This is the transcript for Episode 2 of series 2 (Sprout version)
(An opening scene from the TV Series 2 is shown.)
Greg: (singing) We know a world, a magic world
Come with us and see
(with the other Wiggles singing.) Anything can happen in this special world
It can happen to you or me
Greg: (singing) It's where The Wiggles live
Why don't you come along
And meet their friends as well.
There's music and dancing, magic and games
(with the other Wiggles singing.) And lots of great stories to tell
In The Wiggles' world, in The Wiggles' world
You're all welcome here
Greg: (singing) So let's give a cheer
Welcome to The Wiggles' world.
(with the other Wiggles singing.) In The Wiggles' world. In The Wiggles' world
Greg: (singing) You're all welcome here, so let's give a cheer, welcome to The Wiggles' world.
(The Wiggles logo transition to Jeff is in the porch near the water while he gets the sandwich. Then, he puts it down on the ground. He grabs a piece of cake. Henry fishes for the cake, and gives it back to Jeff. Jeff is lost somewhere. Then, he gets the sandwich back.)
Henry: Breebop!
(Shell-O-Vision transition to the song: Fruit Salad.)
Wiggles: (singing) Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!
Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!
Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!
Paul the Cook: (singing) Yummy yummy, yummy yummy, fruit salad!
Greg: (singing) Let's make some fruit salad today.
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Uh, huh, huh!)
Greg: (singing) It's fun to do it the healthy way.
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Uh, huh, huh!)
Greg: (singing) Take all the fruit that you want to eat.
It's gonna be a fruit salad treat!
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) The first step,)
Greg: (singing) peel your bananas.
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) The second step,)
Greg: (singing) toss in some grapes.
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) The third step,)
Greg: (singing) chop up some apples.
Chop up some melons, and put them on your plate.
Now we've made it, it's time to eat it.
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Uh, huh, huh!)
Greg: (singing) It tastes so good that you just can't beat it.
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Uh, huh, huh!)
Greg: (singing) Give everyone a plate and a spoon.
We'll all be eating it very soon!
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) The first step,)
Greg: (singing) eat up the banana.
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) The second step,)
Greg: (singing) eat up some grapes.
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) The third step,)
Greg: (singing) eat up some apples.
Eat the melons, now there's nothing on your plate!
Now we've had our fruit salad today.
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Uh, huh, huh!)
Greg: (singing) It's time to put the scraps away.
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Uh, huh, huh!)
Greg: (singing) Wash the bowls and wash the spoon.
Let's do it all again real soon!
Wiggles: (singing) Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!
Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!
Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!
Paul the Cook: (singing) Yummy yummy, yummy yummy, fruit salad!
Wiggles: (singing) Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!
Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!
Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!
Paul the Cook: (He's singing in vocalizing.) Ahhhhhhhh!
Wiggles: (singing) Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!
Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!
Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!
Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!
(Roses transition to Dorothy wearing a nightcap ready to eat some of her yummy breakfast.)
Dorothy: (She's coming into the garden while she's humming.) Mmm! (She goes to Wags who is eating bones.) It's so good of you to join me for breakfast, Wags.
Wags: Ruff! Breakfast is a very important meal. It helps start off the day.
Dorothy: I hope you're hungry. I am.
Wags: Ruff! Mmm, I can't wait to eat. Nothing like a good breakfast to help you feel strong and full of energy all day long.
Dorothy: Hmm. Don't wait for me. Eat up. (Then, she started to use a fork to eat the roses.) Hmm! My favourite breakfast. Roses.
Wags: Ruff!
(Dorothy eats the roses up and she giggles while Wags eats the bones. Then, 4 wiggly colours transition to The Wiggles having a favourite kind of food.)
Greg: Do you have a favourite food? I do. (A carrot appears.) A crunchy carrot. How about you, Murray?
Murray: My favourite food is... (A banana appears.) ..a yummy banana. How about you, Jeff?
Jeff: My favourite food is... (some broccoli appears.) ..broccoli. How about you, Anthony?
Anthony: I don't have a favourite type of food.
Greg: What?
Murray: What?
Jeff: What?
Greg, Murray and Jeff: You have no favourite food?
