

Captain Feathersword: Whoa-ho! Ahoy there, me hearties, and welcome to Network Wiggles. (Looks at the blue door) In just three seconds time, The Wiggles will be coming through this blue door right here. One... two... three!

(The Wiggles came through the blue door as Captain Feathersword predicted and they introduced themselves as they ran.)

Anthony: Hi! I'm Anthony!

Murray: I'm Murray!

Jeff: I'm Jeff!

Greg: I'm Greg! (Captain closes the blue door)

Captain Feathersword: That went well, didn't it? Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Whoa! (He chases after them but trips as he began to run)

(Shot transition to the Song: Hats)

Greg: (singing) Hats are really groovy

You wear them on your head

Hats are many colours

Like purple, green or red

Hats are really groovy

You wear them on your head

Hats are many colours

Like purple, green or red

Oh, when I wear my music hat

I'm the leader of the band

When I wear my policeman's hat

I can stop the traffic with my hand

Hats are really groovy

You wear them on your head

Hats are many colours

Like purple, green or red

(Instrumental break while The Wiggles are marching in a parade with hats)

Oh, when I wear my fireman's hat

You can hear the sirens wail

When I wear my captain's hat

I can climb right up that sail

Hats are really groovy

You wear them on your head

Hats are many colours

Like purple, green or red

Oh, there's bowler hats, top hats, boater hats. You can wear a slouch hat, a fez, a swagman's hat, a cricketer's hat, a cowboy hat, a sombrero, a sunhat, a beret, a chef's hat, a top hat, a cap, a beanie, a bike helmet. Lots and lots of hats.

(Instrumental break while The Wiggles are marching in a parade with hats during at the end of the song while shot transition to a cartoon picture of Greg while the News Theme plays in the background then it fades to Greg talking about Dorothy visited a wildlife park to see some Australian birds)

Greg: Hello, and welcome to Network Wiggles News. Today, Dorothy the Dinosaur visited some Australian animals. Let's cross now and see where Dorothy the Dinosaur went to the birds.

(Shot transition to Dorothy holding a microphone to interview about the wildlife park with these Australian birds)

Dorothy: (holding a news microphone) Thank you, Greg. And hello, everybody. We've come to see some Australian birds. Look! Here are some emus. Look! There's a kookaburra. Fairy penguins. They're having some fish. They've got a pool. I don't suppose they can fly?

Kids: No!

Boy: Only birds can.

Man: Who knows what this bird's called?

Girl #1: Tawny frogmouth owl.

Man: That's right. No, it's not an owl, just a tawny frogmouth. He's being very friendly, isn't he? Not trying to fly away or anything.

Girl #2: What's his name?

Man: We just call him Tawny.

Dorothy: Well, that was fun! But we'd better go now. So it's back to you, Greg. Goodbye!

(Shot transition to Greg heard an Australian bird called a kookaburra)

Greg: Mmm. Excellent report. Thank you, Dorothy.

Captain Feathersword: (making kookaburra sounds)

Greg: At least someone finds it amusing. Anyway, let's cross now to our good old buddy Captain Feathersword with the weather.

Captain Feathersword: (holding his weathersword) Thanks, Greg. Ahoy there, me hearties. Well, we've has some strange weather of late, but my magic weathersword tells me that we're in a for a beautiful day today with a jump of frogs. A jump of frogs? What's a jump of frogs? Whoa! Wow! (laughs)

(Song: Weather, Weather, Weather then a jump of frogs falling through the sky & landed down to the ground)

All: (singing) Weather, weather, weather

Weather, weather, weather

Captain Feathersword: Bouncy, bouncy! (laughs) Back to you, Greg.

Greg: Thank you, Captain. A jump of frogs, hey? Where did you come from? (frog croaks) Penrith? (laughs) Anyway, speaking of jumping, let's see what's happening at the sports report down at the gym, where there's some amazing mini-tramp action.

(Shot transition to The Wiggly Friends are jumping on the mini-tramp & landed on the blue mat)

Dorothy: Go, Captain! Wow!

Henry: Ooh, look at the Captain jump high into the air! Here I go! Whoa! Jump! Oh! Ho-ho!

(Wags barks)

Henry: Wow, what a big jump, Captain! Whoa!

(Wags barks)

Henry: Beautiful landing.

Dorothy: Thank you! Thank you!

Henry: Here goes Wags. Whoa!

(Wags barks)

Dorothy: Whoa! I missed the trampoline. I think I'll just sit down and have a rest.

Henry: Ooh, wow! Ho-ho!

Dorothy: Great job, Captain.

Henry: And now... jumping over two!

Dorothy: (giggles)

Henry: Tricky jumping there, Captain. He's going to jump over three people! Whoa!

(Wags barks)

Dorothy: Yay!

Henry: That was lots of fun.

