dance to the waltz together.)
Dorothy: That's me.
(singing) Waltz with me, Dorothy
Count 1-2-3 and waltz with me, Dorothy
Count 1-2-3 and waltz with me Dorothy.
(It translates back to Captain & Polly to show their picture of Santa, Captain, Washington & Dorothy.)
Captain Feathersword: That's Dorothy.
Polly the Pirate Niece: But this photo of you, Santa and Dorothy all together, you just don't look... Well, it's very unusual. (She's holding up a picture.)
Captain Feathersword: Oh, yes. Uh, last Christmas.
Captain Feathersword's Nephews & Nieces: Tell us about it, Uncle. Tell us.
Captain Feathersword: Ha, last Christmas, me hearties, Santa, Dorothy and myself... (He laughs.) ..well, that's quite a story, me hearties. Oh-ho-ho, an unusual story. Now, how did it begin?
(It translates to Captain & Dorothy are been visiting to the North Pole.)
Captain Feathersword: Oh, yes, Santa invited Dorothy and me to see his toy factory at the North Pole. I'd been there many times before and knew exactly where to go.
Dorothy: Are you sure we're going in the right direction?
Captain Feathersword: Oh-ho! Just down here, and over here, Dorothy.
Dorothy: We've been walking for a very long time.
Captain Feathersword: (offscreen.) I can see it, Dorothy. Not far now.
Dorothy: (She saw something very strange.) What's this?
Captain Feathersword: (offscreen.) What's what?
Dorothy: Oh, it says, "Knock", Captain Feathersword.
Captain Feathersword: Oh! Huh! We're here, Dorothy. Ooh, let me do it. I'll knock, Dorothy. You have to do it a special way. Santa told me. Uh, here we go. (He knocks the door, but he didn't answer.) Or was it the other way around? Oh-ho, yes, of course! (He laughs, before he is gonna knock the door again. But, still no answer.) Oh! There must be another door. Oh, down here, Dorothy. (He is pointing down, while Washington the Elf opens the door.)
Washington the Elf: Good evening.
Captain Feathersword: Glad to be here! This is my good friend Dorothy the Dinosaur. And Dorothy, this is Washington, Santa's chief elf.
Dorothy: Hello! Nice to meet you.
Washington the Elf: Very nice to meet you too, Dorothy. (He is gonna show something.)
(It translates to Santa's Workshop hallway where Washington the Elf was very worried.)
Washington the Elf: Oh, dear!
Dorothy: Is there anything wrong?
Washington the Elf: Just a lot of work to do, and Santa's always so busy, Dorothy. Anyway, I know he'll be glad to see you. Please hop on board.
(It translates to Captain, Dorothy & Washington are in the forklift truck to look through the toys & wrapped the presents.)
Captain Feathersword: Hoo-hoo! Isn't it great, Dorothy? These are all the presents. There's miles and miles and miles of them all ready for Santa to deliver on Christmas Eve.
Washington the Elf: Hi, Harry.
Harry: Hi, Washington! Oh, I've got another container of cricket bats.
Washington the Elf: Row C, just below the baseballs bats and next to the candy canes. Hello there, Harvey.
Harvey: Washington, where do the tea sets go?
Washington the Elf: Next to the harmonicas. Row J. Third shelf from the top.
Harry: I've got a fresh load of compasses.
Washington the Elf: Row T. Bottom shelf, next to the banjos.
(It translates to the Song: Toys! Toys! Toys! A scene where Dorothy, Washington & Captain are getting some toys at the toy store, while riding on the forklift truck.)
Dorothy, Captain & Washington the Elf: (singing) Toys, toys, toys
Toys, toys, toys
Toys, toys, toys, nothing but toys!
Harry: (singing) I see a red car
Captain Feathersword: (singing) I see a model plane
Dorothy: (singing) I see a teddy bear
Harvey: (singing) I see a scooter
Dorothy, Captain & Washington the Elf: (singing) Toys, toys, toys
Toys, toys, toys
Toys, toys, toys, nothing but toys
Washington the Elf: (singing) Have you ever seen a place with so many toys?
Harvey & Harry: (singing) Do-do, do-do, do-do, do-do
Washington the Elf: (singing) Have you ever seen a place with so many toys?
