

This is the transcript for Episode 13 of series 1 (Sprout version)


(The episode starts with The Wiggles logo above these 4 characters in the show. Until, Greg is singing the song: Get Ready To Wiggle plays in the background, it shows their names appear in the opening sequence.)

Greg: (singing offscreen.) Ba-dum-bum-bum, ba-da-ba-da

Ba-dum-bum-bum, ba-da-ba-da

Ba-dum-bum-bum, ba-da-ba-da


We're ready to wiggle, wiggle your fingers high in the sky

We're ready to wiggle, wiggle your ears and wiggle your eyes

We're ready to wiggle, wiggle your hair and wiggle your nose

We're ready to wiggle, wiggle all ten toes, wiggle all ten toes


(A pop-up purple star with green outlined transition to Greg talks about walking.)

Greg: You know, there's lots of places you can walk or run to. Dorothy the Dinosaur's walking, eating some roses. (He laughs.) Captain Feathersword is running to his pirate ship.

Captain Feathersword: Wha-ha-ha-haa!

Greg: Henry the Octopus is...

Henry: (He walks by the camera, waving to the audience.) Whoa! Whoa!

Greg: ..w... walking to the ocean to... to have a swim. And Wags...

Wags: (He runs by, looking around for some bones.) Ruff-ruff, ruff-ruff!

Greg: Wags the Dog is running to dig up some bones. (Jeff sleepwalks past the camera.) And... Jeff... well, Jeff's sleepwalking. (He chuckles.) He's always asleep. (He is running, while calling out waking Jeff up to come back.) Jeff? Uh, come back here, Jeff. Wake up, Jeff! Wake up!

(A scene fades to the song: Walk.)

Greg: Get ready to...

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Walk,

Greg: (singing) On your way to school

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Walk,

Greg: (singing) To the swimming pool

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Walk,

Greg: (singing) To your favourite park

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Walk,

Greg: (singing) But not after dark

(with The Other Wiggles singing) Walk, everywhere

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Run,

Greg: (singing) Right around the block

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Run,

Greg: (singing) In your shoes and socks

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Run,

Greg: (singing) With your knees up high

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Run,

Greg: (singing) When you're feeling fine

(with The Other Wiggles singing) Run, everywhere

Greg: Well, it's been lots of fun walking and running. What other ways can we move? Oh, I think I know.

(singing) We can move in many different ways.

We can walk and run and jump all day.

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Jump,

Greg: (singing) Like a kangaroo

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Jump,

Greg: (singing) Over to the zoo

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Jump,

Greg: (singing) Up two flights of stairs

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Jump,

Greg: (singing) High up in the air

(with The Other Wiggles singing) Jump, everywhere

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Walk,




(Stars transition to Kaz the Cat. A scene where The Wiggles are singing a song about the coolest cat ever.)

The Wiggles: (singing offscreen.) Who is the coolest cat in the land?

Carolyn: (singing offscreen.) I know the coolest cat in the land.

The Wiggles: (singing offscreen.) Who is the coolest cat in the land?

Carolyn: (singing offscreen.) Hey, everybody, it's Kaz the Cat.

(Kaz meows.)

(It fades to the segment called "Flying". A scene where Kaz asked Benjamin the Bird about things that really could fly.)

Kaz: Tell me now, Benjamin Bird. How purrfect it must be to be able to fly?

Benjamin: (offscreen.) Tweet-tweet. It is pretty neat. It really is quite easy when you have feathers and wings.

Kaz: I love to flit from cloud to cloud. From planet to planet.

Max: You'll need a spaceship for that, Kaz. I can see it now. (singing.) Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Cat

How I wonder what you at

Up above the ground so high

Like a furball in the sky

(They're all laughing over that silly song. Until, Carolyn arrives.)

Carolyn: Hi, guys. Who'd like an ice block on this beautiful day?

Benjamin, Kaz & Max: Yeah!

Kaz: Make mine a mice block!

(Max the Mouse scares away for that silly joke. Until, dog pawprint transition to the Wigglehouse (segment). While, Greg is the singing part for Get Ready To Wiggle.)

(Stars transition to the Kindergarten segment. The kids are playing computers.)

Dorothy: (narrates offscreen) You can find out lots of things when you play on a computer. You move the mouse and click it when the cursor is on the right spot, and you can have all sorts of computer adventures.

(The kids playing Living Books: Ruff's Bone)

Dorothy: (narrates offscreen) Sometimes you can solve puzzles, and sometimes the computer asks questions and tells you if you've got it right. Oh, you need to watch what is on the screen and listen to what it said, and then you can make stories happen. Sometimes it's hard to make the mouse do what you wanted to do. You have to concentrate and think about what you have to do next. It's really exciting when you've made the characters on the screen move and jump up and down and sometimes...

