
This is the 17th episode of The Wiggles Show! (Latin America), originally released in 2006.

This episode uploaded to YouTube on March 4, 2022.

Segment Differences[]

  • In the Australian version, The Wiggles tell their jokes to Wags while wears boaters hats and holding canes. But in the Latin American version, The Wiggles do have the canes but not wearing boater hats. Also in the Australian version, Anthony, Jeff, & Murray tell the jokes, but in the Latin American version, Zoe, Francisco, Fernando, & Katty tell their jokes, this basically means that in the Latin American version, all of The Wiggles told their jokes, while in the Australian version, Greg was the only Wiggle who didn't tell a joke.


  1. Aquí Viene Un Oso
  2. Cinco Canguritos
  3. Dorothy the Dinosaur
  4. Trapeando (Live)
  5. La Cubeta De Gotitas
  6. Siempre Que Oigo Esta Música

See Also[]