Harvey & Harry: (singing) Do-do, do-do, do-do, do-do
Captain Feathersword: (singing) I see a pirate hat, whoa-ho!
Harry: (singing) I see a kangaroo
Dorothy: (singing) A ballerina
Harvey: (singing) I see another scooter
Dorothy, Captain & Washington the Elf: (singing) Toys, toys, toys
Toys, toys, toys
Toys, toys, toys, nothing but toys
(with Harry & Harvey singing.) Santa's helpers really know how to shift these toys
Harvey & Harry: (singing) Do-do, do-do, do-do, do-do
(with Dorothy, Captain & Washington the Elf singing.) Santa's helpers really know how to shift these toys
Harvey & Harry: (singing) Do-do, do-do, do-do, do-do
Harry: (singing) These are for America
Washington the Elf: (singing) These are for Italy
Harvey & Dorothy: (singing) These are for Australia
(with Harry singing.) These are for you
And these are for you
(with Dorothy, Captain & Washington the Elf singing.) Toys, toys, toys
Toys, toys, toys
Toys, toys, toys, nothing but toys, toys, toys
Nothing but toys, toys, toys
Nothing but toys
Dorothy: (She giggles.)
(Sparkles transition to Washing the Elf is still in the forklift truck.)
Washington the Elf: You know, there's so much work for Santa every year. I think it's just too much. This year it'll be different. I've got together with the other elves and we've organized something that'll make Santa's life a whole lot easier.
(It translates to Santa is looking at the paper. Until, the forklift truck arrived, when Santa is very excited to see their friends.)
Santa: Welcome, Captain Feathersword! Merry Christmas!
Captain Feathersword: Merry Christmas, Santa! Ho, ho! Oh, meet my good friend Dorothy the Dinosaur.
Dorothy: Hello, Santa. I've heard so much about you over the years.
Santa: Merry Christmas to you, Dorothy.
Washington the Elf: Ahem! Thank you.
Santa: Mmm? What is it, my friend?
Washington the Elf: Everyone, I have an announcement. Well, Santa, for so many years, you've worked so hard giving presents. But it's time you let us give you a present.
Santa: There isn't anything I could possibly want!
Washington the Elf: Ah, I think we've found something that you'd enjoy very much. And it's in this package.
Santa: (The forklift carries the present down & leaves.) What do you think it is, Dorothy?
Dorothy: It's a very unusual shape.
Captain Feathersword: Hoo-hoo! Could it be one of those wonderful jet skis where you ride over the water and the waves and go very fast, sometimes splashing people? Ho-ho, that would be a great present for Santa!
Washington the Elf: It's not that.
Captain Feathersword: I know. Oh, I know! It's a motorized go-kart with mag wheels and GT stripes down the side that goes really fast and has a silver horn that goes... (He beeps squeak with a melody.) Oh, Santa would really like that!
Washington the Elf: Wrong again.
Captain Feathersword: Well... what is it?
Santa: There's a card. (He picks up a card & it reads a letter.) "Dear Santa, with all our love and affection, Washington, Harry and Harvey." Thank you very much! (He unwraps a big present.)
Dorothy: It looks like... Could it be...
Captain & Santa: A chair!
Washington the Elf: It's so you can put your feet up and relax for once. Please, sit just there. (He asked Santa to sit on his chair. But then, he pulls a lever.)
Santa: Whoa! (He leans back of the chair.) Well, I better get up. There's so much work to do.
Washington the Elf: But, Santa, you say that every year. No, please, stay there! This time I have something that'll make you job so much easier and you'll be able to completely relax.
Santa: Something else?
Washington the Elf: (Harvey is pulling down a forklift to show his new invention.) Santa, it's a brand-new system. Computerized! And it's so simple. Let's see. I need two letters to use as an example. (He picks up a letter from Santa's bag.) Alright, who's this letter from? Wags the Dog.
Captain Feathersword: Oh-ho, I know Wags! A wonderful dog! Loves a party, loves to dance. Always up for a practical joke. Ho-ho, that my Wags!
Washington the Elf: Alright. Now, Wags has written down his request for a present here.
(It translates to Wags' House, while Wags is writing a letter to Santa.)
Wags: Ruff! "Dear Santa, it would be awesome if I could get for Christmas a CD of dancing music. Thanks so much, Santa." Ruff! (He puts a doggy print on Santa's letter.)
