
This is the transcript for Episode 12 of series 1 (Sprout version)


(The episode starts with The Wiggles logo above these 4 characters in the show. Until, Greg is singing the song: Get Ready To Wiggle plays in the background, it shows their names appear in the opening sequence.)

Greg: (singing offscreen.) Ba-dum-bum-bum, ba-da-ba-da

Ba-dum-bum-bum, ba-da-ba-da

Ba-dum-bum-bum, ba-da-ba-da


We're ready to wiggle, wiggle your fingers high in the sky

We're ready to wiggle, wiggle your ears and wiggle your eyes

We're ready to wiggle, wiggle your hair and wiggle your nose

We're ready to wiggle, wiggle all ten toes, wiggle all ten toes


(Paint rollers transition to the Henry the Octopus. While, Greg is the singing part for Henry the Octopus.)

Greg: (singing offscreen.) Henry the Octopus

Lives down in the deep blue sea

Henry the Octopus

He's a friend to you and me.

Henry: Hi, everybody. Or as we say in octopus language, "Breebop!"

(It translates to the segment called, "Henry the Octopus: The Hat Parade" A scene where Henry & the other underwater friends are talking about wearing hats.)

Greg: (offscreen.) It was a lovely day in the ocean. The water was cool, clear and blue. Henry the Octopus lived in his house under the sea. Henry was well known for his lovely boater hat. His friends in the Underwater Big Band asked him where he had got such a lovely hat.

Henry: My dear mother Henrietta found it floating in the ocean and gave it to me when I was a little octopus.

Greg: (offscreen.) ..said Henry. Jacques the Shark wore something called a beret. He had found it floating in the ocean, and all good saxophone players need a beret. Some of Henry's friends wanted to wear a hat as well, but there were none to find. Henry told them...

Henry: If you want to wear something on your head, why don't you make your own hats? Let's see what we can find. It's amazing what you can find on the bottom of the sea. That would be fun!

(It translates to Jacques, Green & Cassie picked their seaweed & seagrass.)

Greg: (offscreen.) And so Henry's friends started to gather materials to make hats and wigs. The Catfish and Jacques thought that seaweed and seagrass would be good material.

Jacques: Hey, Catfish. This seaweed is going to look so cool. You'll be the hippest cats in your school.

Greg: (offscreen.) And so the Catfish worked with the seaweed and grass, gathering and trying it together until they both had a wig. (It translates to Green & Cassie Catfish are wearing their fantastic wigs, while singing their song.) They were both very proud of their creations and put them on top of their heads to show the others, singing...

Green & Cassie: (singing) Yeah, yeah, yeah

I wanna dance with a clam.

Greg: (offscreen.) The Catfish had done very well. Everyone thought the wigs were so clever and very funny. Some of Henry's other friends had been hard at work as well. The two Fishettes loved the idea of something beautiful to wear on their heads.

Henry: Show us all what you have done, Fishettes. I am sure it will be beautiful!

Greg: (offscreen.) And so the Fishettes showed what they had made, twirling this way and that way.

Henry: Oh! Aren't they wonderful? But what are they?

Greg: (offscreen.) ..asked Henry.

The Fishettes: They are our tiaras, made from broken coral. We think that we will wear them on special occasions like the Beluga Ball.

Greg: (offscreen.) They coral tiaras were truly beautiful, but there was someone else who had made something. Tom the Trout had got together with Joey, and had something quite special.

Henry: What have you got, Tom and Joey? Come and show us all your special hat.

Greg: (offscreen.) Henry turned around. He heard someone calling out.

Tom: Ahoy there, me hearties! It's a pirate party!

Greg: (offscreen.) It was Tom the Trout, sounding like a pirate, and looking like Captain Feathersword. Henry asked...

Henry: Did you make that pirate hat?

Tom: No.

Greg: (offscreen.) ..said Tom. Joey had found it in a pirate shipwreck.

Henry: What a clever little crab! And now, everyone, let's have a hat parade! March around with your heads up high while the band plays.

Greg: (offscreen.) What an adventure and what a great day. Did you enjoy the hat parade? Yes, it was a lot of fun. It's always fun with Henry the Octopus.

(The 2 seahorses are floating around with their 2 hats on for the hat parade, when the music pays. After that, the camera it's getting blurry, until, it transitions to Captain Feathersword's Pirate Show (segment). A scene where Captain Feathersword introduced himself with his buddy, Wags for having a song.)

Captain Feathersword: (singing) Ahoy there, me hearties, you're all welcomed here!

All: (singing offscreen.) It's Captain Feathersword's Pirate Show!

(It transitions to the segment called "Picnic at Pirate Park"! A scene where Captain Feathersword is holding a picnic basket, while getting ready to have a picnic.)

