This is the twelfth episode of The Wiggles Show! (Latin America), originally released in 2006.
This episode was uploaded to YouTube on December 24, 2021.
Segment Differences[]
- In the Australian version, when Murray and Anthony were about to say "Fruit Salad", a trumpet fanfare was heard, while in the Latin American version, when Francisco and Zoe were about to say "Ensalada de Frutas", a trumpet fanfare wasn't heard.
- In the Latin American version, Katty and Fernando didn't say "Oh, no!" after Francisco said "¡Zoe ha perdido el apetito!" whereas in the Australian version, Jeff and Greg said "Oh, no!" after Murray said "Anthony's lost his appetite!".
- In the Australian version, Greg pulls out the Telephone to call Dr. Verygood, whereas in this version, Fernando, Francisco, Katty and Dorothy run to the phone to call Dr. Muybien.
- In this version, the first flashback fades to Wags taking the pie out of the oven while holding an oven towel, whereas in the Australian version, it fades to Wags giving the pie to Anthony.
- In this version before Camina, Fernando wakes up Katty before she sleepwalks away, whereas in the Australian version, Greg runs after Jeff before Walk begins.
- Shaky Shaky
- ¿Podrás (Apuntar Tus Dedos Y Hacer El Twist?) - Live
- Arca Del Tío Noé - (Wiggly Animation)
- Fiesta de Cumpleaños de Dorothy
- Camina
- The instrumental from The Bricklayers Song is used in Dorothy's Dance Class just like the original Australian version.
- This marks the fourth time that Yarima appeared in the Dorothy's Dance Class segment, first time being Episodio 1, the second time being Episodio 2 and the third time being Episodio 3.
- This is the first even numbered episode not to have a Sailing Around The World segment.
- This is the last episode to be uploaded to YouTube in 2021.
- This is the only episode to have Fiesta de Cumpleaños de Dorothy without the prologue and Marchando.
- The upload of this episode has the same thumbnail picture as Episodio 9.
- The version of ¿Podrás (Apuntar Tus Dedos Y Hacer El Twist?) (Live) used in this episode has different camera angles than the version in Episodio 2.[1]
- In this episode, the prologue for Camina is different than in Episodio 2.
- This episode shares 3 songs that were in Episodio 2.
- In Arca Del Tío Noé, Francisco's eyebrows and Katty's bit of hair are missing and Zoe's hair is apparently on her back instead of on front.
See Also[]
- Amazing Alpaca (Wigglehouse segment)
- I Swing My Baton (Dorothy's Dance Class segment)
- It's So Good For You! (Francisco Animal Segment #1)