Anthony: No. (Food appears.) I love all food!
(Then, they laugh at the food. It fades to black as it is night-time. Once, they've heard a growling sound while The Wiggles are sleeping. The clock is ticking while the camera looks around the house. Then, it shows the living room, the upstairs hall, the kitchen, and the clock chair. Then, they wake up and heard a sound at night. Then, they run downstairs and got scared by a growling sound.)
Greg: Come on, Wiggles, to the Big Red Car. (The Big Red Car transition to the Wiggles are driving the Big Red Car looking for the sound.) I'm sure that growl's coming from around here somewhere.
Anthony: Yeah.
Greg: We'll just have to keep looking for it.
Murray: Can't hear anything.
(They heard the growling noise and they drive off. Then, it translates to The Wiggles seeing Dorothy in the garden.)
Greg: Are you sure you haven't heard anything growling Dorothy?
Dorothy: No. I haven't heard anything at all.
(The Wiggles heard a gasp with a growling sound.)
Wiggles: There it is again!
Dorothy: Wait for me. (She giggles.)
(The Wiggles leave the garden and run away from Dorothy. Then, they run to Wags' House while hearing a knock.)
Wags: Ruff!
(Wags heard a growling noise.)
Wiggles: That way!
(The Wiggles, Dorothy and Wags run faster to hear the growling sound. It transitions to The Wiggles, Dorothy and Wags on the road. Then, Captain Feathersword arrives.)
Wags: Ruff! Ruff!
Captain Feathersword: Don't worry, me hearties. I'll tickle it with my feathersword. (He hears a growling noise.)
Greg: Sounds like it's coming from, um...
Murray: There! (A growling sound is echoing.)
Jeff: There!
Anthony and Captain: Where?!
(Officer Beaples arrives blowing his whistle. She heard a growling sound. She blows another one. Anthony has got a rumble in his tummy. She gives an apple to Anthony. Then, he eats it up.)
Dorothy: It was your tummy all along, Anthony.
Anthony: (He laughs.) Sorry. I was hungry.
Greg: Oh, how he loves his food.
Murray: Oh-ho-ho, how he loves his food.
(A growling sound for Wags is heard at night.)
Captain Feathersword: Ho-ho-ho-ho. Oh, that growl was coming from Wags the Dog. He must be dreaming about chasing something.
(Wags growls at night, then they all laugh at Wags' growl. Then, a camera clicking transition to the concert clip: Can You (Point Your Fingers And Do The Twist?).)
Anthony: I've got a question for everybody, and the question is, can you point your fingers like this and do the twist like that?! (He's twisting dance.) You can! You beauty.
Greg: Well, I was just wondering, can you try this? Can you stand on one foot and shake your hands? Hey, that's great everybody.
Murray: Well, I think we're all ready. We might ask all the children to stand up and let's point our fingers and do the twist together. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Greg: Alright, everybody, let's all get ready to point our fingers and we'll do the twist. Here we go! (singing) Can you point your fingers and do the twist?
Anthony: Everybody's twisting, Greg.
Greg: (singing) Can you point fingers and do the twist?
Anthony: We're all doing the twist!
Wiggles: (singing) Now, we're gonna go up, then go down. Get back up and turn around. Can you point your fingers and do the twist?
Anthony: What's next, Greg?
Greg: (singing) Can you stand on one foot and shake your hands?
Murray: Oh boy, that's hard.
Greg: Yeah. (singing) Can you stand on one foot and shake your hands?
Murray: Shaky, shaky.
Wiggles: (singing) Now, we're gonna go up, then go down. Get back up and turn around. Can you stand on one foot and shake your hands?
Anthony: What's next, Greg?
Greg: (singing) Can you point your fingers and do the twist?
Jeff: Pointy, pointy, pointy, pointy!
Greg: (singing) Can you point fingers and do the twist?
Anthony: Everybody's twisting, Greg!
Wiggles: (singing) Now, we're gonna go up, then go down. Get back up and turn around. Can you point your fingers and do the twist?
Greg: Cha-cha-cha! (Song ends & audience applaud.) Give yourselves a big clap! That was great twisting, everyone! Well done.