The Wiggles Logo transition
Jeff introducing "Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car"
Double Feathersword transition
Lucia, Caterina, Benny, Elefterios and Captain
Captain asks the crew if they're hungry by chance.
"Ay, Captain, we'd be very hungry."
Alfonso pops his head out.
Alfonso says that he cannot cook food for the crew because his stove his broken.
"According to my trusty globe map here,"
"we can sail anywhere around the world and find beautiful food."
"For instance, we can go to Jamaica and have some lovely coconuts"
"or Tasmania and have some beautiful sea scallops."
"And while we're at it, we can sail to Sydney"
"and have some beautiful fish and chips on the harbor."
"So what do you say, me hearties?"
"Shall we sail around the world for some food?"
"around the world we go!"
Alfonso talks to the Captain in Italian about his idea
and makes whistling sound effects.
"You can head below and try to fix the stove"
"and cook a beautiful tiramisu for dessert."
"It's time to go, me hearties."
"and Alfonso, comb your hair."
Alfonso taking off his hat and taking out his comb
Alfonso shocked about his bald scalp
"Ahoy there, me hearties. I'm Captain Feathersword."
"I love to go sailing all around the world. Why don't we go sailing together, me hearties?"
Lucia, Caterina, Captain and Elefterious
Jeff, Murray, Dorothy, Wags and Henry
The Opposite Wiggly Group
Lucia, Caterina and Captain
Captain wearing a world flags hat
Caterina, Benny and Lucy dancing the bing bang bong
Captain dancing the bing bang bong
Caterina, Benny and Lucia
"Come on down, come along with me."
"We're taking a trip on the wavy sea."
"Sailing the ship all around the world."
"On the Goodship Feathersword!"
The Opposite Wiggly Group
Caterina, Benny and Lucia
Lucia, Elefterios, Caterina and Benny
Elefterious, Caterina and Benny
"We're taking a trip on the wavy sea."
"Sailing the ship all around the world."
"On the Goodship Feathersword!"
"At night, we'll daze at the stars. They're beautiful."
Caterina, Elefterios and Benny
Captain talking about Sydney harbor
Caterina and Benny eating fish and chips
Caterina, Benny and Lucia
"Come on down, come along with me."
"We're taking a trip on the wavy sea."'
"On the Goodship Feathersword!"
The Opposite Wiggly Group
"We're taking a trip on the wavy sea."
Elefterious & Alfonso swabbing their pan guitars
Jeff and Murray playing music
"I love sailing on the wavy sea, me hearties."
"Come on down, come along with me"
"We're taking a trip on the wavy sea."
"Sailing the ship all around the world."
"On the Goodship Feathersword!"
"Come on down, come along with me"
"Oh, we're taking a trip on the wavy sea."
Lucia, Caterina and Captain
"On the Goodship Feathersword!"
Caterina, Benny and Lucia
"On the Goodship Feathersword!"
"On the Goodship Feathersword!"
Elefterious & Alfonso playing their pan guitars
"This is the best ship I've ever had! Argh!"
Captain and his crew in their fat tummies
"My tiramisu cake is fantastic-o!"
"I cooked it for everyone."
"Alfonso, your tiramisu cake looks delicious!"
"But unfortunately, we're all too full to try it."
Alfonso puts the tiramisu cake on the port.
Captain and the crew noticing seagulls
The seagulls eating the tiramisu cake
"Oh dear, our little seagulls have eaten all the tiramisu cake."
"And in a while, we're gonna need some desserts."
"There's only one thing left to do, me hearties."
"Sail around the world again for some desserts!"
"Hoist the main sails, hoist the jib,"
Dorothy introducing Ryan and Caterina
Ryan and Caterina doing the horse gallop
Dorothy doing the horse gallop