This is the transcript for Double Talk With Captain.
(The episode starts with Anthony introduce himself, while Emma, Simon & Lachy are sitting on a couch Wiggling with their fingers to the left side.)
Anthony: G'day there. My name's Anthony. What's your name? Oh, of course it is. Good to see you. Welcome to the Wiggles World. (He's wiggling his fingers.)
(It translates to the song: "The Wiggles' World Theme". A scene where The Wiggles & their friends appearing in the opening sequence.)
Lachy: (singing offscreen.) Wa wa wa
Wiggles World
Wa wa wa
Wiggles World
Wa wa wa
It's a world for everyone
Here in Wiggles World
Wa wa wa
Wiggles World
Wa wa wa
Wiggles World
Wa wa wa
(The Wiggles' World logo appears on the screen. Until, shot transition to the song: "Lachy's Lavender Mist Song". A scene when Captain Feathersword & Emma check to see how Lachy's been doing.)
Lachy: (singing) With one little spray
Of my lavender mist
People learn to speak with a twist
Captain Feathersword
Good day to you
(He sprays two times.) With two sprays of mist for one word, you'll say two
Captain Feathersword: (He's singing two times.) Lachy, Lachy
It, it, seems, seems
To, to, be, be
True, true
I, I, can't, can't
Say, say, one, one, word, word
I, I, say, say, two, two!
Lachy: (singing) Now, Captain Feathersword
This is not the only surprise
Just you wait and see
Now I'll do three sprays and you'll in threes
(He sprays three times.) Yes, you'll talk in threes
Captain Feathersword: (singing three times) Lachy, Lachy, Lachy
As, as, as
You, you, you
Can, can, can
See, see, see
I'm, I'm, I'm
Talking, talking, talking
In, in, in, three, three, threes
Emma: (singing) Ahoy there, Captain
Hello, how are we?
I just heard the Captain speaking in groups of three
Excuse me, Mr. Curly Tops
Inventor Lachy
Can you do something adventurous with me?
Lachy: (singing) Well, I know you love cats
And cats love to meow
With one long spray of lavender, Emma
That's what you'll do now (He sprays.)
Emma: Meow! Meow! Meow! Meow! Meow! Meow! Meow! Meow!
Captain Feathersword: Emma, Emma, Emma. That, that, that is, is, is so, so, so cool, cool, cool!
Emma: Meow, meow, meow!
Lachy: Wow! Well, now, to bring you to your regular speaking voices, Captain, turn around three times and clap once when I say "nkay".
Captain Feathersword: (He spins around three times.) One, one, one, two, two, two, three, three, three!
Lachy: Nkay!
Captain Feathersword: (He claps his hands. Then, he laughs.) Oh, Lachy, I'm back to one word at a time! Thank you very much! (He laughs.) I feel fine. Wssh!
Lachy: 'Bye, Captain. OK, now, Emma, if you pirouette on the spot now, you will soon be rid of the need to say "meow".
Emma: (She spins around, while meowing like a cat.) Meow! Huh?
Lachy: Huh? I've tried my best to get Emma's voice back, but to no avail. Emma, in the meantime, here's some cream from a pail.
Emma: (She slurps.) Meow! Meow, meow!
(Shot transition to the segment called "Storytime with Simon".)
Lachy: (offscreen.) "Storytime with Simon".
(Shot transition to a scene where Simon introduced a friend named Shirley Shawn the Unicorn while during the song: There's A Friend That You Know Part 1.)
Simon: (singing) There's a friend that you know
There's a friend who's a unicorn
The friend that you know is Shirley Shawn the Unicorn
There's a friend that you know
There's a friend who's a unicorn
The friend that you know is Shirley Shawn the Unicorn
With a curtsey and a bow to our friend who's a unicorn
A curtsey and a bow to Shirley Shawn the Unicorn
Let's give a curtsey and a bow to our friend who's a unicorn
A curtsey and a bow to Shirley Shawn the Unicorn.
(Opening camera transition to a story called, "Willy the Wobbly Worm".)
Simon: (He narrates.) Standing in the garden is where Shirley Shawn loved to be. There was always so much to do, so many friends to see. In the garden, Shirley Shawn never knew who'd come by. Sometimes a bird, a bumblebee, an elephant or a fly. Then with a wibble and a wobble, a friend was coming along with body moving smoothly and singing a little song.
