

This is the transcript for Five Speckled Frogs.


(The episode starts with an opening sequence during the song: E-M-M-A Theme Song.)

Lachy: (singing) E-M-M-A

That spells Emma

(with Emma.) Emma!

Lachy: (singing) E-M-M-A

That spells Emma

(with Emma.) Emma!

(Opening camera transition to the song: Emma's Hello Song. A scene where Emma introduces herself.)

Emma: (singing) Hello there My name is Emma

It's nice to see you today

You can join in Dance and sing

Or demi-pliƩ


Can you tell me your name?

Oh, hello

I'm pleased to see you again

Today is a day to dance and sing

And play on a swing.

Time to jump to the garden.

(Song: Time To Jump To the Garden. A scene where Emma is gonna go jump through the garden to see.)

Emma: (singing) Now it's time to jump to the garden

Have some fun when we jump to the garden

Come, it's time to jump to the garden

To see what is happening outside today.

(Song: Swinging On A Swing. A scene where the helpers are pushing Emma on the swing.)

Emma: (singing) Push me on a swing

Feel the air through my hair

Swinging, swinging

On a swing

Push me on a swing

Feel the air through my hair

Swinging, swinging

On a swing

(Instrumental break to Andy pushes Emma on the swing.)

Emma: (singing) Push me on a swing

Feel the air through my hair

Swinging, swinging

On a swing.

(4 Emma's different things transition to the song: Now's the Time for Dressing Up. A scene where Emma is in the costume gonna dressed up as a Highland dancer.)

Emma: (singing) Now's the time for dressing up

A costume makes what you dream up

Now's the time for dressing up

You can dress up too

I wonder what we'll be today

Ta-da! Look what I'm in now

You look great Let's take a bow

Dressing up today

Dance in your costume now

You look great Let's take a bow

Dressing up today.

Like a Highland dancer.

(Emma's bow window transition to Emma is teaching everyone how to sign tree with her hands without speaking. Until, 4 Emma's different things transition to the song: Emma's Music Box. A scene where Emma could open up her music box & she could see what's inside.)

Emma: (She gasps.) What's that sound? Oh, that's the sound of the music box. I wonder... ..what's inside the music box today? Come on. Let's have a look together. Ready? Here we go.

(singing) I open up my music box

And what do I see?

A ballerina twirling, dancing there for me...

Try this. Twirl around. Up high, on your toes.

(singing) Look at what my music box has given to me.

Wow! Have a look at this! I wonder what this is. (She gasps.) Oh, of course! You're right! It's a frog. And have a look! It's a speckled frog! Wouldn't it be fun to sing a song about five little speckled frogs?

(Song: Five Little Speckled Frogs. A scene where Emma has her 5 speckled frogs who were sitting in a log.)

Emma: (singing) Five little speckled frogs

Sat on a speckled log

Eating the most delicious flies...

Yum! Yum!

One jumped into the pool

Where it was nice and cool

Then there were four green speckled frogs

Four little speckled frogs

Sat on a speckled log

Eating the most delicious flies...

Yum! Yum!

One jumped into the pool

Where it was nice and cool

Then there were three green speckled frogs

Three little speckled frogs

Sat on a speckled log

Eating the most delicious flies...

Yum! Yum!

One jumped into the pool

Where it was nice and cool

Then there were two green speckled frogs

Two little speckled frogs

Sat on a speckled log

Eating the most delicious flies...

Yum! Yum!

One jumped into the pool

Where it was nice and cool

Then there was one green speckled frog

One little speckled frog

Sat on a speckled log

Eating the most delicious flies...

Yum! Yum!

He jumped into the pool

Where it was nice and cool

Then there was no green speckled frogs.

(4 Emma's different things transition to the song: Rises. A scene where Emma is standing up high on her toes & holding a barre, while Lachy plays on the piano.)

Emma: Exercise for rises.

(singing) Rise to the balls

Of both your feet

Then lower down slowly

Your heels, they do meet

High on your toes

Lower to the ground

This is a rise

Gently up and then down

You've danced a rise

Now take a bow.

(Shot transition to the song: What's In Emma's Bow Bag? A scene where Emma is gonna take an object out of her bag to see we're going today.)

Lachy: (singing offscreen) Well, what's in Emma's yellow bag?

Bow bag.

(Shot transition to a scene where Emma pulls out an object it was an alarm clock for going to the watchmaker. Until, the song: Let's Go and See.)

Emma: (singing) Let's go and see the watchmaker

Let's go and see the watchmaker

The watchmaker

Oh, the watchmaker makes all the ticking clocks

Puts them all together, you hear, "Ticky-ticky-tock"

Let's go and see the watchmaker

The watchmaker.

(A scene translates to the song: The Watchmaker. A scene where Lachy dressed as on old man while Emma & the kids are winding up the clocks.)

Lachy: (singing with an old man voice.) In olden times

you wound the clock to make it tick-tock...

(winder creaks.)

Tick-tock, tick-tock

In olden times

you wound the clock to make it tick-tock...

(winder creaks.)


Emma: (singing) In olden times

You wound the clock to make it tick-tock...

(winder creaks.)

Tick-tock, tick-tock

In olden times

you wound the clock to make it tick-tock...

(winder creaks.)


Lachy: (singing with an old man voice.) With the digital clock

You put the batteries in

The crystal quartz components make the numbers move...

Beep! Beep!

Cuckoo! Cuckoo! (laughs.)

Cuckoo! (gobbles.)

The alarms sing

Emma: (singing) With a digital watch

You put the batteries in

The crystal quartz components

Make the numbers spin, spin...

(She trills.) Ka-ka!

Ring-ring-ring-ring! (She trills.)

Lachy: (singing with an old man voice.) The alarm sing-sings

But I prefer the old tick-tock.

(Imitates clock ticking.)

(Shot transition to Emma's dance studio. Then, shot cuts to the song: Balla Balla Bambina. A scene where Emma is dancing with the other dancers to the Italian song.)

Emma: (singing) Balla, balla, o balla bambina

Balla, balla fina mattina

Balla, balla, o balla piccina

Balla, balla e non ti fermar

(Instrumental break to everyone is dancing around with a partner.)

Emma: (singing) Balla, balla, o balla bambina

Balla, balla fina mattina

Balla, balla, o balla piccina

Balla, balla e non ti fermar

La-la-la, li, li


Li, li, la-la-la, li

La-la-la, li, li


Li, li, la-la-la, li.

(It zooms in to a shadow picture of Emma's ballerina is showing, then it fades to the song: Emma's Goodbye RƩvƩrence. A scene where Emma had a great bowtiful day while it's time to do her one more dance.)

Emma: (singing) We've had a bowtiful day

Now ballet reverence, that is to say

Come take a curtsy, wave and bow

It's time to say goodbye for now

(Emma sings & dance the rƩvƩrence while the end credits are rolling.)

Emma: (singing) La-la-la, la-la-la


La-la-la, la-la-la

Goodbye for now.