(Shot transition to Greg jumping on the mini-tramp)

Greg: Whoa, thanks, guys. And remember, don't try that at home, everybody. I think I might keep it a little bit simple myself. This has been Network Wiggles News. I'm Greg Wiggle. Until next time, may all your Wiggles be good Wiggles. Keep wiggling!

(Then the lights turn off. While they were jumping on the trampoline. Shot transition to a cartoon picture of Murray while the Music With Murray theme it translates to Murray and the kids are going to do musical statues)

Anthony, Jeff & Greg: (singing) Mu-mu-music with Murray

Greg: (singing) Yes, everyone

Murray: Hi, everyone. Welcome to Music with Murray. We've got our oscilloscope here, so we can see what the sound waves look like. We've got our friends here who are going to help me. We're going to play musical statues. You can play at home too. It's lots of fun. All you do is dance around when the music's playing, and when it stops, you stand really still, and make a statue. Do you want to stand up on the stage? If we ask you all to stand up on the stage there, that'd be wonderful. Find a spot, and here we go. We'll start the song and do a really big dance, lots of arms moving. That's fantastic. Here we go. (Then he plays the guitar while the children dance while he is singing) Do the monkey. Do. (Then he stops playing while the children freeze) Oh, lots of great statues. You're all very still. (Then he plays the guitar while the children dance while he is singing again) Do the monkey. The monkey, monkey. (Then he stops playing again while the children freeze) We've got some great statues here. Let's try a different one. Let's try a shaking one. Can you shake up high? Can you shake down low? Let's do some shaking. (Then he plays the guitar while the children dance while he is singing) Hey there, shaky, shaky. Shaking is fun. (Then he stops playing while the children freeze) Lots of great statues. Hope you're having fun at home making statues. It's lots of fun. Good listening, guys. Here we go. (Then he plays the guitar while the children dance while he is singing again) Hey there, shaky, shaky. Shaking is fun. (Then he stops playing while the children freeze) We're having fun here. We'll see you next time on Music with Murray. (Then he plays the guitar while the children dance while he is singing again) Hey there, shaky, shaky. Shaking is fun to do.

(Shot transition to cartoon picture of The Wiggles in it when Joseph Field & Dominic Field are making their announcement to solve the problem about Jeff was at the movies.)

Joseph Field: And now, a Wiggly Community Service Announcement.

(Then Jeff is at a movie theater. Then a boy sits on his seat)

Chloe Harrison: Finding it hard to see the screen? Someone blocking your view? Move. (Then he moves to another spot) This has been a Wiggle tip, brought to you by Network Wiggles.

(Then he sits down. Then another boy sits on his seat. Then Jeff is confused. Shot transition to Anthony and Captain)

Anthony: Hey, Captain.

Captain Feathersword: Yeah.

Anthony: Remember this great song from Wiggle Bay?

(Shot transition to the song: Swim Like A Fish)

Greg: (singing) Come on, everybody

Let's dance

Swim Like a Fish

Come on, everybody

Let's dance

Swim Like a Fish

I use my fins to flip and flop around

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Wah wah wah wah)

Greg: (singing) I use my tail to splish and splash

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Wah wah wah wah wah wah)

(Wah wah wah)

Swimming like a fish

Swim like a fish

Swimming like a fish

Swim like a fish

Swimming like a fish

Swim like a fish

Swimming like a fish

Swim like a fish

(Wah wah wah)

Greg: (singing) Come on, everybody

Let's dance

Swim Like a Fish

Come on, everybody

Let's dance

Swim Like a Fish

I use my fins to flip and flop around

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Wah wah wah wah)

Greg: (singing) I use my tail to splish and splash

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Wah wah wah wah wah wah)

(Wah wah wah)

Swimming like a fish

Swim like a fish

Swimming like a fish

Swim like a fish

Swimming like a fish

Swim like a fish

Swimming like a fish

Swim like a fish

(Wah wah wah)

Greg: (singing) Come on, everybody

Let's dance

Swim Like a Fish

Come on, everybody

Let's dance

Swim Like a Fish

I use my fins to flip and flop around

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Wah wah wah wah)

Greg: (singing) I use my tail to splish and splash

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Wah wah wah wah wah wah)

(Wah wah wah)

Swimming like a fish

Swim like a fish

Swimming like a fish

Swim like a fish

Swimming like a fish

Swim like a fish

Swimming like a fish

Swim like a fish

(Wah wah wah wah)

(Wah wah wah wah)

(After the song is done then shot transition to the end credits are rolling while Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles! instrumental track plays in the background to a scene where Murray, Anthony & Greg are waving to the left side except Jeff is waving to the right side then it translates to The Wiggles having a great time at Network Wiggles)

Murray: Well, everyone, we've had a great time here today at Network Wiggles. We hope you had fun too. We'll see you next time. Bye-bye!

Greg: 'Bye!

(Camera closing transition to the endboard is shown with a red background)
