"Friends" is the ninth episode of Series 2.
Dorothy brings over pasta, and The Wiggles relax in their backyard with their friends.
- Go Captain Feathersword, Ahoy! (from Toot Toot!)
- We're Dancing With Wags The Dog (from Toot Toot!)
- Henry's Dance (from Yummy Yummy)
- Dorothy The Dinosaur (Tell Me Who Is That Knocking?) (from Toot Toot!)
- Boom Boom (briefly heard during flashback sequence, from The Wiggles Movie Soundtrack)
- Do the Wiggle Groove (from The Wiggly Big Show)
The Wiggles talk about The Wiggly Friends and what great friends they are.
Song 1: Go Captain Feathersword, Ahoy!
Captain Feathersword tries to teach Wags how to fetch. He demonstrates by doing it like a normal dog would do. Wags however, has his own way of fetching. First, Wags throws the ball all the way to Wigglehouse, which Anthony catches with his napkin (he was eating a sandwich at the time). Then, Anthony throws the ball back to Wags.
Song 2: We're Dancing With Wags The Dog
Greg is showing off his magic trick in front of Anthony. If Anthony picks the cup that covers the white chocolate, he wins. Greg mixes the cups like a shell game. Anthony picks a cup but it's a dark chocolate. Anthony eats the chocolate. Now there are two cups, which Greg mixes up. Anthony picks a milk chocolate and eats that one. Greg is frustrated as Anthony concludes the white chocolate is under the remaining cup and proceeds to eat that one too! Anthony then shares his sandwich with Greg, who then smiles.
Song 3: Henry's Dance
Jeff is on one side of the street and Officer Beaples stops him. Jeff joins Officer Beaples in a dance.
The Wiggles and Captain Feathersword comment that if we didn't have elbows, we wouldn't be able to scratch our backs (or our friends' backs). Anthony says another good reason for having friends is that you can watch TV together.
Song 4: Dorothy The Dinosaur (Tell Me Who Is That Knocking?)
The Wiggles and Dorothy remember the time back then when Dorothy was a baby and the Wiggles couldn't find her. They drove the Big Red Car to Wags World and see if Wags can find Dorothy. They found out that Wags was babysitting Dorothy and took her to visit Henry. The Underwater Big Band was performing Boom Boom, while Henry conducts and Wags dances. They were having so much fun that they forgot about the time. Wags apologized for worrying everyone, but the Wiggles were just happy to have found her.
Song 5: Do the Wiggle Groove (Live)
The Wiggles, The Wiggly Mascots, The Wagettes and Officer Beaples are all glad to be very good friends.
- The songs Go Captain Feathersword, Ahoy!, Do the Wiggle Groove (Live) and the white chocolate segment previously appeared in Dressing Up. Also, We're Dancing With Wags The Dog and Jeff dances with the Officers segment appeared in Dancing.
- "Henry's Dance" was re-edited to add more CGI bubbles on the footage.
- A split-second shot from the Captain and Wags segment is seen after "We're Dancing With Wags The Dog", as it's actually the early GMTV draft version. An early GMTV draft of the segment also appeared in the 2000 video: Captain Feathersword the Friendly Pirate, as the shot of Anthony holding a plate of sandwich is extended.
- This marks the last regular appearance of Baby Dorothy until Lullabies with Love.