

This is the transcript for "Emma's Missing Bow".


(The episode starts with an opening sequence when Anthony, Emma & Lachy are opening the Wigglehouse door, while greetings to the viewers.)

Anthony: Hello there. Welcome to the Wigglehouse. Today is upside-down Lachy day.

Emma: (Anthony strums his guitar, Simon & Captain Feathersword are holding Lachy to make it upside down, while singing.) Welcome to the Wigglehouse

(with the Male Wiggles & Captain Feathersword singing.) To the Wigglehouse

Welcome to the Wigglehouse today.

Welcome to the Wigglehouse

To the Wigglehouse

It's Ready, Steady, Wiggle all day.

Captain Feathersword: Wow-how! (Emma wiggles her fingers.)

(Opening camera transition to the song: Ready, Steady, Wiggle! A scene where The Wiggles & their friends are getting ready to wiggle this song. At the end, Patrick Munoz rides his little Big Red Car toy.)

Wiggles: (singing) Ready, steady, wiggle!

Lachy: (singing) Emma, Lachy, Simon and Anthony too!

Wiggles: (singing) Ready, steady, wiggle!

Emma: (singing) You can jump like a kangaroo!

Wiggles: (singing) Ready, steady, wiggle!

Simon: (singing) Dorothy, Wags and Henry too!

Wiggles: (singing) Ready, steady, wiggle!

and Captain Feathersword, woo-hoo!

(Emma: (singing) Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, woo!)

(Shot transition to Emma is holding some roses that she picked up from the garden.)

Emma: I've just been outside in the Wiggly Garden picking these beautiful roses. Aren't they lovely? (She chuckles.) Sometimes they make me sneeze because I can be a little bit allergic to the smell. (She sniffs the roses. Until, she sneezes while her bow came off her head.) Ah-ah-achoo! Oh! They did make me sneeze. (She feels her head that her bow is gone.) Oh! Where's my bow gone? I can't find it anywhere.

Paul Field: (offscreen, until the trivia appears on the screen.) Where is Emma's bow? Don't you bow...I mean know? Perhaps, it's time to stop and smell the roses, Emma!

(Emma's door closes. Then, Lachy's door opens transition to the song: Talking Cow. A scene where Simon dressed up as a cow to communicate something.)

Lachy & Emma: (singing) A cow that talks, have you ever heard?

Anything that is so absurd

You know how cows eat grass and moo

Well, here's a cow that can talk to you

Hello, Talking Cow, have you something to say?

Simon: (as Talking Cow, until he moos.) Something to say have you got all day?

I love to talk, talking's my thing.

I love to talk about anything.

Did you know that this is so

It's impossible to lick your own elbow?

Butterflies taste with their feet

And mosquitoes have a mouth full of teeth.

And in space, you can't burp or cry.

Slugs have 4 noses. I wonder why?

All polar bears are left-handed

And the shrimp's heart is in its head.

Lachy & Emma: (singing) Well, this cow was right; he could talk all day

This cow has so many things to say

He talked and talked and talked some more

From the pyramids to Newton's Law

Simon: (as Talking Cow, until he moos.) Elephant's the only animal with 4 knees,

Camels milk won't curdle, there's no camel cheese.

A goldfish has a short memory

About 3 seconds. That's 1, 2.

The eye of an ostrich is bigger than its brain,

Bats always turn left when leaving a cave.

Your ears and nose will never stop to grow.

A snail can sleep for 3 years in a row.

Lachy & Emma: (singing) So many things that I didn't know

Thank you, Talking Cow, but it's time to go

Simon: (as Talking Cow, until he moos.) Time to go?!? But there's more you see

Cuz there's the history of the world parts 1, 2, 3.

Lachy & Emma: (singing) A cow can't talk all through the night

He kept on talking till the Stars were bright

He didn't stop when he gave a moo

Simon: (as Talking Cow, until he moos.) In 1983, a Japanese artist made a copy of the Mona Lisa out of toast. Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated. The sense of smell of an ant is just as good as a dog. Giraffes have no vocal cords. Owls are the only birds that can see the color blue. Dolphins sleep with one eye open. The average person laughs 15 times a day.

