This is the transcript for Dressing Up.
(The episode starts with a song: In The Wiggles' World. An opening scene from the TV Series 2 is shown.)
Greg: (singing) We know a world, a magic world
Come with us and see
(with the Other Wiggles singing.) Anything can happen in this special world
It can happen to you or me
Greg: (singing) It's where The Wiggles live
Why don't you come along
And meet their friends as well.
There's' music and dancing, magic and games
(with the Other Wiggles singing.) And lots of great stories to tell
In The Wiggles' world, in The Wiggles' world
You're all welcome here
Greg: (singing) So let's give a cheer
Welcome to The Wiggles' world.
(with the Other Wiggles singing.) In The Wiggles' world. In The Wiggles' world
Greg: (singing) You're all welcome here, so let's give a cheer, welcome to The Wiggles' world.
(A sparkle transition to Henry standing in front of Wags house while holding The Wiggles' Skivvies.)
Henry: I've washed The Wiggles' shirts so that they're super-duper clean. Won't they be surprised?
Dorothy: (She exits Wags house, while giggling.) Can't catch me. Can't catch me. (She giggles.) Hi Henry. (She runs into Henry making him spin around.)
Henry: Whoa! (He stops spinning.) Phew! I almost dropped these shirts.
(Wags exits his house barking. He runs into Henry making him spin.)
Henry: Yow! (He stops spinning and drops The Wiggles' skivvies.) Oh, no! Oh, dear! Now they're all mixed up.
(Meanwhile, The Wiggles stick their arms out of their respective bedroom doors ready to take their shirts.)
Henry: Phew. (He picks up The Wiggles' skivvies.) And they're all still clean. (He heads off to Wigglehouse to give The Wiggles their skivvies.)
Jeff: (He takes a shirt.) Thanks Henry.
Greg: (He takes a shirt, while yawning.) Thanks Henry.
Anthony: (He takes a shirt.) Thanks Henry.
Murray: (He takes a shirt.) Thanks Henry.
Henry: You're welcome. (He leaves.)
(The Wiggles exit their bedrooms. Jeff is wearing Murray's red skivvy, Greg is wearing Anthony's blue skivvy, Anthony is wearing Greg's yellow skivvy and Murray is wearing Jeff's purple skivvy. However, they don't notice this and head off to the kitchen for some breakfast. They're sitting at the table.)
Anthony: Dry toast, this isn't my breakfast. I eat more than this.
Greg: Eggs, sausages, potatoes and buttered toast? (He sighs.) This isn't my breakfast. There's too much food.
Murray: I never eat cereal with banana. This isn't my breakfast.
Jeff: This isn't my breakfast, either! I never eat pancakes for breakfast.
Murray: But I do.
Jeff: And I eat cereal with bananas.
Greg: And I only ever eat dry toast.
Anthony: Do you know what?
Wiggles: We're wearing each other's shirts!
Anthony: I'm a little too hungry to change shirts. Why don't we change places?
Greg: That's good idea.
Jeff: Great idea.
(The Wiggles all agree and change places, but their breakfasts change places to match the skivvies colours.)
Greg: (He sighs.) We forgot. Our kitchen is wigglefied.
Wiggles: (They put their arms up in the air.) Shirt change!
(The skivvies change places, but not on the correct Wiggle. Anthony is now wearing Murray's red skivvy, Greg is now wearing Jeff's purple skivvy, Jeff is now wearing Greg's yellow skivvy and Murray is now wearing Anthony's blue skivvy. The breakfasts change places to match the respective colours.)
Anthony: (He sighs.) We'll have to try a little harder this time.
Wiggles: (They prepare for shirt change, and put their arms up.) Mmmmmmm... Shirt change!
(The skivvies change places, to the correct Wiggle. The breakfasts change places to match the respective colours. The Wiggles sigh with relief and begin their breakfast. A pirate ship transition to the song: Our Boat Is Rocking On The Sea,)
Captain Feathersword: Now the ship's really rocking
Greg: (singing) The friendly pirate ship is rocking on the sea
Rocking on the sea, rocking on the sea
The friendly pirate ship is rocking on the sea
We're all getting tossed about
Captain Feathersword: (singing) When the storm calms down, we'll sail the sea again
The sea will be our friend, we'll sail the sea again
When the storm calms down, we'll sail the sea again
We won't get tossed about
Greg: (singing) The friendly pirate ship is rocking on the sea
Rocking on the sea, rocking on the sea
The friendly pirate ship is rocking on the sea
We're all getting tossed about
Captain Feathersword: (He laughs.) Ahoy there me hearties!
