"Family" is the fifteenth episode of Series 2.
Watch as The Wiggles demonstrate how important family is.
- Dorothy The Dinosaur (Tell Me Who Is That Knocking?) from Toot Toot
- John Bradlelum from Toot Toot!
- Get Ready To Wiggle from Wiggle Time!
- Move Your Arms Like Henry from Toot Toot!
- We're Dancing With Wags The Dog from Toot Toot!
The Wiggles are rushing to get inside to watch their favourite TV show. Flora Door stops them and tells them they should be more like Jeff who's nice and mellow. Actually he's fallen asleep. The other wiggles still want to get inside, but Flora tells them that they should look after Jeff in case his falling asleep gets him into trouble. The awake Wiggles agree; he's family after all! They wake Jeff up and Flora lets them in just in time for their show.
Song 1: "Dorothy The Dinosaur (Tell Me Who Is That Knocking?)" (from Toot Toot!)
The Wiggles stumble briefly onto Sneezy Street
Dorothy prepares a bunch of food for her special guest Anthony. She explains to him the different dishes and then tells him that she wants to adopt him. Anthony explains that he's already in a family but that they can be best friends and they share each other's homes and visit each other whenever they want and they hug.
Song 2: "John Bradlelum" (from Toot Toot!)
Greg is ready to perform his magic in front of the other Wiggles. The three Wiggles wonder if Greg's doing to do his old tricks again, but Greg announces he is going to pull a rabbit out of his hat. The three Wiggles laugh. Greg will demonstrate "come out rabbit so we can have a nice chat". While the other Wiggles laugh again, Greg punishes them by letting the rabbit wave his wand. The other Wiggles have all turned into bunnies. They apologise! Greg remarks "at least you can still wiggle.... wiggle your noses that is!"
Captain Feathersword gets a Present from his Parents. It's a Baby Feathersword. Flash back to when Captain was a baby in the crib. Captain misses his Family but he still has friends. He reaches out to hug Wags, but Wags won't have any of it because of that tickling feathersword so he runs around while the Captain chases him.
Song 3: "Get Ready To Wiggle" (from Wiggle Time!)
The Jellyfish in Henry's band excuse themselves to go home and check on their sick kids.
Murray and Jeff are watching the clouds again. Murray talks about big clouds and little clouds; they could be Mum and Dad clouds. They wonder if they can tell the mum and dad clouds apart. Then the clouds bunch together and form a Family cloud.
Song 4: "Move Your Arms Like Henry" (from Toot Toot!)
Anthony and Greg are at the rabbit again. Anthony has an idea and tells Greg to wiggle his nose, put his hands in front of him and bounce around like a rabbit. Maybe then will the rabbit come out? Greg starts imitating the rabbit, and just when they think it's working, Wags arrives and chases down Greg.
Song 5: "We're Dancing With Wags The Dog" (from Toot Toot!)
Wags tries to find out why The Wagettes bumped their head. After walking around retracing their steps, he concludes it's when they went down the slide.
Final recap - Do you have your family with you? It's good to have family and friends. Goodbye!
- In Australia, this episode was included on the DVD version of Wiggly TV.
- In North America, this episode was included on Wiggly Play Time and then re-released on Lights, Camera, Action!.
- The Wigglehouse scene at the beginning was probably filmed at the same time as the scene in History when The Wiggles were on the couch watching the videotape because they were sitting in the same positions except Murray and Greg have switched places.
- In the flashback sequence where Captain Feathersword was a baby in the crib, you can hear the laughter sound effect of Baby Kate from the animated PBS series Arthur.
- Like Storytelling, the original 1998 video version of John Bradlelum was used in this episode.
- The instrumental track for Wags the Dog was played in a scene of Wags and the Wagettes.
- Move Your Arms Like Henry was re-edited in this episode to add the CGI bubbles from the previous scene when The Wiggles came to Henry's Place.
- Dorothy The Dinosaur (Tell Me Who Is That Knocking?) and We're Dancing With Wags The Dog had previously appeared in Friends, while Get Ready To Wiggle and We're Dancing With Wags The Dog had appeared in Dancing.
- The Sneezy Street segment was used again in Directions.
- The Other Wiggles' rabbit forms were created by dying 3 white rabbits blue, purple and red.
- After the magic hat transition on John Bradlelum, an unidentified moving object is seen at the very beginning of Greg's magic hat skit on the lower right side of the screen.
- When Captain Feathersword tickled Wags' nose with both his adult and Baby Featherswords, he did not sneeze which normally happens when someone's nose is being tickled, but Wags just laughed instead.