

Greg: Hi! (with others) We're The Wiggles! (himself) I'm Greg.

Murray: I'm Murray.

Anthony: I'm Anthony.

Jeff: I'm Jeff.

Anthony: And right now it's time for...

Jeff: (He whistles & beeping sounds to started a television with two fingers for antennas)

Anthony: Network Wiggles!

Murray: Yeah!

Anthony: Let's go!

(Shot transition to the Song: Bit By Bit (We're Building A Set) A scene while the Greg is looking at the construction paper)

Greg: (singing) There's such a mess in this old TV set.

(Captain Feathersword pushes a cart & stubbed Greg's toe until he sings in a high note)

We need another one built real quick.

Why don't we build it together?

It could be the best one, YEAH!

We'll build it

(with The Other Wiggles singing) bit by bit, little by little

Block by block, we're building it up.

We're constructing a TV set.

You can help us build it, too.

We need your help to build it, too.

Greg: (singing) We can't build this on our own.

We need your help. Let's build it together.

Building a set for a TV show.

Place one block on another. Come on let's go.

We'll build it

(with The Other Wiggles singing) bit by bit, little by little

Block by block, we're building it up.

We're constructing a TV set.

You can help us build it, too.

We need your help to build it, too.

Greg: (singing) Let's make it bright and colorful

Pull up the curtain some ribbon, it's cool.

The floor is dusty. Let's give it a sweep.

Place the rubbish together on a rubbish heat.

We'll build it

(with The Other Wiggles singing) bit by bit, little by little

Block by block, we're building it up.

We're constructing a TV set.

You can help us build it, too.

We need your help to build it, too.

Greg: (singing) Now the set is looking great.

Anything left? Let's concentrate.

Anthony: (Anthony is using a megaphone to talk to Murray, Jeff & Greg since they have to work together) Testing one, two, an announcement, everybody. There's a few more spaces to fill. Put them all near the window sill. That's it, near the window sill.

Wiggles: (singing) Bit by bit, little by little

Block by block, we're building it up.

We're constructing a TV set.

You can help us build it, too.

We need your help to build it, too.

Wiggles: (singing) Bit by bit, little by little

Block by block, we're building it up.

We're constructing a TV set.

You can help us build it, too.

We need your help to build it, too.

Wiggles: (singing) Bit by bit, little by little

Block by block, we're building it up.

We're constructing a TV set.

(A director man is holding a construction paper it shows The Wiggles in a TV studio in a cartoon form & then he puts it down while it's finished since the Wiggles are waving each other, since we built it together. Then, shot transition to a cartoon picture of Anthony while the song clip of Anthony's Workshop plays in the background then it translates to Anthony & the kids building blocks)

Greg: (singing) Anthony's workshop

(with Murray & Jeff singing) It's a workshop with Anthony

Anthony: Hello, everyone. Welcome to Anthony's Workshop. Today, it's lots of fun. We're playing with blocks. It's very clean work and you can do whatever you like with blocks. What are you up to Millie?

Millie: I'm building a building.

Anthony: A building? You don't have to build a building, you can build whatever you like. But Millie has decided that's what she'd like to do. And over here, Tasha, this looks incredible. Got all sorts of different colors and what have you been doing?

Tasha: Another building.

Anthony: Another building? It looks like, uh. It doesn't have to be big, like a fence.

Tasha: And this. And this.

Anthony: Or a great wall. Over here, Joshua, what are you up to? Oh, it's. It's, uh. Like a train, is it, Joshua?

Joshua: No.

Anthony: No. What is it?

Joshua: Because I'm making a building.

Anthony: And he's transporting all the blocks to make the building. This is wonderful work.

Joshua: Oh.

Anthony: It's like a construction site. And everything just fell over, which is one of another great things about blocks. They can fall over and you can build them back up Annie, what are you up to?

Annie: I'm making a train.

Joshua: Oh.

Anthony: Any more carriages? Just two at the moment.

Annie: Yes. I don't think I can find any more.

Anthony: But if there were more carriages, you could put them on. And have a look at this everyone.

Joshua: Yes.

Anthony: One of the greatest buildings ever made. And it's by our wonderful friend, Joshua. We've got buildings walls, trains, everything. Blocks are fun everyone. We'll see you again on Anthony's Workshop. Bye bye.

Greg: (singing) Anthony's workshop

(with Murray & Jeff singing) It's a working bee

(Shot transition to cartoon picture of The Wiggles in it. When Joseph Field is making their announcement to solve the problem about Jeff is in the library while looking up in books)

Joseph Field: And now, a Wiggly Community Service Announcement.

