Yellow circle on a purple background. This one's different, it's a red triangle.
This one's different, it's a black rectangle. While this one is just plain blue.
Not what you were looking for?
Try Point Your Fingers and Do the Twist!, the 24th episode of the 22-minute version of this series.

This is the 24th episode of the 11-minute version of TV Series 3.

Although no official title was given to it by The Wiggles, it was called "Let's Build" by Sprout.


  1. Bit By Bit (We're Building A Set)
  2. Where's Jeff? (leads into Where's Jeff?)


  • The song Where's Jeff? leads into the segment of the same name, replacing its intro.
  • The opening scene is reused from the episode Episode 7, whereas the closing scene is reused from the episode Episode 3. Also during the third closing scene, the first shot is fixed while being un-cropped, although the last few seconds of the second shot where Captain who is on the microphone crane and Dorothy say goodbye where cut out, despite that the dialogue is being heard during the endboard.
  • Both songs in this episode are from Whoo Hoo! Wiggly Gremlins!, previously used together in Episode 7.
  • This episode was featured on the Santa's Rockin'! DVD, in a cropped 14:9 on the Australian/NZ and UK versions, and the original 16:9 (albeit letterboxed in a 4:3 frame) on the North American version.
  • During Where's Jeff?, Murray says, "Hola, mis amigos," which is Spanish for 'Hello, my friends.
  • This episode aired on Halloween.

See also[]

22-minute version[]

The Wiggles Episodes
Series 1
Anthony's Friend | Foodman | Murray's Shirt | Building Blocks | Jeff the Mechanic | Lilly | Zardo Zap | The Party | Wiggle Opera | Haircut | Muscleman Murray | Spooked Wiggles | Funny Greg
Series 2
Food | Counting & Numbers | Dancing | Dressing Up | Your Body | At Play | Safety | Storytelling | Friends | Multicultural | Musical Instruments | Hygiene | Animals | History | Family | Movement | Nutrition | Directions | Manners | Travel | Play | The Body | Communication | Work | Imagination | Cows, Ducks & Penguins
Series 3 - Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles!
Raining Pink Balloons! | Captain's Magic Buttons | Swim Like a Fish | Where's Jeff? | Toot, Toot! | Wiggle Bay | Balla Bambina | Everybody's Dancing | Musical Statues | Captain Feathersword's Birthday | Dorothy Visits the Art Gallery | Water Play | Anthony's Workshop | Zing Zang, Wing Wang Wong! | Ring-a-Ring O'Rosy | Dance a Cachucha! | Bubble Painting | Vegetable Soup | Fruit Salad, Yummy Yummy! | Rosy Tea | Let's Go to Caveland! | Hula Hoops | Something Fishy at the Aquarium | Point Your Fingers and Do the Twist! | Blooming Blossoms | C'est Wags!
Series 4 - The Wiggles Show!
Dorothy's Ballet | Making Pies | Friendly Feathersword Crew | When We Were Young | Kangaroo Dance | Shiver Me Timbers | I Swing My Baton | Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock | A Wiggly Mystery | Prehistoric Party | Wiggly Friends | Bow Wow Wow | We're Taking a Trip Across the Sea | Paint a Portrait | S.S Feathersword | Eagle Rock! | The Train Dance | Bill the Billycart | Jack in the Box | Fruit Salad | Learn About Animals | Help Find Jeff | I Count 1-10 | Picking Flowers | Swim With a Friend | Bailamos!
Series 5 - The Wiggles Show!
Fruity Fun | Let's Have a Dance! | The Wiggle Way | Shh! Shh! Shh! | A Wiggly Concert | Playing a Trick on the Captain | The Gorilla Dance | Pirate Radio | Amazing Alpaca | It's Sunny Today | Would You Like to Dance With Me? | Hola Todos! | Shalom Everybody! | Pirate Dancing | Sway From Side | Fluff Out Your Feathers | It's So Good For You! | All Shook Up | Mop-Mop! | Sydney Harbour | The Long Tail Bilby | G-Day Mate | Swish, Swish, Swish | The Baby Crocodile | The King of Guitars | The Wiggle Medley
Series 6 - Wiggle and Learn
Move and Groove | Musical Landscape | Wiggle Dance | The King of Swing | Bailar y Cantar | Barnyard Boogie | The Bobby Bounce | The Black Velvet Band | Fun in the Sun | My Fair Lady! | So Early in the Morning | Soy Capitan! | Together We Live So Happily | Oh, Captain! | The Biggest Smile of All | The Queen of the Land | Get the Rhythm of the Hips | Hear the Drumbeat | Teddy Bear Touch the Ground | Meadowsweet and Lady Smocks | Ding, Ding, Dong! | Buzz, Buzz, Buzz | Shall We Dance? | Dance This Way | Kittens and Mittens | Surf, Sand and Sun