
Fire Engines is a Wiggles song from the Here Comes a Song album. It has the same tune as "Mitten The Kitten", albeit much faster.


Song Lyrics[]

1992 version[]

Fire engines, fire engines, screaming 'round the block
Fire engines, fire engines, where will they stop?

Fire engines, fire engines, going very fast
Fire engines, fire engines, wave as they go past

Fire engines, fire engines, screaming 'round the block
Fire engines, fire engines, where will they stop?

2024 version[]

(Listen to that sound. That's the sound of the fire engine.)

Fire engine, fire engine, red and very fast.
Fire engine, fire engine, wave as it goes past.

Fire engine, fire engine, hear the siren sound.
Fire engine, fire engine, driving around and around.

Fire engine, fire engine, racing around the block.
Fire engine, fire engine, coming to a stop.

Song Credits[]

Written by Murray Cook, Jeff Fatt, Anthony Field and Greg Page, published by Wiggly Tunes Pty Ltd. previously published by EMI Music.


  • The 1992 version plays in C whereas the 2024 version plays in A.