(the caveman falls in the hole, then the kids laugh)

Dorothy: (narrates offscreen) ...disappear! (laughing)

(Dog pawprints transition to the Wigglehouse (segment). While, Greg is the singing part for Get Ready To Wiggle.)

Greg: (singing offscreen.) Ba-dum-bum-bum, ba-da-ba-da

Ba-dum-bum-bum, ba-da-ba-da

Ba-dum-bum-bum, ba-da-ba-da


(Until, it translates to Jeff is looking out through the window. While, he is getting ready for his nap.)

Jeff: What a beautiful, sunny day outside. (He yawns.) I think I'll take a quick nap. (He sits down in his armchair, while sleeping.)

(Then, a spaceship can be heard landing near Wigglehouse, an alien named Zardo Zap appears on the porch.)

Zardo Zap: Zardo Zap to spaceship. Zardo Zap to spaceship. Do you read me, spaceship? Over.

Spaceship: (gibberish on two-way radio with a squeaky voice.)

Zardo Zap: I have arrived at Wiggle House. I plan to enter and complete objective of finding out how The Wiggles and their friends make children laugh, dance and sing.

Spaceship: (gibberish on two-way radio with a squeaky voice.)

Zardo Zap: Very well. Any more orders?

Spaceship: (gibberish on two-way radio with a squeaky voice.)

Zardo Zap: Yes, I will bring back one can of lemonade.

Door: Who goes there?

Zardo Zap: I am Zardo Zap. I am a scary alien from another planet. Resistance is futile.

Door: Likely story. You'll need to do the test if you want to enter.

Zardo Zap(She shocked.) No! No test for Zardo Zap. Look into my eyes. You are getting sleepy.

Door: No, I'm not.

Zardo Zap: Yes, you are! Resistance is futile.

Door: Oh, all right.

(Zardo Zap enters Wigglehouse and finds Jeff snoring in his purple armchair.)

Jeff: (He snores while sleeping.)

Zardo Zap: (She gasps.) Ohh! This is a Wiggle! I think it is a Jeff. (Jeff nods in his sleep.) I have a brilliant plan. I will disguise myself as this Jeff… ..and find out what secrets they have to make children laugh, dance and sing.

Anthony: (He's singing in his bedroom.) An apple, an apple!

Zardo Zap: Oh, no! Another Wiggle being! I must hide. (She turns into a statue.)

(Anthony enters the kitchen and grabs an apple from his apple-throwing machine. He takes a bite out of the green apple and skips happily back to his room.)

Zardo Zap: (She takes a breath but turns back into a statue.)

(Anthony walks back to the kitchen thinking he heard something, but shrugs.)

Zardo Zap: (She takes a breath.) That was close!

(Jeff stands up and begins to sleepwalk to his bedroom. Zardo Zap runs between Jeff and Greg's bedrooms to open Jeff's bedroom door. She uses her hand to open the door and Jeff sleepwalks into it.)

Zardo Zap: (She takes a breath.) Zardo Zap to spaceship. I am preparing to take on the form of the Wiggle they call Jeff. (She whips herself as Jeff.)

Jeff: (He's speaking in an alien voice.) No-one will ever know.

(Greg, Anthony and Murray jump out of their bedrooms.)

Anthony: Jeff, you're awake! Aren't you sleepy today?

Jeff: I am not tired. Why would Jeff be tired, Murray? (Greg looks at Murray and Anthony and the three of them walk over to him.) Oops. I mean, Anthony.

Murray: But, Jeff, you're always tired.

Greg: Jeff, is there something wrong? You sound funny?

Jeff: Just a cold. (He's sniffly.) Ah-choo! (Dorothy arrives and pats Jeff on the shoulder.) No more foolishness! I know you are there!

Dorothy: Ohhh, Jeff, how did you know?

Jeff: My senses detected a reptilian life form.

Anthony: Huh?

Murray: Huh?

Greg: Huh?

Jeff: (He turned to Murray, Anthony & Greg.) Let us perform for the children immediately, make them happy.

Murray: But, Jeff, we don't have any concerts till tomorrow! You know that.

Jeff: Oops! My Jeff-mind forgot. Ah, Henry. Show me how to make the children laugh.

Anthony, Greg & Murray: "Henry"?!

Greg: That's Dorothy. (He turns to the viewers.) Is this really Jeff? I don't think so.

Paul Field: (offscreen, until the trivia appears on the screen.) Will The Wiggles discover Zardo's trick? What will Zardo do next? Will the real Jeff return?

Jeff: I have been found out! My goose is cooked! (He whips back into Zardo Zap.)

Anthony: Wha-hoo! That's not Jeff!

(Greg and Murray agree with him.)

'Zardo Zap: (She's feeling sad.) I am Zardo Zap from the planet Zephyr, and I have failed in my mission.

(Jeff wakes up, comes out of his bedroom while yawning.)

Greg: Why? What was your mission?

Zardo Zap: The children on my planet are sad. We must find a way to make them happy. I was going to take your secrets away and use them to make children smile.

