This is the transcript for Episode 16 of Series 2 (Sprout version)
(The episode starts with a song: In The Wiggles' World)
(An opening scene from the TV Series 2 is shown.)
Greg: (singing) We know a world, a magic world
Come with us and see
(with the Other Wiggles singing) Anything can happen in this special world
It can happen to you or me
Greg: (singing) It's where The Wiggles live
Why don't you come along
And meet their friends as well.
There's music and dancing, magic and games
(with the Other Wiggles singing) And lots of great stories to tell
In The Wiggles' world, in The Wiggles' world
You're all welcome here
Greg: (singing) So let's give a cheer
Welcome to The Wiggles' world.
(with the Other Wiggles singing) In The Wiggles' world. In The Wiggles' world
Greg: (singing) You're all welcome here, so let's give a cheer, welcome to The Wiggles' world.
(The Wiggles logo transitioned to Anthony & Dorothy looking out the window, when it’s raining outside.)
Dorothy: Why does it have to rain today?
Greg: I don't know, Dorothy, but I think it's going to rain all day.
Dorothy: Oh! I wanted to have a picnic in the park.
Anthony: We don't need a park for a picnic, we can have one right here now!
Murray: Except we just finished breakfast, Anthony.
Anthony: Oh, yes. I forgot.
Murray: (He sighs.) There's not much to do on a rainy day, I guess.
Jeff: Oh, I don't know. We can always go outside and get wet.
Dorothy: Oh... go away, rain!
(The thunder begins to rumble.)
Anthony: Dorothy, would you like to hear a Wiggle tale?
Dorothy: A Wiggle tale?! Oh, yes, please!
Murray: (to camera.) How about you? Would you like to hear a Wiggle tale?
Jeff: Okay... (with Anthony, Greg & Murray.) Let's have a Wiggle tale.
Anthony: (A Wiggle tales book opens transition to Dorothy, while he narrates offscreen.) Once upon a time, there was a little dinosaur called Dorothy.
Dorothy: Oh, my name's Dorothy, too.
Greg: (He narrates offscreen.) So it is, Dorothy. Well, this Dorothy had a garden filled with roses.
Dorothy: So do I.
Murray: (He narrates offscreen.) She loved roses more than anything and had every king of rose imaginable.
Jeff: (He narrates offscreen.) She had rosy roses.
Anthony: (He narrates offscreen.) Posy roses.
Greg: (He narrates offscreen.) Cosy roses.
Jeff: (He narrates offscreen.) Even nosy roses.
Anthony: (He narrates offscreen.) Everyday, Dorothy would walk amongst her roses and cheerfully greet them.
Dorothy: Hello, big, red, roses. Hi! Hello, small, red roses. (She giggles.) Hello, medium sized roses. Hello. Hello. Hello, hello, hello. (She giggles.)
Murray: (He narrates offscreen.) And so on, because Dorothy loved her roses.
Anthony: (He narrates offscreen.) Well, one day, Dorothy noticed that her roses...
Murray: (He narrates offscreen.) Were not looking very happy. In fact...
Jeff: (He narrates offscreen.) They were looking quite sad.
(The roses begins to flop down that they're dried.)
Dorothy: Oh, goodness me. I've been so busy admiring my roses I forgot to water them.
Greg: (He narrates offscreen.) And so she ran about all that day watering...
Jeff: (He narrates offscreen.) Watering.
Anthony: (He narrates offscreen.) Watering.
Murray: (He narrates offscreen.) Watering.
Greg: (He narrates offscreen.) Because Dorothy had so many roses she was only able to water some of them.
Dorothy: (She watered with those two watering cans. But, it didn't work.) Oh, what am I going to do?
Anthony: (He narrates offscreen.) She cried.
Dorothy: (She cries.) Oh, dear. Oh, dear. (She is wiping her tears in her eye, while walking back home.)
Murray: (He narrates offscreen.) And then, that night...
Jeff: (He narrates offscreen.) It rained.
Greg: (He narrates offscreen.) And rained.
Anthony: (He narrates offscreen.) And rained!
Murray: (He narrates offscreen.) And the next morning...
Greg: (He narrates offscreen.) Dorothy's roses were good as new.
Dorothy: (She was very excited about her roses that rained last night.) Oh, hooray! (She giggles.) Oh, thank you, rain! Thank you! (She giggles.) My lovely, lovely roses! Yummy! (She giggles.)
(It translates back to Dorothy & The Wiggles.)
Anthony: And that's the end of the story.
(Jeff is running to go check what's on, while leaving the kitchen.)
Dorothy: Oh, thank you! Thank you for that lovely Wiggle tale. Now I'll never be unhappy when it rains.
Jeff: I wonder if there's anything interesting on TV. (He turns the TV on translate to the Song: Dorothy the Dinosaur. A scene where Greg is gonna sing a song about the friendly dinosaur named Dorothy.)
Greg: (singing) I was looking out my window late the other night
She was sitting in the garden and gave me such a fright
Eating all Mum's roses there in the moonlight
It was Dorothy the Dinosaur
Dorothy: (She giggles.)
(with others.) Chomp!