(Cow moos at the end of the song. While, 9 rectangles covered the screen, until the logo pops up transition to Professor Simon & Captain Feathersword talking about the letter of the day. It was the letter "O".)

Simon: Today's letter of the alphabet is the letter "O" or "o".

Captain Feathersword: Oooh, that's a tough one, Professor Simon! Oooh, I've got it! (He hoots.) Oo, ooo. (with Simon hoots.) Oo, ooo.

Simon: That's right, Captain. "Owl"! (with Captain Feathersword hoots.) Oo, ooo.

Captain Feathersword: Oo, ooo. Odd, yet obedient owl! (with Simon hoots.) Oo, ooo. Oo, ooo.

Simon: Oh, Captain! (with Captain Feathersword hoots.) Ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo.

(Simon's door closes. Then, Anthony's door opens transition to the Wigglehouse. While they're singing "In the Wigglehouse." Then, shot cuts to Simon, Anthony & Lachy got a problem for Emma that she lost her bow.)

Lachy: Well, Emma did a big sneeze and she lost her bow. Guys, what do we do? What do we do?!

Anthony: I know. Answer. Answer, what do we do? We call up the Bow Detectives, Maria, Antonio, Lucia, and of course, Chief Inspector Hawk.

Lachy: (He dials the phone, while singing.) Chief Inspector Hawk

Simon: (singing) And Maria, Antonio, Lucia

Anthony: (singing) Bow Detectives

Lachy: (singing) We heard you're the best

Emma: (singing) I sneezed, don't you know?

Simon: (singing) So, Emma's lost her bow

Anthony: (singing) We need your help

(with Emma, Simon & Lachy singing.) We need your help!

Simon: (The doorbell rings. Until, Chief Inspector Hawk, Antonio, Lucia & Maria the Bow Detectives arrives at Wigglehouse.) Wow! That was quick!

Emma: (She gets up off the couch, while holding some roses.) Hello, Detective Hawk!

Chief Hawk: Hello!

Emma: Hello, and hello, Detective Maria, Antonio, Lucia. I just don't know! I can't find the bow.

Chief Hawk: Well, Detective Maria, can you find the bow?

Detective Maria: (She looks through Emma's bow with her looking glass.) Yes.

Chief Hawk: Detective Maria, did you find the bow?

Detective Maria: No.

Chief Hawk: Well, Detective Antonio, can you find the bow?

Detective Antonio: (He looks through Emma's bow with his looking glass.) Yes.

Chief Hawk: Well, Detective Antonio, did you find the bow?

Detective Antonio: Uh, no.

Chief Hawk: OK, Detective Lucia, can you find the bow?

Detective Lucia: (She looks through Emma's bow with her looking glass.) Yes.

Chief Hawk: Detective Lucia, did you find the bow?

Detective Lucia: No.

Wiggles: Detective Hawk, can you find the bow?

Chief Hawk: Well, yes, of course I can find the bow. (He looks through Emma's bow with his looking glass.) Hmm.

Emma: Detective Hawk, did you find the bow?

Chief Hawk: Well, yes, but I'd rather you find it yourselves. Come on, my fellow detectives. Let's go.

Lachy: Bye!

Simon & Anthony: Bye-bye.

Emma: Bye.

Paul Field: (offscreen, until the trivia appears on the screen.) Will Emma ever find her bow again? Or is the answer right under Emma's nose? Stay tuned for the answers to these Wiggly questions!

(4 coloured rectangles sliding transition to the song: Scrubby, Dub, Dub. A scene where The Wiggles & Maria Field are giving Fergus a bubble bath.)

