"Five Little Joeys" is a Wiggles song from the Big Red Car album and video. It is rapped by Anthony and based off the traditional children's song "Five Little Monkeys".
Five little Joeys jumping on the bed
One fell off and bumped his head
We called up the doctor, the doctor said
"No more Joeys jumping on the bed"
Four little Joeys jumping on the bed
One fell off and bumped his head
We called up the doctor, the doctor said
"No more Joeys jumping on the bed"
Three little Joeys jumping on the bed
One fell off and bumped his head
We called up the doctor, the doctor said
"No more Joeys jumping on the bed"
Two little Joeys jumping on the bed
One fell off and bumped his head
We called up the doctor, the doctor said
"No more Joeys jumping on the bed"
One little Joey jumping on the bed
One fell off and bumped his head
We called up the doctor, the doctor said
"No more Joeys jumping on the bed"
One silly doctor jumping on the bed
He fell off and bumped his head
He called up the Joeys, the Joeys said
"No silly doctors jumping on the bed"
Español (Cinco Canguritos)[]
Cinco canguritos brincando en el colchón
Uno se cayó y se hizo un chichón.
Vino el doctor y les dijo así,
(Ningún cangurito brincando en el colchón!)
(Sigan brincando!)
Cuatro canguritos brincando en el colchón
Uno se cayó y se hizo un chichón.
Vino el doctor y les dijo así,
(Ningún cangurito brincando en el colchón!)
Tres canguritos brincando en el colchón
Uno se cayó y se hizo un chichón.
Vino el doctor y les dijo así,
(¡Ningún cangurito brincando en el colchón!)
(¡Sigan brincando!)
Dos canguritos brincando en el colchón
Uno se cayó y se hizo un chichón.
Vino el doctor y les dijo así,
(¡Ningún cangurito brincando en el colchón!)
Un cangurito brincando en el colchón
Él se cayó y se hizo un chichón.
Vino el doctor y les dijo así,
(Ningún cangurito brincando en el colchón!)
(¡Sigan brincando!)
Un doctorcito brincando en el colchón
El se cayó y se hizo un chichón.
Vinieron los canguros para decir,
(Ningún doctorcito brincando en el colchón!)
(¡Whoo-hoo! ¡Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! ¡Hee-hee-hee-hee-hee!)
(¡Sigan brincando! ¡Whoo-hoo!)
Song Credits[]
Traditional/Arranged by Murray Cook, Jeff Fatt, Anthony Field, and Greg Page, published by Wiggly Tunes Pty Ltd, previously published by EMI Music.
Wiggle House[]
Traditional/Arranged by Anthony Field, Lachlan Gillespie, Simon Pryce, and Emma Watkins, published by Wiggly Tunes Pty Ltd.
Vocals: Simon Pryce, Emma Watkins
Guitars: Anthony Field
Bass: Alex Keller
Drums: Jae Nelson
Keyboards: Lachlan Gillespie
Wiggle and Learn[]
Traditional/Arranged by Anthony Field, Lucia Field, Alex Keller, Caterina Mete, John Pearce, published by Wiggly Tunes Pty Ltd.
- This is the first Wiggles song that Anthony sang by himself.
- Dorothy voiced by Bláthnaid Conroy Murphy and Henry voiced by Jeff sing this song together in Dorothy the Dinosaur's Beach Party!.
- An instrumental track of this song is played in the photo gallery of the Here Comes The Big Red Car DVD and Karaoke Songs 2.
- The Wiggle House version of the song was uploaded on The Wiggles' YouTube channel on February 11th, 2018.
- Anthony sings the 1995 version, Zoe sings the Latin American version, Emma sings the 2014 version, Lucia and John sings the 2023 version.
- If you look closely in the 1995 video, you can see that the paintings on the beige wall are the backgrounds used in the "Hat On My Head" video.
- When the 1995 version fades out, Anthony is heard mumbling something but it's hard to make out exactly what.
- An alternate instrumental drum track is played in Wiggledance!, Series 2 episodes "Imagination", “Dressing Up” and “Safety”
- The Brazilian version from Xuxa's album and video, So Para Baixinhos 2, is "Cinco Macaquinhos"
Video Performances[]
- Big Red Car
- Wiggledance!
- Here Comes The Big Red Car
- Wiggle Treats!
- The Wiggles' Big Birthday!
- Dorothy the Dinosaur's Beach Party!
- Wiggle House
Album Performances[]
- Big Red Car
- Here Comes The Big Red Car
- Snack Time is Wiggle Time With Mott's
- Karaoke Songs 2
- The Wiggles' Big Birthday!
- Hits And Rarities
- Dorothy the Dinosaur's Beach Party!
- Wiggle House
- The Best of The Wiggles on Vinyl
- It's a Galloping Day!
- Wiggle and Learn: 100 Educational Songs for Children