(It translates to Washing the Elf is gonna pick up another letter from Santa's bag.)
Washington the Elf: Alright. I'll need one more letter for the test. It's from Henry the Octopus.
Dorothy: I know Henry! He's always so neatly dressed in lovely plaid outfits.
Captain Feathersword: What's plaid?
Dorothy: Oh, striped material in a special pattern. A lot of people call it "tartan".
Santa: (He leans forward of the chair.) Oh, yes! Henry loves tartan. What's he have to say?
(It translates to Henry's Place, where Henry is writing a letter to Santa.)
Henry: "Dear Santa, I hope you're well. If it isn't too much trouble, Santa, I would like a new tartan outfit for Christmas. I know I ask for the same thing every year, Santa, but you can't have enough tartan! Thank you, Santa. You help make Christmas Day the happiest day of the year. Yours sincerely, Henry the Octopus". Gurgh!
(It translates to Washing the Elf is holding 2 letters for the others, while scanning it to the computer.)
Washington the Elf: Now, Santa, what I do with these letters, they're scanned. (He scanning two letter, while the computer beeps.) The information is sent to the warehouse. The elves get the present and send it to children all around the world by courier.
Santa: By courier?
Washington the Elf: Yes, it's so much easier that way!
Santa: I won't be able to deliver the presents myself, with my reindeer?
Washington the Elf: Not if you want to relax.
(It translates to the Song: Go, Go, Go (When We Push Go). A scene where Washington the Elf is gonna push the button to turn the computer on.)
Washington the Elf: (singing) Ready
(Harvey & Harry: (singing) we're ready)
Washington the Elf: (singing) Set
(Harvey & Harry: (singing) we're set)
Washington the Elf: (singing) And go
(with Harvey & Harry singing.) Go, go, go, go
Go, go, go, go, go, go, go
Go, go, go
Washington the Elf: (singing) When we push go
Scan a letter, digitize
Computer says when or where
(Santa: Wow, that's fancy!)
Washington the Elf: (singing) This is better, Santa, try
To see this brand new idea
(Santa': I'll try!)
Harvey: (singing) Well, it's a new system, don't you know?
Scan a letter and away we go
(with Harry & Washington singing.) Go, go, go, go
Go, go, go, go, go, go, go
Go, go, go
Washington the Elf: (singing) When we push go
Watch here, Santa. The computer's directing the forklifts. (He gasps.) They've found the presents for Wags and Henry! Now the courier's standing by outside. And in a few hours, Henry the Octopus and Wags the Dog will have their presents. But that's just the dress rehearsal. We're now going to scan all the millions of letters you've received this year and deliver them the same way on Christmas Eve. Now, you stay there, Santa, and relax with Dorothy and Captain Feathersword. You don't have to do a thing!
(singing) Automated Christmases
Washington the Elf: (singing) Computer says when or where
(Santa: Oh, dear!)
Washington the Elf: (singing) This is better, Santa, try
To see this brand new idea
Harvey: (singing) You don't even have to say ho, ho
(Santa: No ho, ho?)
Harvey: (singing) Press a button and away we go
(with Harry & Washington singing.) Go, go, go, go
Go, go, go, go, go, go, go
Go, go, go
Washington the Elf: (singing) When we push go
(with Harry & Harvey singing.) Go, go, go, go
Go, go, go, go, go, go, go
Go, go, go
Washington the Elf: (singing) When we push go
Santa: Ho-ho-ho, it's very good, isn't it? All we have to do is... What is it we have to do now? Oh, yes! Relax. Yes. Well, I'm relaxed. (He leans back of the chair.) I'm very relaxed. I'm so relaxed I'm stressed! (He leans forward of the chair.) No, no. No, I'm relaxed. (He leans back of the chair again.) Ho-ho-ho-ho! That should make me happy! (He sighs, until he leans forward of the chair again.) It's hard, Dorothy. I've always delivered presents. It never felt like work. Perhaps, Dorothy I would like a cup of rosy tea. Perhaps that will help me... What's that word again?
Dorothy & Captain Feathersword: (offscreen.) Relax!
Santa: (He leans back of the chair again.) Oh, yes. Relax.
