This is the third episode of The Wiggles Show! (Latin America), originally released in 2006.
The episode was uploaded to YouTube on July 9th, 2021.
- Cochesote Rojo
- Morenita En El Aro
- Mece A Tu Osito
- Pan Crujiente Hecho Con Miel
- ¡Despierta Katty!
- Me Encanta Que Llueva
- Welcome To The Wiggles Show!
- The Wiggles welcome everyone to the show! But, there's one problem - someone is missing! Who could it be? It's Francisco!
- Francisco introduces a baby crocodile!
- The Wigglehouse
- Dorothy puts The Wiggles' musical knowledge to the test!
- Dorothy's Dance Class
- The Wiggly Dancers and Dorothy teach the audience an exercise called "The Runner"
- Francisco introduces and feeds a baby cow
- Goodbye From The Wiggles!
- The Wiggles say goodbye to end the show, and continue to wave as the end credits roll.
Segment Differences[]
- In the Spanish version where as Dorothy the Dinosaur as the host of the quiz, In the English version where as Professor Singalottasonga as the host of the quiz.
- The title this episode was originally given shares the name with a video produced for The Latin American Wiggles.
- The instrumental from Say Aah at the Doctors is used in Dorothy's Dance Class just like the original Australian version.
- This marks the third time that Yarima appeared in the Dorothy's Dance Class segment, first time being Episodio 1 and the second time being Episodio 2.
- In some shots of Cochesote Rojo, Zoe isn't wearing her seatbelt.
See Also[]
- S.S Feathersword (Wigglehouse segment)
- Eagle Rock! (Dorothy’s Dance Class segment)
- The Baby Crocodile (Francisco Animal Segment #1)