

This is the transcript for Episode 9 of series 1 (Sprout version)


(The episode starts with the Wiggles logo above these 4 characters in the show. Until, Greg is singing the song: Get Ready To Wiggle plays in the background, it shows their names appear in the opening sequence.)

Greg: (singing offscreen.) Ba-dum-bum-bum, ba-da-ba-da

Ba-dum-bum-bum, ba-da-ba-da

Ba-dum-bum-bum, ba-da-ba-da


We're ready to wiggle, wiggle your fingers high in the sky

We're ready to wiggle, wiggle your ears and wiggle your eyes

We're ready to wiggle, wiggle your hair and wiggle your nose

We're ready to wiggle, wiggle all ten toes, wiggle all ten toes


(A pop-up purple star with green outlined transition to Captain Feathersword tickles everyone at each other.)

Greg: It's a very special time now, everyone. Right now... (Captain tickles him.) Ooh! What the... What was that?!

Jeff: (Captain tickled him.) What was that?

Captain Feathersword: Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!

Murray: (Captain tickled him.) Oh! Something tickled me!

Captain Feathersword: (He laughs, while tickling Anthony.)

Anthony: (He laughs & blubbers with his finger.) Something tickled me too. Oh! It's Captain Feathersword, the friendly pirate. Let's all say, "Ahoy there,, Captain Feathersword." (with Greg, Jeff & Murray.) Ahoy there,, Captain Feathersword.

Captain Feathersword: Ahoy there, me hearties!

Greg: Well, Captain, I'm glad you're here, because it's a very special... (He laughs, while Captain tickles him.)

Captain Feathersword: Hoo-hoo-hoo!

Greg: (to Captain.) Captain Feathersword?

Captain Feathersword: Oh, yes, Greg?

Greg: Did you tickle me just then?

Captain Feathersword: Oh, no, Greg. No tickling, no.

Greg: (to camera.) Did he tickle me? I thought so. Thank you, everybody. (to Captain.) Captain, please, no more tickling.

Captain Feathersword: Okay. No more tickling, Greg.

Greg: Thank you very much. (to camera.) Now, it's a very special time right now, everyone... (He laughs, while Captain tickles him.)

Captain Feathersword: Hoo-hoo-hoo!

Greg: (to Captain.) Captain Feathersword!

Captain Feathersword: Oh, yes, Greg?

Greg: Did you tickle me again?

Captain Feathersword: Oh, no, Greg! No tickling, no.

Greg: (to camera.) Did he tickle me? I thought so. Thank you again, everybody. (to Captain.) Captain, please, no more tickling.

Captain Feathersword: No more tickling, Greg? Well, we should do a pirate dance, then.

Wiggles: A pirate dance!

Captain Feathersword: Hoo! Let's all do a pirate dance together!

(Song: Captain Feathersword. A scene where The Wiggles are teaching Captain how to do a pirate dance.)

Wiggles(singing) Captain Feathersword he loves to dance

He will show you how

Captain Feathersword, he loves to dance

Captain Feathersword: I will show you now.

Fold your arms in front of you, argh.

Start to hop, it's fun to do, me hearties.

Climb the ropes, c'mon, let's try it.

Now you're dancing like a pirate. Whoa-ho!

Wiggles(singing) Captain Feathersword he loves to dance

He will show you how

Captain Feathersword, he loves to dance

Captain Feathersword: I will show you now.

Fold your arms in front of you, me hearties.

Bounce up and down, it's fun to do, argh.

Climb the ropes, c'mon, let's try it, argh.

Now you're dancing like a pirate. Oh!

Wiggles(singing) Captain Feathersword he loves to dance

He will show you how

Captain Feathersword, he loves to dance

Captain Feathersword: Everybody bow. And give yourself a pirate clap, argh

(They're all clapping at the end. Until, flower transition to Kaz the Cat. A scene where The Wiggles are singing a song about the coolest cat ever.)

Wiggles: (singing offscreen.) Who is the coolest cat in the land?

Carolyn: (singing offscreen.) I know the coolest cat in the land.

Wiggles: (singing offscreen.) Who is the coolest cat in the land?

Carolyn: (singing offscreen.) Hey, everybody, it's Kaz the Cat.

(Kaz meows.)

(It fades to the segment called "Traveling". A scene where Carolyn, Kaz & Benjamin are packing everything to get ready for the trip.)

Benjamin: Kaz, tweet-heart. Let the cat out of the bag! Where are you going?

Kaz: I'm catching a train to travel to the house of the great artist, "Paulo Percurso". His going to paint my portrait.

Carolyn: Kaz, you're case is almost completely full and you're going for three days.

Kaz: I know, Carolyn. I've packed the whole kitten caboodle. I want to look like a purrfect glamourpuss. In my portrait?

Benjamin: No chance of Kaz ever look in my something the cat dragging.

Kaz: I must go! Chow me ow-wow!

Carolyn: But, Kaz, the train doesn't leave for three hours.

Kaz: I know, Carolyn. But, it's the early cat the catches the seat by the window.

(Stars transition to the Wigglehouse. While, Greg is the singing part for Get Ready To Wiggle.)