Dorothy : (She's holding a cup of rosy tea.) Santa, let me pour you some rosy tea. That always makes me relaxed.
Santa: (He leans back of the chair & smells that lovely rosy tea.) The smell is lovely. (He leans forward of the chair again.)
Dorothy : The petals are beautiful to look at too. (She is giving rosy tea to Santa.) Oh, do you know my good friends, the fairies?
Santa: Merry Christmas!
Fairy #1: Merry Christmas, Santa!
Dorothy : (She's holding rose petals in her gloves.) Do you mind if I throw some in the air? (She giggles.) That always cheers me up, watching the beautiful colours.
Santa: Good idea!
(Song: How I Love Rosy Petals. A scene where Dorothy is throwing rose petals into the air, because she loves it.)
Dorothy : (singing) How I love rosy petals
Rosy petals make rosy tea
How I love rosy petals
Rosy tea for Dorothy
I love Christmas
And dancing, music
But don't forget
How I love rosy petals
Rosy petals make rosy tea
How I love rosy petals
Rosy tea for Dorothy
Rosy tea for Dorothy
Santa: (singing) How I love rosy petals
Rosy petals make rosy tea
(with Dorothy singing.) How I love rosy petals
Rosy tea for Dorothy
I love Christmas
And dancing, music
Dorothy: (singing) But don't forget
How I love rosy petals
(with Santa singing.) Rosy petals make rosy tea
Dorothy: (singing) How I love rosy petals
Rosy tea for Dorothy
Santa: (singing) Rosy tea for Dorothy
(with Dorothy singing.) Rosy tea for Dorothy
Dorothy: Do you feel more relaxed, Santa?
Santa: Yes! Thank you, Dorothy.
Captain Feathersword: Hoo-hoo! But I'm the most relaxed! No-one could be more relaxed than me, Santa, Dorothy! I'm the most relaxed I've ever been. Oh, have you ever seen anyone so relaxed? Whoa-ho!
(It translates to the Song: I Love Rosy Petals (Rock 'n' Roll). A scene where Captain Feathersword really likes to sing faster instead of slow, when he gives a cup of rosy petals to put in for our rosy tea.)
Captain Feathersword: (singing) How I love rosy petals
Rosy petals make rosy tea
I love rosy petals
Rosy petals for Dorothy
Oh, do you feel more relaxed now, Santa? It's so good to be relaxed! Oh, rosy tea makes feel so relaxed! I've never been this relaxed! Ahh! (He does some cartwheels.)
(singing) I love rosy petals
Rosy petals make rosy tea
Santa: (He moans, while covering his ears.)
Captain Feathersword: Gurgh!
(It translates to Wags' House, that he sleeps in his bed.)
Captain Feathersword: (He narrates offscreen.) Well, me hearties, it was about this time in another part of the world that a very unusual thing happened.
(Wags snores.)
Captain Feathersword: (He narrates offscreen.) Wags the Dog was lying in bed when he heard something very loud.
(He heard his aircraft makes a loud roaring sound, until it landed here to the ground.)
Captain Feathersword: (He narrates offscreen.) Why would a plane be landing so close to his house? And then, Wags heard something else!
(He heard his doorbell ring. But the, his aircraft makes a loud roaring sound.)
Wags: Ruff! Rrr! (He opens the door, where he saw something. He picks up a present & read his letter.)
Captain Feathersword: (He narrates offscreen.) Inside the package was a card. It was from Santa. And this was Wags' Christmas present coming a little early.
Wags: (He pants excitedly that he got his present.)
Captain Feathersword: (He narrates offscreen.) Well, me hearties, Wags was really happy. He was so looking forward to the disco CD he'd asked for. Actually, he couldn't wait for Christmas to open the present. Hoo-hoo, who could?! All those party songs, oh, he just had to hear them. (Wags is open his present.) Oh, it was gonna be so good.
Wags: (He puts the CD into his player, when the slow music came up to the Song: It's Christmas.) Not really something I can dance to. Perhaps there's another track.
Captain Feathersword: (He narrates offscreen.) You see, the wrong CD was in the box. Somehow, someone had made a mistake.
Wags: Awesome.
(It translates to Henry's Place, that he sleeps in his bed.)
Captain Feathersword: (He narrates offscreen.) And then, a long way away at the bottom of the ocean another very unusual thing happened.