Simon: (singing) Scrub diddly ub, Scrub diddly ub, Scrub diddly ub, In the tub

Scrub diddly ub, Scrub diddly ub, Scrub diddly ub, Dub dub

Scrub, scrub, scrubby dub dub, Scrub scrub scrubby doo doo

Scrub, scrub, scrubby dub dub, Scrub scrub scrubby doo doo

The Other Wiggles: (singing) You can scrub and wash your pets at home or at the vets

In the bath, sink or tub

Simon: (singing) Lots of bubbles is lots of fun

Scrub, scrub, scrubby dub dub, Scrub scrub scrubby doo doo

Scrub, scrub, scrubby dub dub, Scrub scrub scrubby doo doo

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Pets' bath time it's fun to do

Animals need their washing too

Wash your cats, wash your dog

Simon: (singing) You can even wash your pet frog

Scrub, scrub, scrubby dub dub, Scrub scrub scrubby doo doo

Scrub, scrub, scrubby dub dub, Scrub scrub scrubby doo doo

Scrub diddly ub, Scrub diddly ub, Scrub diddly ub, in the tub.

(A picture of four things & colors transition to Anthony reciting a poem about Henry the Octopus.)

Anthony: Henry the Octopus lives under the sea.

Henry: (He gulps.)

Anthony: He's a friend to you. He's a friend to me.

Henry: Breebop!

Anthony: He wears a brightly coloured suit and a lovely straw hat.

Henry: (He gulps.)

Anthony: Henry cam dance like this...

Henry: Whoa! (He gulps.)

Anthony: ..or he can dance like that.

Henry: (He gulps & laughs.)

(4 coloured rectangles flipping transition to the Wigglehouse. While they're singing "Wigglehouse." Then, shot cuts to Emma smelled the roses, until she found her bow by singing a song.)

Simon: We spend a lot of time looking for Emma's bow and we haven't been able to find it anywhere, so now it's time just to sit back, relax, and as they say, smell the roses.

Emma: Ah, a rose! (She sniffs, until she found her bow. She gasps.) There's the bow! (She puts on a bow onto her head.)

Anthony: (singing) Well, you heard about Emma's bow (bow, bow)

Lachy: (singing) It's Emma's favourite, don't you know? (bow, bow)

Simon: (singing) People, they just stop and stare (bow, bow)

Lachy: (singing) There's something special in her hair (bow, bow)

(with the other Wiggles singing.) It's Emma's special bow (bow, bow)

It's Emma's special bow (bow, bow).

(9 rectangles covered the screen, until the logo pops up transition to the song: Michael Finnegan. A scene where Anthony dressed up as Michael Finnegan.)

Emma: (singing) There was an old man named Michael Finnegan

He had whiskers on his chin-ne-gan

Along came the wind and blew them in again

Poor old Michael Finnegan, begin again

Simon: (singing) There was an old man named Michael Finnegan

He had whiskers on his chin-ne-gan

Along came the wind and blew them in again

Poor old Michael Finnegan, begin again

Lachy: (singing) There was an old man named Michael Finnegan

He had whiskers on his chin-ne-gan

Along came the wind and blew them in again

Poor old Michael Finnegan, begin again

(with Emma & Simon singing.) There was an old man named Michael Finnegan

He had whiskers on his chin-ne-gan

Along came the wind and blew them in again

Poor old Michael Finnegan, begin again

(They were all took a deep breath.)

Lachy: One, two, three, four!

(Instrumental break to the ending part that the music is going too fast. 4 coloured rectangles flipping transition to Dorothy talked about what we learned today in the epilogue part.)

Dorothy: What did we do today? Emma sneezed and lost her bow, so the Bow Detectives and Chief Inspector Hawk came to the rescue. It was a bowtiful conclusion. We heard about an odd, obedient owl in "Simon's Alphabet". Who-who-who showed us? It was Captain Feathersword, of course! We'll see you next time on Ready, Steady, Wiggle! Bye!

(Shot transition to the end credits are rolling, while Captain Feathersword & The Wiggles are waving goodbye to the screen, during Ready, Steady, Wiggle! instrumental track is playing in the background. After that, the endboard is showing.)
