
This is the transcript for Episode 15 of Series 2 (Sprout version)


(The episode starts with a song: In The Wiggles' World.)

(An opening scene from the TV Series 2 is shown.)

Greg: (singing) We know a world, a magic world

Come with us and see

(with the Other Wiggles singing.) Anything can happen in this special world

It can happen to you or me

Greg: (singing) It's where The Wiggles live

Why don't you come along

And meet their friends as well.

There's' music and dancing, magic and games

(with the Other Wiggles singing.) And lots of great stories to tell

In The Wiggles' world, in The Wiggles' world

You're all welcome here

Greg: (singing) So let's give a cheer

Welcome to The Wiggles' world.

(with the Other Wiggles singing.) In The Wiggles' world. In The Wiggles' world

Greg: (singing) You're all welcome here, so let's give a cheer, welcome to The Wiggles' world.

(The Wiggles logo transition to the Song: Uncle Noah's Ark. A scene where Murray holding his acoustic guitar, while telling a story about Uncle Noah who built an ark for all the animals.)

Murray: This is the story of a man who lived a long, long time ago and his name was "Uncle Noah". Now, Uncle Noah has to save some animals from a flood, so he built a really, really big boat. And he called that big boat, "Uncle Noah's Ark". There were some ducks on the ark, and the ducks went, "quack!" Could you do that with us? The ducks went, "quack!" The cows went, "moo!" Now, Uncle Noah has a rooster on the ark, and the rooster went, "cock-a-doodle-doo!" There were some cats on the ark, and the cats made a terrible row. They went, "meow!" There was a pig on the ark, and the little pig went... (He snorts.) How did that little pig go? It went... (He snorts.) There were some goats on the ark, and the goats shook their heads... (He shake his head.) ..and they went, "maa! Maa!" Now, let me see. What else was there on the ark? (Greg flopped his ears to make a donkey's ears.) Some donkeys! Let's see some long ears, donkeys. And the donkeys went, "hee-haw! Hee-haw!" Gee, it was noisy on the ark, but it was lots of fun too. So, why don't you come on board Uncle Noah's Ark with us?!

Greg: (singing) A long long time ago

As all you folks should know

Uncle Noah built himself an ark

Uncle Noah: Now, that's a boat folks!

Greg: (singing) For 40 days and nights

The rain was quite a fright

The animals nearly tore the ark apart

The ducks went quack

The cows went...


The roosters


The old tom cat sure raised an awful row


The little pig oink


The billy goats


The bullfrog said

Anthony: (singing) "Biggest rain we've ever had".

Greg: (singing) Uncle Noah's ark is a mad house now

(They're making animal noises.)

The horses and cattle, and foul of the air

Even the long eared donkey was there.


The ducks went quack

The cows went moo

The roosters


All were there at Uncle Noah's ark

(Instrumental break to The Wiggles are doing their animal actions.)

(quacking, cock-a-doodling, moo sounds.)

Anthony: (singing) "Biggest rain we've ever had".

(They were all making animal noises.)

Greg: (singing) The ducks went quack

The cows went...


The roosters


The old tom cat sure raised an awful row


The little pig oink


The billy goats


The bullfrog said

Anthony: (singing) "Biggest rain we've ever had".

Greg: (singing) Uncle Noah's ark is a mad house now

(They're making animal noises.)

The horses and cattle, and foul of the air

Even the long eared donkey was there.


The ducks went quack

The cows went moo

The roosters


All were there at Uncle Noah's ark

Anthony: But what about the unicorn?

Greg: (singing) All were there at Uncle Noah's ark

(They were all making animal noises at the end. Then 4 wiggly colours transition to Henry using his fishing rod to catch something. But then, Flora Door has the hiccups & she can't stop. While, The Wiggles are all talking at once to get in.)

Flora Door: (She hiccups.)

Murray, Greg & Jeff: Let us in, please.

Flora Door: (She hiccups.)

Jeff: The door's got the hiccups.

Murray: Maybe if we surprised the door it might get rid of the hiccups.

Greg: Yeah, okay. Good idea. 1, 2, 3... (with Jeff, Anthony & Murray.) BOO!

Flora Door: (She squeals & laughs. Then, she sighs that her hiccups are gone.) You did it! My hiccups are gone. Thank you, Wiggles.

(It translates back to a fishing rod coming towards Henry’s bone. Until, it translates to Captain & Wags to do some dog tricks.)

Wags: Now, where did my bone go?

Captain Feathersword: Wags, me hearty! Just the dog I wanted to see!

