Captain Feathersword pointing to the red door
Murray, Captain, Jeff and Greg
Jeff, Captain, Greg and Anthony
"I'm in the wrong place!"
"Hmm. Fascinating report there, Dorothy. Well done."
Greg announcing the weather
Greg and Captain Feathersword
Greg blowing Glittering Gail
"Henry, you're going the wrong way!"
Henry going the wrong way
Captain Feathersword's boots
Dorothy and Wags playing with sand
Captain Feathersword jumping
Dorothy and Wags in Captain's perspective
"Oh, sorry, Wags. Sorry, Dorothy. I didn't see you there."
Greg using his finger jumping
Anthony's Workshop: Maracas
Anthony, Rebecca and Seamus
Anthony playing his homemade maraca
Murray and his mirror clone
"And now a Wiggly Community Service Announcement."
Community Service Announcement: Laughing
Captain Feathersword reading a newspaper
Captain Feathersword falling off the chair
Murray and Jeff smelling flowers
Anthony and Jeff in the credits
Jeff and Greg in the credits
Greg and Murray in the credits
Endboard of a red background