(A camera clicking transition to Captain Feathersword is showing us to take our photograph.)
Captain Feathersword: Now, let's see how that looks, me hearties.
Murray: Do you have to take our photograph now, Captain Feathersword?
Anthony: We promised to meet Henry the Octopus.
Captain Feathersword: Oh, this won't take long, I promise. Now, watch the birdie. And say 'Wiggle'.
Wiggles: Wiggle!
Captain Feathersword: Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
Wiggles: What's wrong, Captain?!
Anthony: Weren't we smiling?
Captain Feathersword: Oh, no, no, your smiling was good, it's just that there's... (They show the heads above the screen.) ..well, too much space over your heads. I'll have to move the camera.
Anthony: Oh, wait, Captain! Maybe we can wear some big hats to fill up the space.
Greg: Big hats. Big hats.
(They talk at once. Then, Murray is pretending to be a cowboy)
Murray: Howdy. I'm a cowboy.
Greg: (He's dressing up like a magician's hat.) Well, hello. I'm a very terribly important person. And who, sir, are you?
Anthony: (He puts on the alligator's hat.) G'day, mate. Folks around here call me Alligator Anthony. I'm going walkabout, looking for a fair dinkum bilabong, you beauty.
(Jeff is being a trombone, while they are marching. Then, The Wiggles leave while the Captain takes his photograph.)
Captain Feathersword: Wait! I've gotta take your photograph!
(Fish transition to Henry shining his shoes under the water.)
Fishettes: Come on, Henry. We want to play. We need you to lead us.
Henry: I can't until I finish shining my shoes. (He rubs the shoes underneath the sea.) Oh, dear. I have so many shoes to shine. And I've only shined one. I still have one, two three, four, five, six, seven shoes to shine.
Fishettes: We're waiting for you to lead us, Henry.
Henry: I wish The Wiggles were here. They promised to help me.
(The Wiggles swim down below to see our friend Henry.)
Wiggles: Hello, Henry.
Henry: Greg, Murray, Jeff, Anthony, you've come to help me at last.
Anthony: Sorry, we're late, Henry.
Greg: But here we are. And we're (with the others.) ready to shine.
Henry: So am I. So let's start shining. (The Wiggles are rub dancing while Henry uses his tentacles.) Shining, shining, shining, shoes. Shining, shining, shining, shoes. Rub that seaweed on my shoes. Rub that seaweed on my shoes. Up and down and up and down. Up and down and up and down. Now it's time to spin around. Shining is a lot of fun. When the shining job is done. My shoes will look brand new. (The music ends.) Thank you, Wiggles.
Fishettes: Yeah, thank you, Wiggles. Now Henry can lead us.
Wiggles: You're welcome.
Greg: Can we watch, Henry?
Henry: Of course you can. Pull up a shell and have a seat.
Anthony: Well, let's go to the bandstand. We can see better there.
(The Wiggles leave while Henry conducts the band.)
Henry: Bye-bye. See you later. Yoop! Let's start our rehearsal, shall we? (The fishettes are playing their guitars.) Everyone is playing so well today. OK, Fishettes, get ready to sing. Here we go now. (They both harmonise.) Oh, that sounds beautiful, Fishettes. Beautiful. (The purple trout plays the piano.) Piano comes in a little bit later. Yes, Catfish, turn your guitars up. A little bit louder, please. Those guitars sound wonderful. Wonderful! Take a bow, Fishettes.
(Seahorse transition to Flora Door asking Anthony to tell his favourite joke.)
Flora Door: Knock, knock.
Anthony: Who's there?
Flora Door: Pasta.
Anthony: Pasta who?
Flora Door: Pass ta oil, I'm squeaky.
(Anthony laughs at Flora Door. Then, a train transition to the song: Shaky Shaky. A scene where The Wiggles are going to do some shaking in their shaking clothes.)
Greg: (singing) Hey there, shaky shaky
Shaking is fun to do
Hey there, shaky shaky
I want to shake with you.
Well...then...shake a little faster.
Shake a little slower
(Instrumental break to Greg is gonna do some more shaking.)
Greg: Keep on shaking.
Shaky shaky.
(singing) Hey there, shaky shaky
Shaking is fun to do
Hey there, shaky shaky
I want to shake with you.
Well...then...shake a little faster.
Shake a little slower
(Instrumental break to Greg had fun their shaking dance moves.)
Greg: Keep on shaking now.