Wags: Uh-oh. I hope he isn't gonna try and teach me a trick.

Captain Feathersword: I'm gonna teach you how to sit up and beg. (He pants.)

Wags: I don't need to sit up and beg. I can stand and beg. It's easier.

Captain Feathersword: Now, watch closely. Crouch down, like me. (He crouches down to the ground.) Come on. (Wags crouches down to the ground.) Now, heave too! (He pants, while his tongue sticking out.) Oh, good dog! Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!

(It translates to Henry is spinning around & throws a bone into the air & give it to the Captain.)

Wags: (Captain gives a bone to him. Then he gets up & leaves) Good pirate.

(Captain Feathersword was so confused to the camera. Until, some bones transition to the Song: John Bradlelum. A scene where Greg is on a hill.)

Greg: (singing) Number 1, number 1

Now the song has just begun.

With a rum-tum-tadelum, oh, John Bradelum

Hey what funny folk we be.

(Greg laughs & Murray arrives.)

Number 2, number 2

The rooster crows cock-a-doodle-doodle-doo.

With a rum-tum-tadelum, oh, John Bradelum

Hey what funny folk we be.

(Greg & Murray laughs & Anthony arrives.)

Number 3, number 3

I like you and you like me.

With a rum-tum-tadelum, oh, John Bradelum

Hey what funny folk we be.

(Greg, Murray & Anthony laughs & Jeff arrives.)

Number 4, number 4

Knock, knock, knock, knock at your door

With a rum-tum-tadelum, oh, John Bradelum

Hey what funny folk we be.

(The Wiggles laugh & Captain Feathersword with a bee arrive coming behind in the distance of the hill.)

Number 5, number 5

5 busy bees buzzing in a hive

With a rum-tum-tadelum, oh, John Bradelum

Hey what funny folk we be.

(Captain Feathersword shoos the bee away & The Wiggles are laughing & point at him. Until, a magic hat transition to Anthony & Greg are trying to keep quiet, while rabbit gonna come out of a hat with a carrot.)

Greg: Oh, hi, Anthony.

Anthony: Hi, Greg.

Greg: (He forgets his magic words.) Abracazeeb. Abraca... No. Abraca... abracaboo. Abraca...

Anthony: What are you doing?!

Greg: Shh! Not too loud, Anthony. You'll frighten it.

Anthony: Frighten what? The hat?

Greg: No, the rabbit.

Anthony: What rabbit?!

Greg: Shh! (He whispers.) The rabbit in the hat.

Anthony: (He whispers.) I don't see a rabbit in the hat.

Greg: I know. It's hiding.

Anthony: Greg, I don't have time for these silly games. I've gotta go and make the perfect carrot soup.

Greg: Ah! Just what I need. May I borrow it? (He gives a carrot to Anthony.) Here we go. Get ready, rabbit. (He forgot to use his magic words.) Abracaba... uh, abracadebra, abracabarbra.

Anthony: I was using that!

Greg: Shh! I think it's coming. Abraca... abraca... (He dropped a carrot into his hat.) Whoa! Oh, no. I almost had it. If only I could remember the magic words.

Anthony: (He babbles.) The rabbit took my carrot!

Greg: You wouldn't have another carrot, would you, Anthony?

Anthony: That was my last one. GIVE ME BACK MY CARROT, RABBIT! (He uses his teeth to pull a carrot out of his hat.) Greg... you wouldn't mind practicing in your magic tricks in your room, would you?

Greg: I guess not. (He gets up, while trying to memorized his magic words.) Abraca... Oh, dear.

Anthony: I'm going to have to make onion soup now. (He puts his carrot down.) When I cut onions it makes me cry. (He's crying, while cutting his onion with his knife.)

Greg: Oh, don't cry, Anthony. Hey, take a look at this. This will make you smile.

(It translates to the song: Zardo Zap. A scene where Leanne Halloran as Zardo Zap. While, The Wiggles, their kids & dancers are dancing with an alien.)

Greg: (singing) Well Zardo Zap was flying around

She landed her saucer here on the ground

Zardo Zap hadn't been here long

When she started singing this song

All: Coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo

Coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo

Coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo

Coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo

Greg: (singing) When everybody saw her on the ground

People started gathering around

Very soon her song caught on

Everyone sang along

All: Coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo

Coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo

Coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo

Coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo

Greg: (singing) She thought that Earth was really hip

She was tired and hungry after making the trip

Thirty zillion clicks is a long way to come

To get some pappadums

All: Coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo

Coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo

Coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo

Coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo

Coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo

Coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo

Coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo

Coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo
