

This is the transcript for Episode 2 of series 1 (Sprout version)


(Flowers transition to the Henry the Octopus. While, Greg is the singing part for Henry the Octopus.)

Greg: (singing offscreen.) Henry the Octopus

Lives down in the deep blue sea

Henry the Octopus

He's a friend to you and me.

Henry: Hi, everybody. Or as we say in octopus language, "Breebop!"

(It cuts to the segment called "The Octomobile!" A scene where Henry who waves to the camera saying hello.)

Greg: (He narrates offscreen.) It was a lovely morning in the ocean. The water was cool, clear and blue. The very first thing Henry did each morning was to travel around in his Octomobile and say hello to everyone.

(A scene fades to Henry meets Jacques the Shark.)

Greg: (He narrates offscreen.) Henry saw Jacques the Shark, who was looking after his seaweed crop.

Jacques: Hello, Henry...

Greg: (He narrates offscreen.) ..said Jacques. Henry noticed how much the seaweed had grown.

Henry: Your seaweed crop is looking lovely. It will make a lovely soup.

Jacques: Thanks, Henry. I'm very proud of my seaweed. It's real cool. By the way, Henry, your Octomobile looks very smart.

Henry: Thanks, Jacques. My Octomobile looks smart because it goes to my underwater school. (He laughs.)

Greg: (He narrates offscreen.) It was time to keep moving, and so Henry waved goodbye to Jacques.

Henry: See you in the sea, Jacques...

Greg: (He narrates offscreen.) ..laughed Henry.

Jacques: Yeah, see you in the sea, Henry.

(A scene slide to the left side transition to Henry meets Joey the Crab.)

Greg: (He narrates offscreen.) Next, Henry saw his friend Joey. Joey was drumming. Henry tried to get his attention, but the drums were too loud.

Henry: Joey! Joey...!

Greg: (He narrates offscreen.) ..called Henry. But it was no good. The drumming was too loud for Joey to hear anything. Henry called once again just as he stopped drumming.

Henry: Joey! Joey!

Joey: Hi, Henry. Why are you shouting?

Greg: (He narrates offscreen.) Henry laughed and kept driving to see what other friends he could see.

(A scene fades to Henry heard someone crying.)

Greg: (He narrates offscreen.) A short time later, he could hear the sound of someone crying.

(Little fish crying offscreen.)

Greg: (He narrates offscreen.) A little fish swam over to Henry and cried.

Little Fish: Can you help me, Henry? My school of fish was swimming and I stopped to look at some pretty coral. My teacher told me to keep up with her, but I stayed too long, and now my class has gone without me. What should I do?

Henry: It's alright, Little Fish. Your teacher will come back to where she last saw you. If we wait by the coral, she'll find you. I'll wait with you until she comes.

Greg: (He narrates offscreen.) The little fish was so glad Henry was there that she stopped crying and asked...

Little Fish: How long will it be before my teacher comes back?

Henry: Oh, it will only be a little... "whale." (He and the little fish laugh at the joke.)

Greg: (He narrates offscreen.) Henry and the little fish laughed.

Henry: Why don't we play a game while we wait for your teacher to return?

Little Fish: Oh, yes, a game would be wonderful. What can we play?

Henry: We can play I-spy. It's a game where I say a letter and you have to tell me something near you starting with that letter. I'll start. I spy with my little eye something beginning with... .."C".

Little Fish: Um, I think I know. Is it Catfish over there?

Henry: No, but that was a good guess. Uh, what else is around here that starts with "C"?

Little Fish: I know, I know! I spy with my little eye... coral!

Henry: That's right, Little Fish. You are very smart.

Greg: (He narrates offscreen.) Just then, Little Fish's teacher returned. (Mrs Fin appears.)

Mrs Fin: Oh, Little Fish, I'm so glad I've found you. You were very smart to wait here. Thank you, Henry.

Henry: That's alright, Mrs Fin. I've got an idea. Why don't you and the little fish come to the Underwater Big Band practice with me? It's a celebration. The lost little fish has been found!

(A scene folds outward transition to show Henry and the fish with the Underwater Big Band practicing.)

Greg: (He narrates offscreen.) Henry's Underwater Big Band all gathered around and played their music. Little Fish was no longer sad. She was very happy now. She would always know that her friend Henry the Octopus was there to help little fish like herself.

(It cuts to Captain Feathersword's Pirate Show. A scene where Captain Feathersword introduces himself with his buddy, Wags singing a song.)

Captain Feathersword: (singing) Ahoy there, me hearties, you're all welcome here!

All: (singing offscreen.) It's Captain Feathersword's Pirate Show!

(It cuts to the segment called "Teaching Tricks". A scene shows a penguin statue and garden gnome talking in fast, high-pitched speeches acting as an audience while Wags the Dog does some magic and circus tricks outside his doghouse which includes pulling out a bouquet of flowers, swinging a hula hoop around his arm, and the pull out of a hat trick, using his bone as a magic wand and waving it around a magic hat. He pulls out what looks like a banana peel as Captain Feathersword arrives.)

Captain Feathersword: (offscreen.) Ahoy there, Wags, me hearty! (He appears riding a unicycle.) How d'you be? What's our adventure to... (He loses control and rides the wrong way,) TODAY?! (He crashes offscreen.)

Wags:  (He facepalms due to Captain's misfortune.)