Anthony: Well, you didn't have to disguise yourself to do that, Zardo.

Murray: And there's no real secret about it.

Dorothy: It's because they love to sing and dance and have fun with their friends.

Zardo Zap: Oh? "Fun?" What's "fun"?

Anthony: Hey, Zardo. Watch this. (He's singing.) Ah-koo, ka-koo, ka-koo, koo (Dorothy joins in.) Koo-koo koo-ka, koo-ka, koo-koo, koo, koo, koo. (They both giggle.)

Zardo Zap: That is most fun. (She's depressed.) But I will never be able to teach the children of Zephyr.

Jeff: Sure you can. All you have to do is try it. Go on. You might even like it. (with Anthony, Dorothy, Greg & Murray singing.) Koo-ka, koo-ka, koo-koo, koo, koo, koo Koo-ka, koo-ka, koo-koo, koo, koo Koo-ka, koo-ka, koo-koo, koo, koo, koo Koo-ka, koo-ka, koo-koo, koo, koo, koo. (They both laugh.)

Zardo Zap: That is fun. Most fun. But hard.

Murray: Yes, it is hard. But, the main thing is you try, and enjoy yourself.

Zardo Zap: Well, thank you, my new friends. If you ever get to Zephyr, please look me up.

The Wiggles: Will do, Zardo.

Zardo Zap: Zardo Zap. Ready for transportation. Oh, may I borrow one can of lemonade?

Murray: Sure, Jeff?

Jeff: One moment. (He collects the can from his bedroom and gives it to Zardo.)

Zardo Zap: Zee-ya Wiggles.

The Wiggles: Zee-ya Zardo. (Zardo Zap leaves the Wigglehouse, while singing with Dorothy.) Koo-ka, koo-ka, koo-koo, koo, koo, koo Koo-ka, koo-ka, koo-koo, koo, koo Koo-ka, koo-ka, koo-koo, koo, koo, koo Koo-ka, koo-ka, koo-koo, koo, koo, koo. (They sing faster and faster, until they both laugh.)

(3D block shapes transition to the song: Get Ready To Wiggle.)

Greg: (singing) Get ready to wiggle!

(Backing vocals singing Shoobie-Doobie-Doo.)

We've been ready for so long

Get ready to wiggle

(Backing vocals singing Shoobie-Doobie-Doo.)

When you wiggle, you can't go wrong

Get ready to wiggle

(Backing vocals singing Shoobie-Doobie-Doo.)

Wiggling will make you big and strong

Get ready to wiggle

(Backing vocals singing Shoobie-Doobie-Doo.)

C'mon, wiggle to this song, Wiggle to this song

Ba-Dump-Bum-Bum, Ba-Dump-Ba-Da.

Ba-Dump-Bum-Bum, Ba-Dump-Ba-Da.

Ba-Dump-Bum-Bum, Ba-Dump-Ba-Da.

We're ready to wiggle

(Backing vocals singing Shoobie-Doobie-Doo.)

Wiggle your fingers high in the sky

We're ready to wiggle

(Backing vocals singing Shoobie-Doobie-Doo.)

Wiggle your ears and wiggle your eyes

We're ready to wiggle

(Backing vocals singing Shoobie-Doobie-Doo.)

Wiggle your hair and wiggle your nose

We're ready to wiggle

(Backing vocals singing Shoobie-Doobie-Doo.)

C'mon, wiggle all ten toes Wiggle all ten toes

Ba-Dump, Bum-Bum-Ba-Da.

Ba-Dump, Bum-Bum-Ba-Da.

Ba-Dump, Bum-Bum-Ba-Da.

Ba-Dump, Bum-Bum-Ba-Da.

We can wiggle


and wiggle


Wiggle at home without a care



and wiggle


Wiggle on your own or with teddy bear



and wiggle


Wiggle at breakfast, lunch or tea



and wiggle


wiggle along with me, that's right, wiggle along with me

Ba-Dump-Bum-Bum, Ba-Dump-Ba-Da.

Ba-Dump-Bum-Bum, Ba-Dump-Ba-Da.

Ba-Dump-Bum-Bum, Ba-Dump-Ba-Da.


(Snail transition. Then, it translates into flowers transition to the end credits are rolling, while The Wiggles, Officer Beaples & their friends are playing a game of tennis with their rackets. When, Jeff is holding a ball. While, Anthony & Murray are moving back & forth. Then, Jeff swings the racket & hit a tennis ball. They we're all trying to catch it. But, Captain Feathersword has caught the ball with his mouth, riding on his bike. While, they're running around during The Chase (Instrumental) track is playing in the background. So, they had to catch up Captain Feathersword with a tennis ball. After that, it fades to black. Then it translates to Emma Ryan painting a picture. Then, the paintbrush splats to The Wiggles Logo appears on the screen. Then, it fades to black.)