Greg: (singing offscreen.) Ba-dum-bum-bum, ba-da-ba-da

Ba-dum-bum-bum, ba-da-ba-da

Ba-dum-bum-bum, ba-da-ba-da


(Until, it translates to Greg announces, that they're all having a meeting, while going to the show.)

Greg: (He is tapping with a stick to keep quiet down.) Okay, come on. Quieten down, everyone. I know you're all excited about the concert tour.

Anthony: I can't wait to sing and dance at the show!

Dorothy: So much fun!

Murray: Come on, Greg! Let's go! (He gets up.)

Greg: Not too fast, Murray. There's a few things we need to attend to first. Um, Anthony, have you packed your lunch?

Anthony: Sure have, Greg. This should hit the spot. (He picks up a picnic basket with food.)

Greg: Jeff, you have everything you need for the trip? (Jeff grabs his pillow & puts it behind his back, while snoring.) Right. We're set, then. Oh. Murray, did you get the mechanic to have a look at the Big Red Car?

Murray: Um, let me check my diary, Greg. (He grabs his diary & checks in. Then, he looks at Greg.) Yes... nearly.

Greg: Nearly yes.

Murray: Well, I phoned her and she said she could come today.

Greg: Well, you know how the Big Red Car's been making some funny noises lately? I'm not too sure we'll going to get very far.

Anthony: Well, maybe we can have a look at it before the mechanic gets here.

Murray: Yeah!

Greg: Alright. Get your things together, and we'll put them in the car!

(They we're all get up & go outside, while it translates to The Wiggles trying to get in the Big Red Car.)

Jeff: Wake me up when we get there!

Greg: I'll start the engine. Murray, could you have a look, please? (He gets out of the car, while Murray, Anthony are gonna check the engine.)

Murray: What are we looking for?

Anthony: (offscreen.) Um.. don't know.

Murray: (offscreen.) It looks alright me.

Greg: Take a closer look.

Anthony: (A blue paint squirts all over him.) Wahoo?! What was that?!

Greg: That's a problem, I'd say. Some sort of leak. It came from here. (A yellow paint squirts all over him.) Oh! It's sprung another leak! Anthony, can you put your finger on that one, please?

Murray: (A red paint squirts all over him, after Anthony putting his finger on the engine.) Oh!

Greg: Another leak! (He sighs.) Murray, quick. Put your finger on that one too. (Murray putting his finger on the engine.) There. That seems to have done it.

Anthony: (3 primary colour paint squirts all over them.) Oh! (They're all disgust in their faces & they sigh. Then, Dorothy brings them towels in their primary colours.) Oh, thank you, Dorothy. Towels. (He takes the blue towel.) Blue for me.

Murray: (He takes the red towel.) Red for me.

Greg: (He takes the yellow towel.) And yellow for me. (He laughs. Dorothy bounces in delight and walks off as Anthony, Murray, and Greg clean up with the towels.)

Anthony: You know, you need about eight arms to, uh, fix all those leaks. (Suddenly, they get an idea and they look at Henry the Octopus. Then, they look back to the camera as it zooms in on them.)

Anthony, Murray & Greg: Just maybe... (Then, we see that Henry has used all of his arms to plug all of the leaks in the engine.)

Anthony: That's great! Henry's fixed all the leaks! Now, all we have to do is put some tape over them and we can get on our way!

Murray: (He pats Henry's shoulder while Greg does too) Good on you, Henry! (Then, red paint squirts all over him again.) Uh-oh!

Greg & Anthony: Gooey, gooey! (Henry releases his arms from the engine.)

Greg: It's no good. We'll just have to be patient and wait for the mechanic.

Anthony: Towel, Murray? (He hands Murray his red towel)

Murray: (He's sadly takes the red towel.) Thanks. (Anthony sighs.)

(They walk over to the porch and take a seat & they wait patiently with Dorothy. Until, the Wiggly Trivia Announcer comes on.)

Paul Field: (offscreen, until the trivia appears on the screen.) How long will The Wiggles have to wait for the mechanic? Will she be able to fix The Big Red Car? What will The Wiggles do to amuse themselves?

(As Jeff sleeps soundly in the Big Red Car, Anthony and Murray play Rock, Paper, Scissors; Greg is juggling bouncy balls and Anthony takes over while Murray sits in his lawn chair and Henry and Dorothy watch and Greg takes over juggling again; Anthony eats his enormous sandwich; Greg performs a magic trick, but it goes awry when he finds a lobster in his hat and sticks to his face; Greg sits down in the lawn chair holding his nose from the pain and then Anthony sits down with him, but now the lobster is clinging to his hand and Greg is shocked; Murray is holding a paint cup and paint brush and he paints a small streak of light blue on the wall and Greg and Murray exchange glances from time to time; Anthony tries to entertain everyone with a dance; Jeff is still sleeping in the Big Red Car and now the lobster is crawling around on his neck which doesn't bother Jeff at all; Anthony eats an apple; Greg tries to take a nap; Anthony eats a piece of chicken; now, Greg, Murray, and Anthony are napping on their lawn chairs with Henry sitting on the porch and Dorothy still standing and everyone is looking bored. Finally, the mechanic arrives and she notices Jeff sleeping and taps his hand to wake him up.)