Shake it all out.
(A CGI Dorothy using her lawnmower while waving the screen transition to The Wiggles are on the couch while watching the rain, while they heard a giggle outside.)
Greg: I wish the rain would stop.
Murray: We were supposed to go for a ride in the Big Red Car.
Anthony: Let's go anyway.
Greg: But we'll get wet, Anthony.
Anthony: Oh, that's right. Well, why don't we eat lunch?
Murray: We ate lunch already, Anthony.
Anthony: Oh, you're right.
Jeff: (He yawns, while he falls asleep.) I think I'll take a nap. Wake me when the rain stops.
(The rain is falling outside, while Dorothy arrives.)
Flora Door: Who is it?
Dorothy: Door, please let me in. It's Dorothy. Come in.
(Dorothy comes inside the house.)
Wiggles: Hi, Dorothy.
Dorothy: Hi.
Greg: (He gets up on the couch.) Dorothy, um, why don't you pull up a seat and have a rest?
(Dorothy gets a sigh inside.)
Wiggles: What's wrong, Dorothy?
Dorothy: Oh, I made Anthony a special hat out of roses, but the rain made it all soggy. And now it's ruined.
Anthony: (He gets up behind them.) You made a hat... for me?
Dorothy: Uh-huh. (He is sniffling because of the rain.)
Anthony: Oh, don't cry, Dorothy.
Dorothy: I wanted you to have this lovely rosy hat, and now it's soggy.
Anthony: (He's handing it to the hat.) It doesn't matter that it's wet. I love it, because you made it for me with your own paws.
Dorothy: But, it's been ruined by the rain. And if you wore it now, Anthony, you'd look very silly.
Anthony: I don't care if I look silly.
Greg: (He gets a snigger.) Anthony does look silly, doesn't he?
Dorothy: I'm sorry, Anthony. You don't have to wear it.
Anthony: Don't be sorry, Dorothy. (He throws a into Jeff's head.)
Dorothy: Oh, it was so lovely before it got wet.
Anthony: It doesn't matter. What matters is you made the hat.
Dorothy: Do you mean it?
Anthony: Of course. It makes me feel very happy that you did it just for me.
Greg: And when one Wiggle is happy... (with Murray and Anthony.) We all are!
Dorothy: You are?!
Murray, Greg & Anthony: We are!
Dorothy: Then, so am I. (She giggles.)
Jeff: What...
(They all laugh at Dorothy.)
Anthony: Hey, I know what we can do. Let's play guess the animal.
Wiggles: Great idea. Yeah.
Greg: Can I go first?
Anthony: Off you go, Greg.
Greg: (He walks to get the ears on his head while he jumps like a kangaroo.) Can you guess which animal I am?
Murray: A rabbit.
Greg: No.
Dorothy: A kangaroo.
Greg: You guessed it.
Murray: (He walks to go get the tusks.) Look at this. (He puts the tusks on his teeth and trumpets like an elephant.)
Anthony: You must be a walrus.
Greg: An elephant?
Murray: Yes.
(He walks back until he gets the pillow.)
Anthony: Get ready for this one, guys. OK. (He's pretending to be a turtle.)
Dorothy: An armadillo.
Murray: A clam?
Greg: No.
Wiggles: A turtle.
Anthony: Yes.
Dorothy: Oh.
(He stands back up to go back to the couch.)
Jeff: Hey, I've got one. I've got one.
(He sleeps until he's a hibernating bear)
Anthony: Aha, you must be a...
Wiggles: A hibernating bear! (They all laugh at her.)
Anthony: What about you, Dorothy?
Dorothy: OK. Um... (She walks while she waves her roses around.)
Greg: Well, I can't think of anything.
Murray & Anthony: Neither can we.
(Jeff gets a snore while she guesses.)
Anthony: We give up, Dorothy. What kind of animal are you?
Dorothy: I'm a rose-asaur!
(They all laugh, while they put the roses down. Then, she giggles. Until, a pirate ship transition to the song: Go Captain Feathersword, Ahoy! A scene where Captain Feathersword & his pirate crew are on the S.S. Feathersword.)
Greg: (singing off-screen) Captain Feathersword's sailing on the ocean waves.
Captain Feathersword: (laughing)
Greg: (singing) The boat's getting rocked but the Captain's happy and brave.
Captain Feathersword: (laughing)
(The Wiggles and the kid and adult cheerleaders arrive.)
