Emma says she's having fun with her dolly.
"Dolly, let's have a dance."
Emma and her dolly dance.
Emma asks her dolly if there's something wrong
Emma asks her dolly for a cup of water.
Dolly drinks a cup of water.
Emma realizes there's something wrong with her dolly
"What is wrong with Emma's dolly?"
"What's the dolly's name?"
Simon introducing "Simon Says"
The Wiggles and Captain Feathersword
Emma saying her dolly isn't feeling very well.
She doesn't feel like dancing or jumping.
"And I've given her a sip of water but she's still very, very sick."
"And I'm not sure what to do."
The Other Wiggles singing to the tune of "Frere Jacques"
"Are the Wiggles sure what to do?"
"When will the dolly get better?"
Emma driving the Big Red Car
The Big Red Car in TV Series 7
"Ah, he's sure. He's Dr. Sure."
Lachy, Emma and her dolly
Anthony playing Red Fender Jazzmaster guitar
Captain, Simon, Wags and Lachy
Dorothy and Professor Simon
Professor Simon singing high
Professor Simon singing low
"So what bow should I wear today?"
The Male Wiggles and King Jeff
Captain Feathersword holding Emma's bow
Lachy and Emma in Guildford Castle
The Other Wiggles in Guildford Castle
The Wiggles in Guildford Castle
The Male Wiggles and King Jeff chasing Emma
Simon, Anthony and King Jeff
King Jeff in Guildford Castle
The Wiggles and Greg while holding newspaper
The Awake Wiggles and Greg
The Wiggles and Greg wearing bows
The Wiggles and King Jeff in Guildford Castle
The Awake Wiggles and King Jeff
"Anthony ate the doughnut."
The Professional Wiggles as statues
Captain Feathersword as statue
The Professional Wiggles at Manly Beach
Emma introducing "Haru Ga Kita"
Captain Feathersword swimming
"Anthony ate the grapes."
"Round and Round the Garden Like a Teddy Bear"
Simon introducing "Dr Knickerbocker"
Professor Simon and Dorothy
Professor Simon playing the shakers
Professor Simon playing the drum
Professor Simon playing the tambourine
Dorothy covering her eyes
"They sound like shakers."
"That sounds like a tambourine."
"That sounds like a drum."
"You've just graduated from Professor Simon's school of music."
The Pro Wiggles and the Wiggly Friends
The Non-realistic Wiggly Group
The Other New Wiggles and the Early Wiggly Friends
The Other Wiggles and Henry
The Wiggles and The Male Wiggly Friends
The Other Wiggles and The Male Wiggly Friends
"Today seems like a sleepy day."
Lachy waking up while hearing the alarm clock ringing
"Luckily, I set my alarm clock."
"Let's ready, steady, wiggle."
"It's good to practice my drumming."
"It's good to play my guitar."
Anthony playing the air guitar
Lachy showing his new invention
"This is my turn you into a duck trick. Quack."'
"How does it work, Lachy?"
"How does it work, Lachy?"
"Well, all you have to do is drink and then turn into a duck."
Lachy suggests to get a container for the tea.
"Anthony, can you hold this for me?"'
Anthony holding the tea invention
Anthony passing the tea to Emma
Emma holding the tea invention
"Will Emma drink the duck drink?"
"Will Lachy ruffle any feathers?"
The Other Wiggles at school
Lachy and Captain Feathersword
Captain Feathersword and Mumbles the Monster
Mumbles playing Maton guitar
Captain Feathersword playing Red Starry Keyboard
The Other Wiggles and Mumbles
Mumbles playing the drums
"Anthony ate the hamburger."
Simon arrives while taking the duck drink.
Simon holding a cup of tea
"Good idea. It's best to enjoy this cup of tea outside."
"He might turn into a duck!"
Lachy arrives back with a new container.
Emma and Anthony try to explain.
"Well, he was here, he took the cup."
"He's gonna turn into a duck!"
"Will Simon duck out for another cup?"
"Will the Wiggles send Lachy the bill?"
"You just can't beak this episode!"
Emma introducing "Rock-A-Bye Your Bear"
"Maybe you can just egg-sercise."
"I've got a basket just in case he lays eggs."
"We do need a solution. What are we gonna do?"
"Thank you, Lachy, a solution."
Lachy tells Simon to go in the garden and he'll be Simon again.
"Lachy, do you think it'll work?"
"Well, it probably will."
"The great thing about being a fish is I love to practice my scales."
Anthony says that Lachy the cat is not feeling himself today.
"Not feeling too well at all, I think."
"Not drinking enough milk.
"And not sleeping enough, either."
"And not smiling. What are we gonna do? What are we gonna do?"
Anthony and Simon singing
The Professional Wiggles as statues
Captain Feathersword as statue
The Professional Wiggles at Manly Beach
Anthony and Dorothy presenting the letter P
Anthony eating the potato
"Anthony ate the potato!"
Simon suggests to call Emma on the Wiggly telephone.
Anthony and Simon singing on telephone
Anthony eating bones on toast
Lachy sleeping at Manly Beach
Lachy waking up at Manly Beach
Simon and Captain Feathersword
The Awake Wiggles and Dorothy
The Professional Wiggles and The Wiggly Mascots
Simon, Emma, Captain and Henry
Emma, Anthony, Captain and Henry
Greg and Emma suggests to sing "Poesje Mauw".
Greg playing Maton acoustic guitar
Greg and Emma singing "Poesje Mauw"
Captain Feathersword at London Docklands
Simon, Lachy and Captain Feathersword
"Can You (Point Your Fingers And Do The Twist?)"
Anthony holding raspberry
"Anthony ate the raspberry."
Lachy introducing "Hot Potato"
Captain, Lachy singing and Anthony
Professor Simon showing Lachy one egg
Simon and Lachy counting 3 eggs
The Pro Wiggly Humans wearing glasses
"I've Got My Glasses On!"
Lachy and Emma wearing glasses
Captain Feathersword wearing glasses
Emma and Anthony wearing glasses
The Awake Wiggles wearing glasses
The Wiggles wearing glasses
The Wiggles and Captain Feathersword wearing glasses
Anthony and Captain Feathersword wearing glasses
Emma, Anthony and Captain wearing glasses
The Replacement Wiggles wearing glasses