(He heard his fast whooshing sound , until it landed crashed here to the ground. But then, a doorbell rings.)
Henry: Who could that be so late at night? My goodness. Whatever could it be? "From Santa" (He picks up a present.)
Captain Feathersword: (He narrates offscreen.) Henry also had been delivered his Christmas present a little early and, like Wags, he was really excited.
Henry: (He is looking at his present.) Should I open it now? Oh, no, I'd better wait for Christmas Day. Perhaps I could have a little sneak peek. Oh, no, I shouldn't wait. Yes, oh, how lovely! There's nothing like a nice tartan suit. (He opens a present to see what's inside.)
Captain Feathersword: (He narrates offscreen.) But it wasn't a tartan suit at all. And worst of all, there was only room for two arms and Henry has eight arms!
Santa: (He heard someone on the phone, as he leans forward to get the phone it was Henry.) Hello-ho-ho-ho! Santa here.
Henry: Oh, Santa, it's Henry. I'm ringing to say sorry.
Santa: Whatever for?
Henry: Well, I didn't wait for Christmas Day and opened your present early.
Santa: That's alright, Henry. We are trying new ways of delivering the presents. Everything alright?
Henry: Oh, yes, Santa. I'm happy for any present you send. Thank you very much.
Santa: It was a tartan suit, wasn't it?
Henry: Well, not exactly.
Santa: That's what you asked for.
Henry: Yes, but, well, uh... ..it has safety pins.
Santa: Safety pins on a tartan suit?
Henry: It's not tartan. And it's torn.
Santa: Torn?!
Henry: And there's only room for two arms.
Santa: Surely not!
Henry: But thank you all the same, Santa.
Santa: No, I'm sure we would have sent an eight-arm suit. Oh, let me check. We sent Henry a tartan suit with holes for eight arms?
Washington the Elf: Oh, yes. I'll check his letter. (He is looking at a letter.) Yep, that's what Henry requested.
Santa: But he's got something quite different.
Washington the Elf: He couldn't have.
(Santa is giving Washington a phone & called Henry.)
Henry: Hello!
Washington the Elf: Hello.
Henry: There's only room for two arms.
Washington the Elf: There... there must be some mistake.
Henry: It's certainly not tartan.
Washington the Elf: Are you sure, Henry?
Henry: I'm very sure.
Washington the Elf: Oh, dear. (He is typing to look at his list on the computer. But, it didn't respond.) Something's wrong. The computer's now working. Oh, see? Nothing happens.
Captain Feathersword: Oh-ho, let me help. I know all about computers. What if I push this? (He tries to press the button. But, still no respond.)
Washington the Elf: Still frozen.
Captain Feathersword: Oh. Ooh, there's a button I haven't seen before. Here we go, me hearties. It'll be all right. (He is gonna fix the computer. But then, the computer was going all wacky as it trills and beeps.)
Washington the Elf: Oh, dear. Oh, dear.
Captain Feathersword: Oh-ho, now, this looks like a button that wants to be pushed. Here we go, me hearties. (He is gonna fix the computer by turning off. But then, the computer was still going all wacky as it trills and beeps & whirring sounds. Until, KABOOM! The computer broke & it was all covered in soot all over him, Washington Santa & Dorothy.) Oh-ho, I'm very sorry. I thought it was the right button. I didn't think it would do this.
Washington the Elf: It's not your fault, Captain Feathersword. There was something wrong with the system. (They're all took their soot off.) Wags should have been sent a dance CD and Henry should have received a tartan suit. It just didn't work. Oh, Santa, I'm so sorry. I wanted to help you and now Christmas is only a little way away. Oh, dear. I try and it's just no good.
Santa: You mustn't worry, Washington. If we all work together, we'll get all the presents out as usual.
Dorothy: I'll help!
Captain Feathersword: I'll help too!
Washington the Elf: I'd like to help, but everything I do just turns out... (He looked at the computer, but it's all broken.) Oh, dear!
Dorothy: You mustn't give up. All inventions take time to get right. The fairies and I were there when they built the first computer. I can tell you all the problems they had with that. Years it took to get right.
Washington the Elf: Years?
