

This is the transcript for Eight Wiggles Dancing.


Lachy: Get ready

Wiggles: Shooby-dooby-do

Lachy: To wiggle

We’ve been ready for so long

Get ready

Wiggles: Shooby-dooby-do

Lachy: To wiggle.

When you wiggle, you can’t go wrong

Get ready

Wiggles: Shooby-dooby-do

Lachy: To wiggle

Wiggle will make you big and strong

Get ready

Wiggles: Shooby-dooby-do

Lachy: To wiggle

Come on and wiggle to this song

Wiggle to this song

Anthony: Let’s all sing!

Wiggles: Bah-da bah-bah bah-da bah-da

Bah-da bah-bah bah-da bah-da

Bah-da bah-bah bah-da bah-da

Anthony: Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle!


Lucia: Hi. My name is Lucia and I wear blue. My shoes are blue as well. I like to jump, and you can do it, too. Are you ready? Jump! Jump! Jump!

John: Hi, I'm Big Strong John. And I love to run. Can you run too? (He gasps.) Whoa! Ooh-ooh-ooh!

Tsehay: Hi, I'm Tsehay. I wear yellow and I love to skip. Can you do it too? Great!

Caterina: Ciao! Mi chaimo Caterina, and I wear red. And I love to hop. Can you hop too? Hop! Hop! Hop!

Anthony: G'day there. My name's Anthony. I wear blue. And you know what? I love to do-wop sing, too. Can you wing with me? You Ready? (He's singing.) Do-wop, she-wadda-waddy. Do-wop, she-wadda-waddy. Do-wop, she-wadda-wadd-Wah! (He imitates Elvis Presley.) Uh-huh. Thank you very much.

Lachy: Hello. My name's Lachy and I wear purple. And I love to stand like a statue, as still as a statue. Can you try it, too? Great one!

Evie: Hello. My name's Evie and I wear yellow. And I like to march. Can you try it, too? Great marching!

Simon: (He chuckles.) Hello there. I'm Simon and I wear red, and I love to dance. Freestyle. Yeah, oh... Can you do it, too?

Dorothy: Hi there. I'm Dorothy the Dinosaur. And I love watching The Wiggles when they're jumping... ..running... ..skipping... ..hopping... ..do-wop singing... (She's singing.) Doo-wop, do-wah, doo-wop, do-wah. ..standing as still as a statue, marching... ..and dancing. (She giggles.)

Tsehay: (singing) There's a dinosaur in Wiggle town

A groovy dinosaur who loves to dance around

She dances down the street with her great big dinosaur feet

Simon: (singing) Dorothy starts to move and do the dippy dippy do

(with The Other Wiggles singing.) And she goes dippy dippy dippy, dippy dippy dippy do

Dippy dippy dippy, dippy dippy dippy do

Tsehay: (singing) Come on everybody give it a try

Let your hips move then you go for a slide

We're dancing to the beat as we're gliding down the street

Simon: (singing) Everybody move your hips and do the dippy dippy do

(with The Other Wiggles singing.) And we go dippy dippy dippy, dippy dippy dippy do

Dippy dippy dippy, dippy dippy dippy do

Tsehay: (singing) Everybody's dancing in Wiggle town

The dippy dippy do, can you hear that sound?

When Dorothy's backbone slips she starts to move her hips

Simon: (singing) Everybody clap your hands and do the dippy dippy do

(with The Other Wiggles singing.) And we go dippy dippy dippy, dippy dippy dippy do

Dippy dippy dippy, dippy dippy dippy do.

Simon (Voiceover): Wiggle and Move!

Captain Feathersword: Try this.

Lie on your back.


Tuck your knees to your chest.

Now, rock back and forth.

Rock’n’rolls are the best!

Rock, roll. Rock, roll.


Simon: Bok is our friend, the puppet

Bok is a hand puppet

Waving hello to Bok, our friend

Bok is our friend, the puppet

Bok is the dancing puppet

Dancing around with Bok, our friend

Look at his big, round eyes

Wearing an orange bow-tie

Purple, a beaming smile on his face

It’s Bok the hand puppet


Bok is our friend, the puppet

Bok is the swaying puppet

Swaying our arms with Bok, our friend

Bok is our friend, the puppet

Bok is the running puppet

Running around with Bok, our friend

Bok is our friend, the puppet

Bok is the spinning puppet

Spinning around with Bok, our friend

Look at his big, round eyes

Wearing an orange bow-tie

Purple, a beaming smile on his face

It’s Bok the hand puppet


Bok is our friend, the puppet

Bok is the clapping puppet

Clapping our hands with Bok, our friend

Bok is our friend, the puppet

Bok is the jumping puppet

Jumping around with Bok, our friend

Bok is our friend, the puppet

Bok is the hand puppet

Waving hello to Bok, our friend.

Anthony: Snap, snap, snap

The crocodile’s mouth goes, “Snap, snap, snap”

Sharp teeth, from the front to the back

The crocodile moves slow or fast

Finding food in water or grass

It grabs food with its mouth, not a fork

The crocodile can swim, crawl or walk

It lays on its belly to go through the mud

The crocodile can growl, hiss and grunt





Let’s do it again.




Growl, hiss and grunt

Growl, hiss



Dorothy: One Wiggle jumping in her shoes of blue.

One Wiggle jumping.

Now there are two.

Two Wiggles running.

Pick up your knees.

Two Wiggles running.

Now there are three.

Three Wiggles skipping, skipping on the floor.

Three Wiggles skipping.

Now there are four.

Four Wiggles hopping.

Makes you feel alive.

Four Wiggles hopping.

Now there are five.

Five Wiggles doo-wop singing doo-wop while they click.

Five Wiggles doo-wop.

Now there are six.

Wiggles: Doo-woop, shoo-wah

Ba, ba-doobee-doobee

Doo-wap, shoo-wah

Ba-ba, doobee, doo-wah.

Dorothy: Six Wiggles statues.

But may we ask a question,

“Six Wiggles statues, but where is number seven?”

Seven Wiggles marching.

Now, that looks great.

Seven Wiggles marching.

Now there are eight.

All eight Wiggles dancing.

Everyone on track.

Eight Wiggles dancing.

Give yourselves a clap.

Simon: Say goodbye, pizza pie

Lachy and Tsehay: See you mate, chocolate cake

John and Caterina: Goodbye to you, tiramisu

Lucia: Off you dart, banana tart

Simon: Say goodbye, pizza pie.