Greg: (singing) I knew that if Mum saw her, she'd never let her stay
A dinosaur that's big is that it's feeding night and day
I'd have to find a place where I could hide her away
Dorothy the Dinosaur
All: (singing) Romp Bomp a Chomp, Romp Bomp a Chomp
Romp Bomp a Chomp, Romp Bomp a Chomp
Romp Bomp a Chomp, Romp Bomp a Chomp
Dorothy: Ooh, roses! I like it here!
Greg: (singing) Dorothy the Dinosaur,
(with others.) Chomp!
Greg: (singing) I knew that she was so big that she'd soon be found
My mother called the dogcatcher; he came around
When he laid his eyes on her, he fell to the ground
Paul Field: (as Dog Catcher.) "Now I take it, that's Dorothy the Dinosaur!"
All: (singing) Romp Bomp a Chomp, Romp Bomp a Chomp
Romp Bomp a Chomp, Romp Bomp a Chomp
Romp Bomp a Chomp, Romp Bomp a Chomp
Dorothy: Oh, my stomach hurts! I'm still hungry. Do you think I could get some roses in the back garden now?
Greg: (singing) Dorothy the Dinosaur,
(with others.) Chomp!
Greg: (singing) They called up the police to take her right away
They called up the zoo to find a place to stay
I said they couldn't take her, I said "No way,
That's Dorothy the Dinosaur!"
Dorothy: That's me!
All: (singing) Romp Bomp a Chomp, Romp Bomp a Chomp
Romp Bomp a Chomp, Romp Bomp a Chomp
Romp Bomp a Chomp, Romp Bomp a Chomp
Dorothy: Ooh, roses!
Greg: (singing) Dorothy the Dinosaur,
(with others.) Chomp
All: (singing) Romp Bomp a Chomp, Romp Bomp a Chomp
Romp Bomp a Chomp, Romp Bomp a Chomp
Romp Bomp a Chomp, Romp Bomp a Chomp
Greg: (singing) Dorothy the Dinosaur,
Dorothy: (She giggles.)
(with others.) Chomp!
(Feathersword transition to Murray & Captain are staring at them.)
Captain Feathersword: Oh! Oh, really?
Murray: Yes, really.
Captain Feathersword: (Jeff arrives.) Well, I once saw a baby this tall.
Murray: (Greg arrives.) Ha! I once a baby as tall as this.
Captain Feathersword: (Dorothy arrives.) Oh, that's nothing. I once saw a baby as tall as this. Hoo-hoo!
Murray: (He laughs, while Wags arrives.) Well, I once saw a baby that was this tall!
Captain Feathersword: A baby that was that tall?!
Murray: Yes.
Captain Feathersword: Babies don't grow that tall.
Murray: Baby giraffes do. I saw a baby giraffe.
Captain Feathersword: Wow, that's amazing! Hoo-hoo-hoo.
Jeff: What are you two doing?
Captain Feathersword: Oh, we're just telling... tall tales.
Dorothy: (She giggles.) Oh! I'm glad you're all here. Can you tell another Wiggle tale, please?
Anthony: (He entered, to the camera.) Would you like to hear another Wiggle tale? (with Greg, Jeff & Murray.) Another Wiggle tale coming up.
Captain Feathersword: Oh, I love a good tale!
Anthony: (A Wiggle tales book opens transition to our four Wiggle leapers, while he narrates offscreen.) Once upon a time, there were four famous leapers. A purple leaper. A blue leaper. A yellow leaper. And a red leaper. Each of them wanted to leap across the sky. But they couldn't. Then, one day... ..they decided to leap together!
(They're leaping over to make a 4 coloured rainbow. Until, it translates back to Captain & The Wiggles.)
Anthony: And that's how the first Wiggle rainbow came to be.
Greg: Hey. That's good. Good story.
(They're all clapping to Anthony for the story ended. Until, 4 coloured sparkled rainbow transition to the Song: Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car. A scene where The Wiggles are driving the Big Red Car having a wonderful time & they could toot, toot, chugga, chugga again before they headed back home.)
Wiggles: (singing) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car
We'll travel near and we'll travel far
Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car
We're gonna ride the whole day long.
Greg: (singing) Murray's in the back seat.
Playing his guitar.
Murray's in the back seat
(with the other Wiggles singing.) Of the Big Red Car.
Wiggles: (singing) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car
We'll travel near and we'll travel far
Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car
We're gonna ride the whole day long.
Greg: (singing) Jeff is fast asleep.
He's having a little rest
We better wake him up
so let's all
(with the other Wiggles singing.) Call out "Wake up Jeff!"
Wiggles: (singing) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car
We'll travel near and we'll travel far
Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car
We're gonna ride the whole day long.
Greg: (singing) Anthony is eating.
He's got so much food.
He's eating apples and oranges
(with the other Wiggles singing.) And fruit salad too!
Wiggles: (singing) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car
We'll travel near and we'll travel far
Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car
We're gonna ride the whole day long.
The Other Wiggles: (singing) Greg is doing the driving
Greg: (singing) "Scooby doo ah"
The Other Wiggles: (singing) Greg is doing the driving
Of the Big Red Car!
Wiggles: (singing) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car
We'll travel near and we'll travel far
Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car
We're gonna ride the whole day long.
Wiggles: (singing) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car
We'll travel near and we'll travel far
Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car
We're gonna ride the whole day long.
(After the song, as they wave to the camera since the Big Red Car was flying across the sky. Until, a shot transition to the end credits song: In The Wiggles' World)