"What sound does a dog make? You're right, it goes bow wow wow."
The Wiggles, Wags, and the Wiggly Dancers
Jeff, Larissa, Anthony and Brett
Greg, Brett, Anthony and Murray
Greg, Brett, Lucy and Murray
The Cartoon Wiggles and Cartoon Dorothy's heads
Cartoon Captain Feathersword
Cartoon Anthony and Cartoon Dorothy
The Cartoon Wiggles and Cartoon Captain's heads
Cartoon Greg and Cartoon Murray
The Cartoon Wiggles and Dorothy
Cartoon Henry, Cartoon Anthony and Cartoon Jeff
Cartoon Dorothy, Cartoon Wags and Cartoon Captain
Cartoon Dorothy and Cartoon Wags
The Cartoon Wiggly Group conga lining
Cartoon Jeff and Cartoon Dorothy
The Cartoon Wiggles and Cartoon Dorothy conga lining
The Cartoon Wiggles and Cartoon Captain conga lining
Greg introducing "Christmas Medley"
Anthony introducing "Tick Tock (All Night Long)"
Cartoon Greg climbing ten stairs