"Farewell To The Wiggly Trail" is a Wiggles song from the Cold Spaghetti Western album and video.
Fare thee well and goodbye to the wiggly trail
Fare thee well and goodbye to the wiggly trail
We've sure had some fun but now it's time to run
Fare thee well and goodbye to the wiggly trail
(We rode the trail together
Had some beans and had some fun)
We had some fun but now it's time to go
We'll see you at the next Wiggles show
Fare thee well and goodbye to the wiggly trail
Fare thee well and goodbye to the wiggly trail
Now the sun's begun to set
We've had a time we won't forget
Fare thee well and goodbye to the wiggly trail
Well Captain, everybody what a great time we've had
Whoo hoo Anthony, I've had so much fun it's unbelievable!
Hey, wasn't it fun dressing up like cowboys?
Whoo hoo hoo, yee hah Anthony
Wasn't it fun with all that beautiful food?
Oh, I love that food - yummy yummy yummy
(We rode the trail together
Had some beans and had some fun)
We had some fun but now it's time to go
We'll see you at the next Wiggles show
Fare thee well and goodbye to the wiggly trail
Fare thee well and goodbye to the wiggly trail
Now the sun's begun to set
We've had a time we won't forget
Fare thee well and goodbye to the wiggly trail
Whoo ho, well now me hearties,
It's time to say goodbye from all of us
to all of you whoo, hoo
Woof woof
Ciao from Alfonso, si!
Song Credits[]
Murray Cook, Jeff Fatt, Anthony Field, Greg Page, John Field, Dominic Lindsay (Wiggly Tunes)
- Behind the Scenes footage of this song can be seen on Behind the Scenes of Cold Spaghetti Western.
- The album version has spoken dialogue by Anthony and Captain Feathersword.