Ryan Jago: Feel like knowing something? Want to know the answer to a question? Things not quite making sense? Well, look it up in a book. Books available on bookshelves.

(Jeff picks books in a fast motion time lapse)

Chloe Harrison: This has been a Wiggle tip, brought to you by Network Wiggles.

(Shot transition to a picture of cartoon Captain Feathersword while the song clip of Captain's Magic Buttons. Then, it fades to Murray & Captain Feathersword about pressing their buttons about the beach.)

Wiggles: (singing) Captain's magic buttons.

He's got half a dozen.

Let's him sing in different ways.

Captain Feathersword: Whoo ho! Here we go!

Wiggles: (singing) Magic buttons.

Murray: Hi, everyone. It's Captain Feathersword. Let's all say, "Ahoy there, Captain Feathersword." Ahoy there, Captain Feathersword.

Captain Feathersword: Ahoy there, me hearties. Whoo-hoo!

Murray: Captain Feathersword, it's a beautiful day.

Captain Feathersword: Lovely day.

Murray: It's a great day for the beach.

Captain Feathersword: Oh, I love the beach, Murray. Hoo-hoo!

Murray: Captain, I thought we could use your magic buttons, to take us to the beach.

Captain Feathersword: What a great idea. Oh, we can get some ideas of what to do at the beach from our friends.

Murray: Oh, of course, Captain.

Captain Feathersword: Yeah.

Murray: Um. Do you have any ideas? What sort of things do you do at the beach? Oh. Oh, yes. You're quite right.

Captain Feathersword: Yeah. That's so great.

Murray: Yes.

Captain Feathersword: Yeah. Lovely ideas.

Murray: Captain, let's press your button, and you can build a sandcastle.

(Then Murray pushes the sandcastle button)

Captain Feathersword: Whoo-hoo-hoo! Oh.

(Then Captain Feathersword is humming while building a castle

)Murray: That's a big sandcastle, Captain. It's getting higher. Oh, lots of sand there.

Captain Feathersword: Lots of sand.

Murray: That's fantastic, Captain.

(Then Murray pushes the sandcastle button to stop)

Captain Feathersword: Whoo-hoo-hoo!

Murray: Now what else can we do at the beach, everyone? Uh. That's right. That's right, you might go fishing at the beach.

Captain Feathersword: Fishing. Yes. Lovely.

Murray: Let's press your fishing button.

(Then Murray pushes the fishing button)

Captain Feathersword: (He makes a fishing sound)

Murray: Caught something.

Captain Feathersword: Not yet, Murray. Oh, there we go. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Murray: Whoa, Captain. That's a big fish. (He laughs. Then he pushes the fishing button to stop) Whoa, Captain, that's a big fish. Now, what else? What might you do at the beach?

Captain Feathersword: Oh.

Murray: Oh, you're right. Yes. Sometimes you can go surfing on a surfboard. Oh, yeah.

Captain Feathersword: Oh, surfing on a surfboard.

Murray: Here we go. Are you ready?

(Then he pushes the surfing button)

Captain Feathersword: Oh, you better take these, Murray.

Murray: Oh, yes Captain.

Captain Feathersword: I don't need a sword and a hat when I'm surfing.

Murray: I'll stand back while you're surfing.

Captain Feathersword: OK, here we go. (Then he starts surfing. Then he starts humming) Whoa. Whoa. Look out, Murray. Whoa.

(Then the water splashes on him)

Murray: Captain, that was a magic buttons wipe out.

Captain Feathersword: Whoo-hoo-hoo!

(Shot transition to the Song: Where's Jeff? A scene where Jeff's falling asleep in different places)

Joseph: (offscreen) Can you help The Wiggles find Jeff?

Greg, Murray & Anthony: (singing) Where's Jeff?

Anthony: (singing) Is he sleeping outside?

Greg, Murray & Anthony: (singing) Where's Jeff?

Murray: (singing) Has he gone for a ride?

Greg, Murray & Anthony: (singing) Where's Jeff?

Murray & Anthony: (singing) Is he in the countryside?

Greg: (singing) Looky, looky, looky, looky

Murray: (singing) Why yi yi yi

Greg, Murray & Anthony: (singing) Where's Jeff?

Anthony: (singing) Is he sleeping inside?

Greg, Murray & Anthony: (singing) Where's Jeff?

Murray: (singing) Is he still on his ride?

Greg, Murray & Anthony: (singing) Where's Jeff?