Greg: (singing) And from every wharf and pier
All: (singing) You can hear everybody cheer: Go Captain, Go
Captain Feathersword: Ahoy there!
All: (singing) Go Captain, Go
Captain Feathersword: Ahoy there!
All: (singing) Go Captain Feathersword, Ahoy!
Captain Feathersword: (laughing)
Greg: (singing) The wind, it blew and the rain fell off the boat
Captain Feathersword: Oh, our friendly pirate ship is there barely staying afloat (laughing)
Greg: (singing) And from every wharf and pier
All: (singing) You can hear the crowd all cheer: Go Captain, Go
Captain Feathersword: Ahoy there!
All: (singing) Go Captain, Go
Captain Feathersword: Ahoy there!
All: (singing) Go Captain Feathersword, Ahoy!
Captain Feathersword: (laughing)
Greg: (singing) See Captain Feathersword, he's scrubbing all the desk.
Captain Feathersword: Whoa!
Greg: (singing) See him hoist the sails and climb the masts.
Captain Feathersword: (laughing) Look out!
Wiggles: (singing) Watch him dance in his pirate pants
Captain Feathersword: Whippie, whoppie, whoa-ho-hey! Now I'm gonna dance all, all day!
Greg: (singing) Now the sun is shining and the boat's back on its course. Captain Feathersword says:
Captain Feathersword: It feels like I'm riding a horse. (laughing)
Greg: (singing) And from every wharf and pier
All: (singing) You can hear the crowd all cheer: Go Captain, Go
Captain Feathersword: Ahoy there!
All: (singing) Go Captain, Go
Captain Feathersword: Ahoy there!
All: (singing) Go Captain Feathersword, Ahoy!
Captain Feathersword: (laughing)
All: (singing) Go Captain, Go
Captain Feathersword: Ahoy there!
All: (singing) Go Captain, Go
Captain Feathersword: Ahoy there!
All: (singing) Go Captain Feathersword, Ahoy!
Captain Feathersword: Ahoy there, me hearties!
(Magic hat transition to Greg announces everyone how to perform a magic trick called finding the white chocolate with under these cups.)
Greg: (He's shuffling their cups.) Hurry, hurry, hurry. Step right up and find the white chocolate.
Anthony: (He arrives asking Greg.) Did you just say "white chocolate"?
Greg: I did, I did, I did. Find it and you can keep it.
Anthony: Mmm, I love white chocolate.
Greg: Then guess which one of these three cups it's under, and you can have it.
Anthony: Ah! It's a guessing game, is it?
Greg: Yes, indeed, yes, indeed. It's a game that requires great guessing skill.
Anthony: And it's under one of these three cups?
Greg: (He picks up a cup then he puts it down.) Yes, one, and only one. (He's shuffling their cups.)
Anthony: Mmm, I love white chocolate, and I guess it's under that cup.
Greg: (He picks up a cup.) Ha! Sorry, but that's a dark...
Anthony: (He's eating a dark chocolate.) Mmm!
Greg: ..chocolate.
Anthony: I love dark chocolate too.
Greg: You're supposed to find the white chocolate! (He picks up a cup then he puts it down.) Now you see it... now you don't. (He's shuffling their cups.) Which one of these two cups covers the white chocolate?
Anthony: That's easy, Greg. Only two cups left. It's under that cup!
Greg: (He picks up a cup.) Ha! Sorry, but that was...
Anthony: (He's eating a milk chocolate.) Delicious!
Greg: You're supposed to find the white chocolate!
Anthony: Well, it's really easy now. There's only one cup left, it must be under that cup. (He picks up a cup then he eats a white chocolate.) Thank you for those three chocolates. They're beautiful! (He leaves until sharing his sandwich with Greg.) You shared your chocolates with me. I'll share my sandwich with you.
(Greg is holding a sandwich & getting confused. Until, bones transition to the song: Wags The Dog, He Likes To Tango. Wags is dancing to the tango with the Wagettes.)