Dorothy: Working night and day. So you must keep on trying. It will be good for Santa to have the letters sorted out. That's a thing computers can do really well. But I think you should let him deliver the presents himself. He loves that and so do all the children.
Washington the Elf: But how are we going to get everything delivered this year? There's just so little time. Oh, dear! I wish I could just go to bed and pull over the covers.
Captain Feathersword: Oh-ho, we can't go to bed and pull over the covers. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! Oh, there's so much to do, Washington! You can't give up now. The glass is half full. Life is sweet. The sun is out. (He is using his high voice.) Birds are singing... Tomorrow's a brand-new day! Ooh!
Washington the Elf: (He chuckles.) He can always make me laugh.
Captain Feathersword: That's the spirit, Washington. You know things will always work out for the best in the end. Maybe we should just have Christmas the way it's always been!
(It fades to the Song: Christmas Like It's Always Been. A scene where Washington the Elf is used to be sad. But now, he's happy about to be having the best Christmas ever.)
Harry & Harvey: (singing in vocalizing.)
Washington the Elf: (singing) Sleigh bells, reindeers, little babies
Eyes like stars aglow
That's the Christmas that we need
Christmas like it's always been
Harry & Harvey: (singing in vocalizing.)
Washington the Elf: (singing) Pine trees, presents, wrapping mess
Ribbons under a tree
That's the Christmas that we need
Christmas like it's always been
Hang your Christmas stockings Christmas Eve
Maybe Santa'll bring you what you need
Choirs and carols, lights and candles
Jingle jangle's me
That's the Christmas that we need
Christmas like it's always been
Like it's always been
Like it's always been.
(It translates to they're wrapping get to the presents done to deliver the children.)
Captain Feathersword: (He narrates offscreen.) An so we all worked together getting the presents out. We were a little behind to start with. Dorothy and the fairies sorted through the mail. And Harvey and Harry found the right presents and brought them to Santa. And Santa made sure that everything was right and ready to go, checking all the presents.
(It translates to the Song: Riding On Santa's Sleigh (Reprise). A scene where Santa, Captain & Dorothy are on his sleigh to deliver the right presents.)
Captain Feathersword: (He narrates offscreen.) And that night, we delivered all the presents all over the world.
(Santa: Ho, ho, ho, Merry Christmas!)
Harry, Washington & Harvey: (singing) Riding on Santa's sleigh through the night...
Captain Feathersword: (He narrates offscreen.) Everyone was happy Wags received the music he really liked
(Wags: Woof! Okay!)
(Harry, Washington & Harvey: (singing) D-o-o-o, do, do, d-o-o-o-o, do, do)
Captain Feathersword: (He narrates offscreen.) And Henry was completely happy with a brand new tartan suit with eight sleeves.
(Henry: Oh, it's just the perfect present! I know I ask for it every year, but how could do better than tartan? Thank you, Santa!)
(Harry, Washington & Harvey: (singing) Do-do-do-do-o-o
Captain Feathersword: (He narrates offscreen.) And children all over the world received their presents and Santa was really happy too.
(Santa: Ho, ho, ho, Merry Christmas!)
(singing) Come on along, Donner and come along Blitzen
Harry, Washington & Harvey: (singing) Riding on Santa's sleigh through the night
Santa: (singing) I really love Christmas and giving out gifts then
Harry, Washington & Harvey: (singing) Riding on Santa's sleigh through the night
Santa: (singing) Oh my reindeer
(Harry, Washington & Harvey: (singing) d-o-o-o-o-do, do)
Santa: (singing) Oh my reindeer
(Harry, Washington & Harvey: (singing) d-o-o-o-o-do, do)
Santa: (singing) They can
(with Harry, Washington & Harvey singing.) ride, ride, ride
Santa: (singing) My Santa's sleigh lights up the sky
Harry, Washington & Harvey: (singing) Riding on Santa's sleigh through the night
Riding on Santa's sleigh through the night
(Dorothy: Those reindeer really know how to fly!)
Harry, Washington & Harvey: (singing) Ride, ride, ride
(Santa: On my sleigh ride!)
Harry, Washington & Harvey: (singing) Ride, ride, ride
(Santa: Santa's sleigh ride!)
Harry, Washington & Harvey: (singing) Ride, ride, ride
(Santa: One more sleigh ride tonight, ho, ho, ho, ho!)