Ginger: Excuse me? Are you from the, uh... Wiggles?

Jeff: Sure am. I'm Jeff.

Ginger: I'm Ginger, the mechanic. Somebody called me and said they had a problem with a Big Red Car.

Jeff: Problem? No, I don't think so. We're all packed up, ready to go and sing and dance at the show.

Ginger: Oh. Well... maybe I should have a look anyway. (She takes a hammer out of her toolbox.) I've got plenty of time. It's only 4 o'clock. (She walks over to the engine.)

Jeff: 4 o'clock?! (He gasps and gets out of the Big Red Car.) Oh, no! We're going to be late for our first show! Sorry, Ginger, but we'll have to talk another time. There's too much to do! Too much to do! (He and Ginger run around in a circle by the Big Red Car) Goodness! We're late for the first concert! Quickly! Quickly! (He runs over to the porch, Ginger stops, shrugs to the camera, and runs off. He approaches the others who are napping.) And they say I fall asleep all the time! Anthony! Quickly! Greg, Murray, Henry, Dorothy! We're running late! Wake up, everyone!

Murray: (He yawns.) What is it, Jeff?

Jeff: Come on, Murray! It's time to wake up. We've got songs to sing! (The others glance at each other with puzzled looks.)

Murray: No, we don't. We can't go anywhere until the leak in the engine's fixed.

Jeff: (He runs over to the Big Red Car and peers inside the hood.) Leak? What leak? (A purple paint squirts all over him and he looks over at the others.)

Greg: THAT leak. We tried to fix it while you were asleep, but we couldn't.

Anthony: So, there's nothing to do but wait for the mechanic to come.

Jeff: (He realizes that he made a mistake.) Uh, you said, "the mechanic?" (The others nod.)

Anthony: Mmm. She'll fix it, and then we can get on our way.

Murray: In the meantime, I'm gonna take a nap.

Greg: Me too. (He stretches.)

Anthony: Me three.

Jeff: Uh-oh! I sent the mechanic away! I'll just have to fix it myself. (He produces a small box with the label "Sticking Plaster" on it.) This should do the trick. (He takes out some plaster strips and begins to work on fixing the leaks.) Now, where's that leak? (A purple paint squirts all over him.) Icky! Oooh! (A purple paint squirts out again) Ugh! Gooey! (A purple paint squirts out again.) Ugh! Sticky! (He applies the last strip of plaster onto the engine.) Ah, there! That oughta do it. (Greg wakes up from his nap just as Jeff walks back over to the porch, covered in purple paint.) Hey, wake up! Come on, everyone, wake up! I've got something to tell you: I sent the mechanic away by mistake!

Murray, Greg & Anthony: What?! Oh...

Jeff: Uh... But it's alright-- it really is. Come and have a look. I fixed the engine! (He motions for the others to join him as they get up from their lawn chairs).

Anthony: Towel, Jeff? (He hands Jeff a purple towel.)

Jeff: (He takes it.) Thanks, Anthony. (He cleans up his face and his hands his towel to Dorothy. The Wiggles walk over to the Big Red Car and look inside the hood.)

Anthony: Hey! Looks like our troubles are over! (They celebrate and get into the Big Red Car.)

Jeff: (He pops open the trunk to put Anthony's food inside. But as soon as he does, a purple paint squirts all over him once again, and he looks at the camera and it zooms in on him.) Looks like it's back to the old drawing board!

(3D block shapes transition to the song: Rock-A-Bye Your Bear. A scene where Murray with his guitar about having our teddy bear's picnic.)

Murray: We're having a teddy bears' picnic. Everyone's brought their favourite bear along. Perhaps you could have a teddy bears' picnic at home.

Greg: We know a song about teddy bears. Can you sing along and do the actions with us?

(singing, while the backing vocals are doing their actions.) Everybody clap

Everybody sing la la la la la

Bow to your partner

Then you turn around


Hands in the air, rock a bye your bear

Bears now asleep

Shh, shh, shh

Bears now asleep

Shh, shh, shh

Everybody clap

Everybody sing la la la la la

Bow to your partner

Then you turn around


Hands in the air, rock a bye your bear

Bears now asleep

Shh, shh, shh

Bears now asleep

Shh, shh, shh

Bears now asleep

Shh, shh, shh

Bears now asleep

Shh, shh, shh

Bears now asleep.

(Snail transition. Then, it translates into flowers transition to the end credits are rolling, while The Wiggles, Officer Beaples & their friends are playing a game of tennis with their rackets. When, Jeff is holding a ball. While, Anthony & Murray are moving back & forth. Then, Jeff swings the racket & hit a tennis ball. They we're all trying to catch it. But, Captain Feathersword has caught the ball with his mouth, riding on his bike. While, they're running around during The Chase (Instrumental) track is playing in the background. So, they had to catch up Captain Feathersword with a tennis ball. After that, it fades to black. Then it translates to Emma Ryan painting a picture. Then, the paintbrush splats to The Wiggles Logo appears on the screen. Then, it fades to black.)