Captain Feathersword: (He coughs and dusts himself off as he gets back up and walks back to Wags' doghouse while groans.) Even the best of us make mistakes occasionally. What do they say? (He thinks for a moment.) Fall off your bike, get right back on. Hoo-hoo-hoo! (He tries to get back on the unicycle, but is unsuccessful.) Right back on. (He tries again, but fails and his hat falls off his head. Wags laughs.) Right... Right back on. (He put his hat back on his head and tries once more but is unsuccessful.)

Wags: (He is laughing at Captain's attempts.)

Captain Feathersword: Yes. Years of practice, it takes. (He sets the unicycle down.) You're a dog, Wags. You should learn a few tricks. Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!

Wags: (He is covering his eyes in embarrassment.)

Captain Feathersword: Oh, there's no need to be embarrassed, my canine friend. You're in the hands of an expert! (He stretches his arms out and he smiles.) Now, I'll teach you a few basic doggie tricks, and by tonight, everyone will be yapping about you. Let's start with something easy. Um, sit, Wags.

Wags: (He is pondering something, and then, looks at Captain again.)

Captain Feathersword: Oh, come on, Wags. Sit!

Wags: (He throws his arms up in exasperation, and barks as he walks over to a lawn chair.)

Captain Feathersword: (offscreen.) Oh, no, no, no, no. No, not like that.

Wags: (He sits down in the lawn chair like a normal person, and crosses his arms.)

Captain Feathersword: Like this! (He gets on his knees, and pants like a dog to demonstrate.) See? It's easy! Hoo-hoo hoo! Now, um, let's try... (He spots a stick lying on the ground.) Oh... oh, fetch. (He grabs the stick.) Fetch, Wags. (He tosses the stick to the other side of the yard, and Wags doesn't budge.) Like this. (He crawls to the other side of the yard like a dog.)

Wags: (He shakes his head, and mumbles. Then, the Captain comes back with the stick in his mouth like a dog, and Wags takes it.)

Captain Feathersword: There! And you can bark as you go. (He crawls away again, while barking like a dog.)

Wags: (He grumbles while shaking his head, and then, he facepalms. Captain comes back with another stick, and Wags takes it while reading a book with glasses on.)

Captain Feathersword: Fun, isn't it?

Wags: (He tosses the stick to the other end of the yard. Captain barks when he goes after it and comes back with it again.)

Captain Feathersword: Yes, fun indeed. I think you've got the hang of that. Now, um, how about roll over? I'll show you. Roll over, Wags! (He rolls over like a dog, kicks his legs in the air and he chuckles.) There. Easy, isn't it? (Wags walks over to his table and grabs his hula hoop.) Now, let's see them all together. (Wags swing the hula hoop around his arm.) First sit. (He sits like a dog.) Then, um, fetch. (He tosses the stick to the other end of the yard and chases after it again.)

Wags: (He picks up Captain's unicycle and walks offscreen as Captain comes back.)

Captain Feathersword: Then roll over. (He rolls over and laughs.) There you go. Learn these few basic doggie tricks and who knows? Maybe some day you might master the unicycle. Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! (He looks around for Wags.) Wags?

Wags: (He is riding the unicycle.)

Captain Feathersword: Wags, my boy. (He gets up off the ground and looks around some more.) Oh. He probably went off to practice. Perhaps he's embarrassed. It does take a lot of practice, though.

Wags: (He is doing a head stand on the seat of the unicycle.)

(Shot cuts to a scene where Captain Feathersword is doing a wonderful dance for Henry.)

Anthony: Captain?!

Murray: Captain?!

Greg: Captain?!

Jeff: Captain?!

Anthony: What are you up to?

Captain Feathersword: Oh, I'm doing a dance that Henry the Octopus showed me.

Murray: Hey, maybe we could try it, too.

Captain Feathersword: Ooh, yes! (They were all doing that dance to do it for Henry.)

Jeff: Not having much luck.

Captain Feathersword: Well, maybe you should ask Henry to show you himself. He's just over there.

Wiggles: (They're giving their thumbs up, before they leave to Henry.) Great idea, Captain!

Captain Feathersword: Ho-ho-ho-ho! See ya!

(A scene fades to the song: Henry's Dance.)

Henry: Come and have a dance with me, Henry the Octopus.

Greg: (singing) Henry, The Octopus,

The Octopus, The Octopus (back voice)

A very special friend, to me.

Henry, The Octopus,

The Octopus, The Octopus (back voice)

Henry: I have a great dance, for you to see.

Greg: (singing) Well, tell us now, Henry,

what we all should do

Tell us now, Henry,

we want to dance like you.

Henry: Clap your hands, above your head,

And you sway, from side to side

Start to pump, up and down,

Now let's spin, around and round.

Greg: (singing) Henry, The Octopus,

The Octopus, The Octopus (back voice)

A very special friend, to me.

Henry, The Octopus,

The Octopus, The Octopus (back voice)

Henry: I have a great dance, for you to see.

Greg: (singing) Well, tell us now, Henry,

what we all should do

Tell us now, Henry,

we want to dance like you.

Henry: Clap your hands, above your head,

And you sway, from side to side

Start to pump, up and down,

Now let's spin, around and round.

Greg: (singing) Henry, The Octopus,

The Octopus, The Octopus (back voice)

A very special friend, to me.

Henry, The Octopus,

The Octopus, The Octopus (back voice)

Henry: Thank you all for dancing, with me

Thank you all for dancing, with me

Thank you all for dancing, with ME!

(Paw prints transition to the end credits.)