Captain Feathersword: Wow! Hoo-hoo! Ooh! Yes. (He's humming, while trying to unfold a blanket to sit on. But, it covers him that he can't see things.) Oh... oh... oh! Oh, no... ow! Oh... ooh... (He takes his blanket out.) Ha! Oh... oh, yeah. Oh... (The wind was blown to put the blankey down.) Whoa! Whoo! Whoo! (He coughs.) Oh, yes. Ha! (A drumroll plays in the background. Then, he clears his throat while putting a blanket down which is a perfect place to sit on.) Hmm. Hmm. Ah. Ooh, yeah. (He sighs beautifully.) What a lovely day for a picnic! (He takes his food of of a basket & put it on a blanket.) I would bring my good friend Wags the Dog along, only he always eats everything. But not this time. This time I've got all these yummy goodies just for myself. Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Oh, yes, indeed! I'm so hungry I can hardly wait! Hoo-hoo-hoo! Now, what shall I start with first? A yummy apple! Oh! An orange, maybe? Shiver me timbers! I know. (Wags is tiptoeing up on him.) Fruit salad! Me favourite! Hoo-hoo-hoo! (Wags shushes, while telling the viewers to be quiet as he plays a trick on him.) Oh, wouldn't Wags love to get his paws on this?! Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Oh, I need a spoon. (He is looking for a spoon. When, Wags is taking a bowl of fruit salad & eats it, while slurping.) Now... a spoon. Oh, where is it? Oh, dear. Oh! Here it is. Now, my yummy fruit... (He was shocked that someone stole his bowl of fruit salad.) But it was here! I didn't eat it, did I? Oh, no, no, no, no, no. It was just... Oh... never mind. I've got lots of other yummy goodies in here that I know Wags would love to eat. Oh-ho! Ooh! I know. I'll have some pie! Oooh, yes. A yummy slice of pie. (He takes out a big slice of pie & sniffs.) Mmm! Hoo-hoo-hoo! (He took a slice out of holder & put it on a plate.) Mm-hm! (He notices something about very strange.) What was that? That was a silly noise. Hmm. Must've been a big bird or something. Well, at least I've still got my yummy pie. (Then, a fly come towards the pie.) Oh! Oh! OW! Arggh! Arggh! Mosquitoes! Arggh! Ow! Ooh! Ow! Ooh! Ow! Ooh! OW! (He slaps him in his face. But then, Wags is taking a yummy slice of pie & eats it, while slurping.) Oh... (He cries tiny a bit.) All I want to do is eat my pie! (He was shocked that someone stole his slice of yummy pie.) The pie! It was here! Oh... oh! Something funny's going on here. (He gets up from a blanket to find someone who has been stolen.) Excuse me, sir. Did you see anybody take a slice of pie from that plate? Sir? Er... excuse me, sir, did you see anyone...

Wags: (He puts a newspaper down, wearing a hat, sunglasses & a beard.) Rrro. (He continues reading a newspaper.)

Captain Feathersword: Oh. OK. There's something familiar about that fellow. Something is definitely going on. First my fruit salad disappears, then my yummy pie. But at least I still have my ice cream. Oh, nothing's going to stop me from having this. Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! (He takes out of ice cream of his basket. Then, Wags pulls a bench to stand on.) Oh... oh, I don't know what's going on, but I do know I have an ice cream in my hand, and soon it will be in my mouth. Oh, nothing is going to spoil this! Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! (Wags is using a watering can to pour water all over him.) Oh! Oh, no! I don't believe it! Oh, it's raining! Oh, it was such a lovely day and now it's raining! Oh, and look at my ice cream! (He sobs, while putting everything away in the basket.) Oh, no! Oh! (He cries to look at his food is ruined.) WHAT A MISERABLE PICNIC!!!!!! (He covers a blanket to cover his head, picking up a basket & he is crying that our picnic is ruined.) Arr! (He sobs, while leaving the park.)

Wags: (He laughs over that funny prank on him.) Ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff. Ruff, ruff, ruff.

(It translates to the song: Whenever I Hear This Music. A scene where the Wiggles are doing their body movements.)

Greg(singing) Whenever I hear this music

Whenever I hear this song,

I just can't stop dancing

And you can dance along

Nod your head up, and down

Twirl your hands round and round

Point one toe and then the other

Or wiggle if you'd rather

Whenever I hear this music

Whenever I hear this song,

I just can't stop dancing

And you can dance along

Turn your head from side to side

Then wave your hands, wave up high

Stamp your feet and stamp again

Jump until the end

Whenever I hear this music

Whenever I hear this song,

I just can't stop dancing

And you can dance along.

(Snail transition. Then, it translates into flowers transition to the end credits are rolling, while The Wiggles, Officer Beaples & their friends are playing a game of tennis with their rackets. When, Jeff is holding a ball. While, Anthony & Murray are moving back & forth. Then, Jeff swings the racket & hit a tennis ball. They we're all trying to catch it. But, Captain Feathersword has caught the ball with his mouth, riding on his bike. While, they're running around during The Chase (Instrumental) track is playing in the background. So, they had to catch up Captain Feathersword with a tennis ball. After that, it fades to black. Then it translates to Emma Ryan painting a picture. Then, the paintbrush splats to The Wiggles Logo appears on the screen. Then, it fades to black.)
