

This is the transcript for Exercising with Our Friends.


(The episode starts with a song: Everybody Wiggle Along. A scene where The Wiggles introducing themselves.)

Emma: Hi, I'm Emma.

Lachy: I'm Lachy.

Simon: I'm Simon.

Anthony: I'm Anthony.

Emma: And we're... (with others.) The Wiggles!

Ready, Steady, Wiggle, Wiggle

Ready, Steady, Wiggle, Wiggle

Ready, Steady, Wiggle, Wiggle, woo

Lachy: (singing) Are you ready?

Emma, Anthony & Simon: (singing) We're ready.

Lachy: (singing) Are you steady?

Emma, Anthony & Simon: (singing) We're steady.

Anthony: Everybody, clap your hands!

Lachy: (singing) Let's Wiggle.

Emma, Anthony & Simon: (singing) Let's Wiggle.

(with Lachy singing.) Everybody ready

Everybody steady

Let all Wiggly-woo

Ready, Steady, Wiggle, Wiggle

Ready, Steady, Wiggle, Wiggle

Ready, Steady, Wiggle, Wiggle, woo


(Opening camera transition to Anthony, David Tran & Bok need to get plenty of exercises.)

Anthony: Everybody, look at Bok. He seems a little bit, I guess, down. Bok, are you OK? Tell me what's happening. (Bok replies that he doesn't get enough energy.) Bok is feeling little lethargic, a little sleepy. And he doesn't know what to do. Bok, I've got an idea. Have a look who's sitting next to you on that side. Yeah, it's David Tran, the world-famous physical instructor, personal trainer. Bok, do you think we can ask David if he could show you how to feel more energetic with some exercise? Yep? OK. Well, you ask him.

David Tran: Yeah, you want to do some exercise? OK, let's do it. Let's do this one first. (He's pretending to use weightlifters.) Hands to your shoulders. Up and up, up and up, up and up. There you go. Keep going. (Bok is exercising.) How's that feeling, Bok? Yeah? You like that one? Very nice.

Anthony: Oh, he liked it so much he wants to o another exercise. Well, ask David. Bok, ask David.

David Tran: Alright, Bok. Let's try this one. (He's using to punch.) Forward. Forward. Up and up. Forward. Forward. Up, up. (He laughs.) There you go, Bok.

Anthony: (Bok is still doing some exercise.) He's loving it. Look at Bok go! David, that's fantastic. Are you trying it too? David, give us another one we can all do.

David Tran: Alright. (He's doing some head turns.) Hands behind your head and twist. (with Bok doing some head turns.)

Anthony: Oh! Look at David and look at Bok. Twisting with a smile on their faces. Thank you, David, and thank you, Bok.

David Tran: (He laughs.) Thank you.

Anthony: Are you feeling better?

(Bok nods. Ready, Steady, Wiggle! logo appears on the screen. Until, it translates to The Wiggles are doing some exercising for exercise day.)

Simon: Oh, hello there. Are you ready? Great, because today is exercise day.

Lachy: Simon, what exercise are we going to do?

Simon: Well, guys, Lachy, I was wanted to try something a little bit different today. I thought maybe we could each do one of our favourite exercise moves, then we can all join in and do it together.

Emma: That's a great idea, Simon. Do you mind if I have to go first?

Simon: Please, Emma.

(Song: Demi Plié. A scene where Emma could do her favourite exercise.)

Emma: My favourite exercise move is the demi plie.

(singing) Bend your knees, stretch with ease

Bend this way, that's the demi plie.

Anthony: What a beautiful exercise, Emma. Well, I've got an exercise that exercises the eyebrows. It's called eyebrow dancing. Try it. (He strums on acoustic guitar, while playing with his eyebrows going up & down.)

(Song: I Hop. A scene where Lachy could do his favourite exercise.)

Lachy: Great eyebrow dancing, Anthony. Well, everyone, I like to do hopping on one leg.

(singing) I hop, I hop, I hop

I'm turning around again

I hop, I hop, I hop

I'm turning around again.

(Song: Simon Says]. A scene where Simon could do his favourite exercise.)

Simon: Oh, well done, Lach. The hopping on one leg. Well, my favourite exercise is the Simon Says.

Wiggles: (singing) Simon Says

Simon: (singing) Put your hands on your knees

Wiggles: (singing) Simon Says

Simon: (singing) Put your hands on your hips

Put your hands on your head


I didn't say 'Simon Says'.

Lachy: Simo, that was so much fin. And now I don't even feel sleepy. Not at all. I feel really awake.

Emma: Well, why don't we visit our friends and see what favourite exercise moves that they have?

Anthony: Brilliant idea, Emma.

Simon: Brrrrrrilliant idea, Emma!

Lachy: Brrrrrrilliant idea, Emma.

Anthony: But who should we visit first?

Emma: Hmm. Let's visit Dorothy the Dinosaur visit.

Simon: Oh, great. Yes, but before we do, we have to ask Officer Beaples how to safely cross the road. (He gasps.) Oh, look, here comes Officer Beaples now.

Anthony: Hi, Officer Beaples. (He salutes.) We want to see Dorothy the Dinosaur . She's in a garden just over there. But how do we cross the road safely? (Officer Beaples blows her whistle.) You've got an idea? (He strums his acoustic guitar to start the song: Look Both Ways.)

Simon: (singing) Stop at the crossing

Look both ways

(with Lachy singing.) Look both ways again

Simon: (singing) Wait for the traffic to come to a stop

(with others singing.) Then cross the road with a friend.