Murray & Anthony: (singing) You know, he's nowhere in sight

Greg: (singing) Looky, looky, looky, looky

Murray: (singing) Why yi yi yi

Greg: (singing) Looky, looky here

Looky, looky there

Looky, looky, looky, looky

Looky everywhere

Looky, looky here

Looky, looky there

Looky, looky, looky,

Murray: (singing) Why yi yi yi

Greg, Murray & Anthony: (singing) Where's Jeff?

Anthony: (singing) Is he sleeping outside?

Greg, Murray & Anthony: (singing) Where's Jeff?

Murray: (singing) Has he gone for a ride?

Greg, Murray & Anthony: (singing) Where's Jeff?

Murray & Anthony: (singing) Is he in the countryside?

Greg: (singing) Looky, looky, looky, looky

Murray: (singing) Why yi yi yi

Greg: (singing) Looky, looky here

Looky, looky there

Looky, looky, looky, looky

Looky everywhere

Looky, looky here

Looky, looky there

Looky, looky, looky,

Murray: (singing) Why yi yi yi

Greg, Murray & Anthony: (singing) Where's Jeff?

Anthony: (singing) Is he sleeping outside?

Greg, Murray & Anthony: (singing) Where's Jeff?

Murray: (singing) Has he gone for a ride?

Greg, Murray & Anthony: (singing) Where's Jeff?

Murray & Anthony: (singing) Is he in the countryside?

Greg: (singing) Looky, looky, looky, looky

Murray: (singing) Why yi yi yi

Greg, Murray & Anthony: (singing) Where's Jeff?

Anthony: (singing) Is he sleeping inside?

Greg, Murray & Anthony: (singing) Where's Jeff?

Murray: (singing) Is he still on his ride?

Greg, Murray & Anthony: (singing) Where's Jeff?

Murray & Anthony: (singing) You know, he's nowhere in sight

Greg, Murray & Anthony: (singing) Where's Jeff?

Where's Jeff?

Where's Jeff?

Where's Jeff?

Where's Jeff? (leads into Where's Jeff game show where Murray and Anthony are going to play a game in this quiz show when Jeff falls asleep under an umbrella)

Greg: (offscreen) And here's your host, Murray Wiggle!

Murray: Hola, mis amigos. Hello, friends, and welcome to Where's Jeff? The game show where we look for Jeff. Please welcome our contestant, it's the Blue Wiggle, it's Anthony Wiggle.

Anthony: Hi, Murray.

Murray: Hi, Anthony. Now, Anthony, what's the best thing about being a Wiggle?

Anthony: Oh, that's an easy question, Murray. The best thing about being a Wiggle is, it's lots of fun.

Murray: Well, we're going to have some fun today, Anthony. Let's play Where's Jeff? Now, the Where's Jeff quizmatron is being lowered over Anthony's head. So that he can't hear or see where Jeff is. Let the quiz begin.

Anthony: (He laughs) Murray, is Jeff inside or outside?

Murray: Well, Anthony, he's outside.

Anthony: Uh. Is he in the sun, or in the shade?

Murray: Both.

Anthony: Oh, both. Sunny place, shady place. Um. Is he under a tree?

Murray: No. Not under a tree.

Anthony: Oh. Is he under an umbrella?

Murray: He is under an umbrella, Anthony, but where?

Anthony: Well, if it's a beach umbrella, is it a beach umbrella?

Murray: It is.

Anthony: He must be at the beach.

Murray: You're right, Anthony, he is at the beach.

Anthony: (He laughs)

Murray: He's asleep at the beach. We better wake him up, everyone. Are you ready? One, two, three. (with Anthony) Wake up, Jeff.

Jeff: (He blubbers, while waking up under an umbrella) I must have fallen asleep at the beach. Just as well, I've got some sunscreen on, and I'm under an umbrella. I'd better get back to Network Wiggles. (He is wiggling his fingers & leaves the beach)

Murray: Thanks for playing "Where's Jeff?". We'll see you next time. 'Bye for now.

Greg, Murray & Anthony: (singing) Where's Jeff?

(Shot transition to Greg, Jeff & Murray are waving goodbye to the screen except Anthony was waving goodbye in the wrong way so Murray turned around to the camera waving at each other then it translates to Dorothy and Captain having a great time during the Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles! instrumental track is playing in the background)

Captain: Wa-ho, that was great fun today, Dorothy. We hope you had fun too, me hearties. But now it's time to say goodbye from Network Wiggles. See ya!

Dorothy: 'Bye, everyone! 'Bye!

Captain: Goodbye!

Dorothy: (giggles)

(Closing camera transition to the endboard of a yellow background)