Willy the Wobbly Worm: (singing) Wobble, wobble, wobbly woo
I'm Willy the Wobbly Worm.
Simon: (He narrates.) This friend was green in colour, with curly hair just like a perm. Shirley Shawn jumped with excitement. It was Willy the Wobbly Worm. Shirley Shawn started to dance, only like a unicorn could, then said the one word...
Shirley Shawn: Scrumptious!
Simon: (He narrates.) ..just like a unicorn would. Then the dancing began with a worm and a unicorn. They danced all day in the garden, Willy the Wobbly Worm and Shirley Shawn.
(singing) Dancing in the garden
Willy, Wobbly Worm and Shirley Shawn.
Wobbly Worm
Wobbly, Wobbly Worm
Wobbly Worm
Wobbly, Wobbly Worm
Wobbly Worm
Wobbly, Wobbly Worm
Wobbly Worm
Wobbly, Wobbly Worm.
(Opening circle transition to the song: There's A Friend That You Know Part 2.)
Simon: (singing) There's a friend that you know
There's a friend who's a unicorn
The friend that you know is Shirley Shawn the Unicorn
There's a friend that you know
There's a friend who's a unicorn
The friend that you know is Shirley Shawn the Unicorn
With a wave bye bye to our friend who's a unicorn
A wave bye bye to Shirley Shawn the Unicorn
Let's give a wave bye bye to our friend who's a unicorn
A wave bye bye to Shirley Shawn the Unicorn.
(It translates to segment called, "The Cartoon Wiggles", while the Cartoon Wiggles introduced themselves, when Emma gets to sing a song.)
Emma: Hi, I'm Emma.
Lachy: I'm Lachy.
Simon: I'm Simon.
Anthony: And I'm Anthony.
Emma: (singing) It's Wiggly time for the Cartoon Wiggles.
(Shot transition to the song: Say Aah at the Doctors. A scene where Emma dressed as a doctor to get ready for a checkup.)
Emma: (singing) You can open up your mouth
And you can say "Aah" at the doctor's
You can open up your mouth
And you can say "Aah" at the doctor's
Well, you can listen to the stethoscope
And get the medicine for your throat
They've got everything that you'll ever need to feel better
There are lots of toys in the waiting room at the doctor's
There are lots of toys in the waiting room at the doctor's
You can always read a book
Out the window, you can look
Lots of things to do in the waiting room
At the doctor's
At the doctor's
At the doctor's
At the doctor's.
(Shot transition to the Wiggly Arena. Until, it translates to the song: Itchy Fingers (Jimmy's Sea Shanty). A scene where they filmed Wiggle Pop! Big Show in Melbourne, on December 1st, 2018 at the Rod Laver Arena.)
Simon: It's Scottish dancing time. Now, Lachy's got a wonderful Scottish dancing group that are about to join us onstage, and maybe you can tell us about them right now, Lachy.
Lachy: Thank you, Simon. Yes, everybody. This is the world-famous Wiggle Town Navy. We'd love to give them a big clap now, so here they come. Give them a big clap. The Wiggle Town Navy! (The Wiggle Town Navy sailors arrives on the stage.) Oh, looking good, guys. Now, everybody, our featured dancer today are Lucy Wiggan and Dominic Field. Give them a big clap. Now, guys, are you ready? Alright, Anthony Wiggle on bagpipes. Come on everybody, clap your hands with "The Sailor's Hornpipe". (Anthony plays the bagpipes.) The music starts. The epic journey begins. Clap your hands.
(singing) There's a dance they dance on a boat on the sea
The hornpipe is a dance for you and me
Keep your arms nice and neat and balance the sheets
The hornpipe is a dance for you and me
With a shuffle
Over the buckle
The hornpipe is a dance for you and me
With a shuffle
Over the buckle
The hornpipe is a dance for you and me
Now it's time to change the step...
Captain Feathersword: (He's riding on a hoverboard.) Wow!
Lachy: (singing.) The hornpipe is a dance for you and me
Captain Feathersword: (He's riding on a hoverboard.) Whee!
Lachy: '(singing.) The hornpipe is a dance for you and me
And around the circle
Around the circle
High cuts
High cuts
Wiggles: Hey! (The sailors turning to leave the stage.)
Lachy: A big clap for the Wiggle Town Navy!
(The Wiggles' World logo appears on the screen. Until, the end credits are rolling.)
Lachy: (singing offscreen.) Wiggles!