Anthony: Cross the road with a friend? Well, Simon, you're my friend.

Simon: Well, Anthony, you're my friend.

Anthony: Hand in hand. Cross the road safely. (He crosses the road with Simon.)

Simon: Cross the road safely. (He crosses the road with Anthony.)

Lachy: Well, cross the road with a friend. Emma, you're my friend.

Simon: Oh, Lachy, you're my friend.

Anthony: Hand in hand, let's cross the road safely. (He crosses the road with Emma.)

Simon: Let's cross safely. (She crosses the road with Lachy.)

Simon: Hi, Dorothy.

Dorothy: Hi, Wiggles.

Lachy: We were wondering, what is your favourtie exercise move, Dorothy?

Dorothy: (She giggles.) My favourite exercise is the lawn mowing, the lawn mower. The lawn mower.

Anthony: Fantastic. That's a terrific exercise move, Dorothy.

Emma: Come on, Wiggles. Let's go and visit Wags the Dog.

Simon: Bye, Dorothy. (with others crossing the road to visit Wags the Dog.)

Wags: Ruff, ruff!

Lachy: Wags, we were wondering what your favourtie exercise move is?

Wags: Ruff, ruff! (He's doing a downward dog moves.)

Anthony: The downward dog! That's a sensational exercise move, Wags. Thanks so much for sharing it with us.

Wags: Ruff, ruff!

Emma: Well, come on, Wiggles, let's go and see Henry the Octopus and Shirley Shawn the Unicorn.

Simon: See you later, Wags. (with others are going to visit Henry the Octopus & Shirley Shawn the Unicorn.) Hi, Henry. Hi, Shirley Shawn.

Henry: Hi, Wiggles!

Shirley Shawn: Scrumptious!

Simon: Henry and Shirley Shawn, for today's exercise class, we had to demonstrate to each other one of our favoruite exercise moves.

Lachy: And we were wondering, what is your favourite move, Shirley Shawn the Unicorn and Henry the Octopus?

Henry: Oh, my favourite exercise move is the windmill. (Anthony strums his acoustic guitar, while he's doing some windmill exercises.)

Anthony: What about you, Shirley Shawn?

Shirley Shawn: Scrumptious! (She's doing her elbow bend moves, while Anthony strums his acoustic guitar.)

Anthony: Oh, wow! They're both excellent exercise moves.

Emma: Well, come on, Wiggles, it's time to visit Captain Feathersword.

Simon: Bye, Henry. Bye, Shirley Shawn. (with others are going to visit Captain Feathersword.) Ahoy there, Captain Feathersword.

Captain Feathersword: Ahoy there, me hearties! Hoo-Hoo!

Simon: Captain for today's exercise class, we had to demonstrate to each other one of their favourite exercise moves.

(Song: Captain's Favourite Exercise Move. A scene where Captain Feathersword could do his favourite exercise.)

Emma: (singing) Dorothy the Dinosaur did the lawn mower

Wags the Dog did the downward dog

Henry the Octopus did the windmill

And Shirley Shawn did the elbow bend

Lachy: (singing) Well, Captain, we were wondering

What your favourite exercise move is?

Captain Feathersword: Oh-ho!

(singing) My favourite exercise, it would be the plank!

(He's doing some planks.) Whoo-hoo-hoo! Yeah, plank!

Anthony: Oh, wow, Captain, me old mate. That is a brilliant exercise move. Thanks so much for sharing the plank with us. See you, Captain.

Captain Feathersword: See you!

Simon: Bye, Captain. Bye-bye.

Lachy: Bye, now.

Captain Feathersword: Yeah, bye.

Emma: Bye, Captain.

Captain Feathersword: I'll see you later.

Flora: Exercise class is about to begin.

Simon: Thank you, everyone, for showing us your favourite exercise moves. Now, on the count of four, everyone start exercising in their wany favourite way. 1, 2, 3, 4.

(They're all doing some their exercise moves, while Anthony plays on acoustic guitar for Captain's Barnyard Dance plays. Until, the logo pops up transition to the song: Dorothy the Dinosaur. A scene where Emma tells a story about her name Dorothy the Dinosaur.)

Anthony: This is a story of a dinosaur named Dorothy the Dinosaur. Romp-bomp-a-chomp.

Emma: (singing) I was looking out the front door late the other day

She was dancing in the garden and gave herself away

Eating all Mum's roses there in the sunny rays

It was Dorothy the Dinosaur

I knew that if Mum saw her she'd never let her stay

A dancing dinosaur that is feeding night and day

I'd have to find a place where I could hide her away

Dorothy the Dinosaur

(with The Professional Wiggles singing.) Romp-bomp-a-chomp






Emma: (singing) It was Dorothy the Dinosaur!

(with The Professional Wiggles.) Chomp!

Emma: (singing) I called up the police to come without delay

I called up the zookeepers to find a place to stay

As soon as they met her, they danced the day away

That's Dorothy the Dinosaur!

(with The Professional Wiggles singing.) Romp-bomp-a-chomp






Emma: (singing) It was Dorothy the Dinosaur!

(with The Professional Wiggles.) Chomp!







Emma: (singing) It was Dorothy the Dinosaur!

(with The Professional Wiggles.) Chomp!

(Opening camera transition to the end credits are rolling, while Everybody Wiggle Along instrumental track plays in the background.)
