Magic hat and wand transition
"Hurry, hurry, hurry! Step right up and find the white chocolate."
Greg showing Anthony the white chocolate
Anthony pointing to the first cup
"Sorry, but that's a dark chocolate."
Anthony eating dark chocolate
"Now you see it, now you don't."
Anthony eating white chocolate
"You shared your chocolate with me, I'll share my sandwich with you."
Greg looking under the table
Jeff looking under the table
Murray looking under the table
Anthony looking under the table
Murray looking outside the door
Jeff looking outside the door
Greg looking outside the door
Anthony looking outside the door
Greg and Murray moving the TV
Jeff and Anthony moving the TV
The Non-realistic Wiggles
The Wiggles looking for Dorothy in window
The Wiggles looking for Dorothy outside
"Wags the Dog will find her."
Dorothy as baby with full body