This is the thirteenth episode of The Wiggles Show! (Latin America), originally released in 2006.
This episode was uploaded to YouTube on January 7, 2022.
Segment Differences[]
- Francisco Wiggle dressed as the King of Music looks like Murray Wiggle used just like in the Australian Wiggles version when he doesn't play the red Maton acoustic guitar he only plays the red Maton electric guitar.
- Zoe and Fernando did not play their trumpets, it's only Anthony and Greg who plays the trumpets just like in the Australian Wiggles version.
- Cochesote Rojo
- ¿Adivina Qué Es? - (Wiggly Animation)
- El Captain Feathersword Se Durmió en El Barco Pirata - Live
- Yo Puedo Hacer Tantas Cosas
- Wiggly Fiesta - Live
- The instrumental from Hula, Hula, Hula Nothing Could Be Cooler! is used in Dorothy's Dance Class just like the original Australian version.
- This is the first episode to be uploaded to YouTube in 2022.
- This marks the fifth time that Yarima appeared in the Dorothy's Dance Class segment, first time being Episodio 1, the second time being Episodio 2, the third time being Episodio 3 and the fourth time being Episodio 12.
- This sound of the snare drum is used in the song Listen To The Drummer Playing.
- This episode shares 2 songs that were in Episodio 5. Both of those songs were also the last 2 songs in the episode, but they were swapped in this episode.
See Also[]
- Dorothy's Ballet (Wigglehouse segment)
- Paint a Portrait (Dorothy’s Dance Class segment)
- G-Day Mate (Francisco Animal Segment #1)