This is a skit where Emma sings.
Emma singing "Do the Propeller!" in "Taking Off!"
Emma singing "Peanut Butter"
Emma singing "Beep Beep! Buckle Up!"
Emma singing "I've Got My Glasses On"
Emma singing "Everybody's Here"
Emma singing "Meterology (The Study of the Atmosphere"
Emma singing "Fruit Salad" in "Wiggly Showtime"
Emma singing "Romp Bomp A Stomp"
Emma singing "Power Through the Day"
Emma singing "Musical Cake"
Emma singing "Say the Dance, Do the Dance" in "Furry Tales"
Emma singing "There Are So Many Animals"
Emma singing "Ready, Steady, Wiggle!"
Emma singing "Wake Up, Lachy!"
Emma singing "Sur Le Pont D'Avignon"
Emma singing "Hey Billy Bat!"
Emma singing "Do The Owl"
Emmas singing "I Like Scary Nights" in "Pumpkin Face"
Emma as the beetle singing "Who Killed Cock Robin?"
Emma as the dove singing "Who Killed Cock Robin?"
Emma singing "Lady Gaga: Born This Way"
Emma singing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star"
Emma singing "Ready, Steady, Wiggle!"
Emma singing "Curoo Curoo" in "Go Santa Go!"
Emma singing "Go Santa Go"
Emma singing "Decorate the Tree with Dorothy"
Emma singing "Apples and Bananas"
Emma singing "The Wheels on the Bus" in "Apples & Bananas"
Emma singing "Shortnin' Bread"
Emma singing "I'll Tell Me Ma"
Emma singing "Fa La Ninna"
Emma singing "Michael Finnegan"
Emma singing her bow minuet in "Wigglehouse"
Emma singing "It's Okay to Cry"
Emma singing "The Story Of Emma's Glasses"
Emma singing "Two Polite Elvises"
Emma singing "Little Sir Echo"
Lachy and Emma singing "Lady Gaga's Born This Way"
Emma singing "This Old Man"
Emma singing "Do Your Ears Hang Low?"
Emma singing "Tasmanian Tiger"
Emma singing "The Coroboree Frog"
Lachy and Emma singing "Brush Your Pet's Hair"
Greg and Emma singing "Poesje Mauw"
Emma singing "Feeling Chirpy"
Emma singing "Dorothy the Dinosaur"
Emma singing "Di Dicki Do Dum"
Emma singing "Itsy Bitsy Spider"
Emma singing "I Love To Have A Dance With Dorothy"
Emma singing "Pin the Bow on Emma"