Anthony introducing "Cowboys and Cowgirls"
"Hey, Greg, let's go to the show."
"But we've got a show to do!"
"Ahoy there, me hearties."
"Ahoy there, Captain Feathersword."
"What's the matter with Greg?"
"He's lost his voice and we need him to sing at the show."
"I think Dorothy can help."
"She'll make her rosy tea."
Dorothy pushing the rosy cart
Little Greg drinking rosy tea
"Dorothy, you saved the day."
"Now it's song time with the Little Wiggles."
Dorothy introducing Ben and Lucy
Ben and Lucy doing the windscreen wiper
Dorothy's Dance Class: The Windscreen Wiper
Greg introducing "We're Dancing With Wags The Dog"
Greg introducing "Central Park New York"
Jeff introducing "Hot Potato"
Greg introducing "I Wave My Arms And Swing My Baton"