(Wags barks)
Greg: (singing) Wags the Dog,
(Wags barks while their backing vocals singing: he likes to tango)
Greg: (singing) Wags the Dog,
(Wags barks while their backing vocals singing: he calls it rango)
Greg: (singing) Wags the Dog,
(Wags barks while their backing vocals singing: it rhymes with mango)
(Wags barks)
Greg: (singing) Wags the Dog,
(Wags barks while their backing vocals singing: he likes to tango)
Greg: (singing) Wags the Dog,
(Wags barks while their backing vocals singing: he calls it rango)
Greg: (singing) Wags the Dog,
(Wags barks while their backing vocals singing: it rhymes with mango)
(Wags barks before the Instrumental break to Wags could do more dancing to the tango while Dorothy joins in)
(Wags barks)
Greg: (singing) Wags the Dog,
(Wags barks while their backing vocals singing: he likes to tango)
Greg: (singing) Wags the Dog,
(Wags barks while their backing vocals singing: he calls it rango)
Greg: (singing) Wags the Dog,
(Wags barks while their backing vocals singing: it rhymes with mango)
(They were all clapping for Wags & Dorothy. Then, an alarm clock transition to The Wiggles are letting you know when it is time to let you in.)
Flora Door: Who is it?
Wiggles: It's us, The Wiggles.
Flora Door: Who?
Murray: The Wiggles. I'm Murray.
Greg: I'm Greg.
Anthony: I'm Anthony.
(Jeff is snoring because there's a Wiggle.)
Flora Door: (She snores.) I'm sorry, there's no Wiggle named... (She's snoring again.)
Greg: It's Jeff. He's asleep.
Flora Door: How can Jeff be a Wiggle if he's a Sleep? (He snores, till he's ready to go inside.) Oh, he's sleeping. It must be Jeff. Welcome, Wiggles. Come in, come in!
(A camera clicking transition to the concert clip: Do the Wiggle Groove (Live). A scene is filmed on December 7, 1998 at Sydney Entertainment Centre.)
Anthony: And now, everyone, here's a dance that you can all do with us.
Greg: (singing) Well, you can run, you can jump and skip too
But here's a dance that is oh-so new.
All: (singing) Do, do the move. They call the Wiggle Groove.
Whoo! Whoo!
Greg: (singing) Clap your hands and spin around.
Pat your head and touch the ground.
All: (singing) Do, do the move. They call the Wiggle Groove.
Whoo! Yeah!
Do, do the move. They call the Wiggle Groove.
Do, do the move. They call the Wiggle Groove.
Do, do the move. They call the Wiggle Groove.
Whoo! Yeah!
Anthony: What's next, Greg?
Greg: (singing) Clap your hands and stamp your feet.
And groove along to the wiggly beat.
All: (singing) And do, do the move. They call the Wiggle Groove.
Whoo! Yeah!
Greg: (singing) Side to side you sway with your hands.
Anthony: That's it!
Greg: (singing) Lift your knees in time with the bends.
Pendulum with your legs side to side.
You're doing it the Wiggle way.
Clap your hands and spin around.
Pat your head and touch the ground.
All: (singing) Do, do the move. They call the Wiggle Groove.
Whoo! Yeah!
Do, do the move. They call the Wiggle Groove.
Do, do the move. They call the Wiggle Groove.
Do, do the move. They call the Wiggle Groove.
Whoo! Yeah!
Anthony: Everybody's doing the Wiggle Groove. Officer Beaples is. Wags the Dog. Henry the Octopus. Janette the Jockey. Christine the Cowgirl. Freddie the Football Player. Vinnie the Vet. Carl the Chef. Cassie and Jessie and everybody. Doing the Wiggle Groove.
Do, do the move. They call the Wiggle Groove.
Do, do the move. They call the Wiggle Groove.
Do, do the move. They call the Wiggle Groove.
(The song ends, and the audience clapped and cheered because doing the Wiggle Groove was so much fun. Until, 4 coloured sparkled rainbow transition to The Wiggles are waving goodbye to each other. As the Wiggly rainbow floats up to the end of this show.)
Anthony: Bye-bye, everybody.
Greg, Murray & Jeff: Bye-bye. Bye-bye.
(A flower transition to the end credits are rolling, while In The Wiggles' World is playing in the background.)
Greg: (singing) We know a world, a magic world
Come with us and see
(with the Other Wiggles singing.) Anything can happen in this special world
It can happen to you or me
Greg: (singing) It's where The Wiggles live
Why don't you come along
And meet their friends as well.
There's music and dancing, magic and games
(with the Other Wiggles singing.) And lots of great stories to tell
In The Wiggles' world, in The Wiggles' world
You're all welcome here
Greg: (singing) So let's give a cheer
Welcome to The Wiggles' world.
(with the Other Wiggles singing.) In The Wiggles' world. In The Wiggles' world
Greg: (singing) You're all welcome here, so let's give a cheer, welcome to The Wiggles' world.
(But then, after that it shows a bumblebee buzzing sound effect & the flower pops out while The Wiggles Logo is shown at the endboard.)