Harry, Washington & Harvey: (singing) Ride, ride, ride
(Santa: Merry Christmas!)
Harry, Washington & Harvey: (singing) Ride, ride, ride
(Santa: Ho, ho, ho!)
Harry, Washington & Harvey: (singing) Ride, ride, ride
Ride, ride, ride
(Dorothy giggles.)
(Sparkles transition to Captain Feathersword had a great story.)
Captain Feathersword: So, me hearties, that's what happened last Christmas.
Polly the Pirate Niece: Look. There's Santa and Dorothy and the elves, everyone. Mom and Dad, can you see?
Santa: Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!
(It translates to Santa telling everyone about his sleigh.)
Santa: Well, what have I got in my sleigh for you?
Washington the Elf: Here we are, Santa. (He is showing a stack of presents.)
Santa: Lots of presents exactly the same size. How unusual.
Washington the Elf: Oh, dear. You see, Captain Feathersword, this year I developed a new computer program to process all the letters, a simple task, now like last year. The computer just stored the names of the children and matched them to the present. But how could 10 children want exactly the same present? That's never happened before, has it, Dorothy?
Dorothy: I can't say in 5 million years I've seen it. Very unusual.
Washington the Elf: Something must have gone wrong. Oh, dear. Oh, dear. I must have made a mistake. Well, there's a small parcel, that's different, plus nine ones the same size. May I ask, did you write to Santa?
Captain's Nephew: Yes.
Dorothy: And what present were you hoping for?
Captain's Nephew: I would like a skateboard.
Captain's Niece: Really? That's what I asked for.
Captain's Nephew #2: Me too.
Captain's Niece #2: Me too.
Captain's Nephew #3: Me too.
Dorothy: You see? They all asked for the same present.
Polly the Pirate Niece: I didn't ask for a skateboard. I wanted a helmet.
Dorothy: That would be the smallest parcel. The rest would be the skateboards. So there's no mistake at all.
Captain Feathersword's Nephews & Nieces: (They're cheering.)
Washington the Elf: Thank you, Dorothy. For a moment I thought... Oh, dear. Oh, dear.
(Captain's Nephew is open a present. Until, they're cheering since he got a skateboard.)
Polly the Pirate Niece: (She is opened the smallest parcel. While, she's giving a helmet.) Dorothy, would you like to try my helmet?
Captain's Nephew: Would you like to try my skateboard?
Dorothy: Well, in 5 million years, I've never ridden a skateboard. (She giggles.) But I think today... Well, it's unusual. (She winks her eye.)
(It translates to the Song: Dorothy And Santa's Finale. A scene where Dorothy ride on a skateboard to find a present for her, at the ending part of the video.)
Dorothy: (singing) I can skate, I can skate
I can skate, I can skate
On Christmas Day
Washington the Elf: (singing) Now that Santa's been on here his sleigh
All this joyful
(Santa: Ho, ho, ho!)
Washington the Elf: (singing) All is great
On this Merry Christmas day
Have a Merry Christmas
Have a Merry Christmas
(All: A very Merry Christmas!)
Washington the Elf: (singing) A very Merry Christmas
(All: A very Merry Christmas!)
Santa: (singing) Have a Merry Christmas
(Harvey & Harry: Have a Merry Christmas!)
Washington the Elf: (singing) A very Merry Christmas
And you were there
(Captain Feathersword: I was there too, me hearties!)
Washington the Elf: (singing) Remember what you saw
When Santa met
Dorothy the Dinosaur
(Santa: Hello, Dorothy!)
(with Dorothy & Washington singing.) Have a Merry Christmas
And many more
(Santa: Ho, ho, ho!)
Washington & Santa: (singing) From Santa
(Harvey & Harry: The elves!)
Washington & Dorothy: (singing) And Dorothy the Dinosaur
(Captain Feathersword: And don't forget the Captain!)
Washington & Santa: (singing) From Santa
(Harvey & Harry: The elves!)
Washington & Dorothy: (singing) And Dorothy the Dinosaur
(Dorothy: (She giggles.) Heeee!)
Santa: Merry Christmas, everyone!
Dorothy: Merry Christmas!
(It fades to black. Until, it translates to the end credits are rolling. While, A Miracle In A Manger instrumental track is playing in the background.)