Captain says "Ahoy there, me hearties!"
Captain says it National Hornpipe Day, and he will teach the Wiggles how to dance the Hornpipe.
Captain starts showing the dance.
Captain Feathersword injures himself
The Wiggles shocked that Captain has damaged his Hornpipe!
Emma suggests calling Hillary Hornpipe
The Wiggles calling Hillary Hornpipe
Hillary Hornpipe, calling for duty.
Hilliary suggests spinning to solve the problem
Lachy dressing up as a doctor
Anthony dressing up as a cowboy
Emma dressing up as a firefighter
Emma dressed up as a princess
Lachy dressed up as a sailor
Anthony dressed up as Elvis
Simon dressed up as a conga dancer
Simon dressing up as a doctor
Emma dressed up as a ballerina
Anthony heading to the Wiggles show!
Emma explaining the problem
Captain saying he's feeling much better since he started spinning!
"Are you going to teach us the Hornpipe?"
"I'd love too, but I had so much fun spinning, I would love spinning instead!"
Captain injuring himself after spinning.
Emma singing about wanting to ride her bike.
"Wheel Emma ride her bike again?"
"Or is it bye-bye bicycle?"
"Stay tuned to this wheel-y exciting episode!"
Simon reciting a poem about Lachy
"Thanks for waking me up!"
The Wiggles explaining the problem
The Wiggles ringing Willy Fixit
Willy Fixit asking for Emma to bring her bike to his workshop
"Will Willy wheelie... I mean really fix the bike?"
"How can Willy fix the bike?"
"Stay along for the ride!"
Anthony reciting a poem about Henry the Octopus
Emma pumping up the wheels on her bike.
She can now ride her bike!
Emma, Lachy and Anthony in prologue
Lachy explaining that he wants to rhyme the word "cat", but he can't think of anything.
"The cat sat on a ......banana chair?"
"What will Lachy do to find a rhyme?"
"Will he find a rhyme in time?"
"Is Lachy a poet, but he doesn't even know it?"
The Wiggles and Kimberley holding pappadums
Kimberly holding a pappadum
Simon and Lachy holding pappadums
Simon and Lachy eating pappadums
The Wiggles and Kimberley eating pappadums
Lachy explaining his problem again, and also telling everyone he has a solution
He's planning to bring back William Shakespeare from the past to help him.
William Shakespeare arrives
and Lachy explains the problem.
"The cat sat on a .....banana chair?' I don't think that rhymes!"
William says he's going to think about the solution.
"Ok, just don't trip on the mat on the way out."
", that's that!"
"Will Mr. Shakespeare trip on the mat?"
"Will Lachy find a rhyme with cat?"
"What do you think of that?"
The Pro Wiggly Humans wearing glasses
Lachy and Emma wearing glasses
Captain Feathersword wearing glasses
Emma and Anthony wearing glasses
The Awake Wiggles wearing glasses
The Wiggles wearing glasses
The Wiggles and Captain Feathersword wearing glasses
Anthony and Captain Feathersword wearing glasses
Emma, Anthony and Captain wearing glasses
The Replacement Wiggles wearing glasses
Lachy trying to figure out the problem, and recalls that William Shakespeare was saying something about the words "cat" and "mat".
"That's it! The cat sat on a mat!"
Anthony playing mini Maton acoustic guitar
Anthony driving the train
Simon, Anthony and Santa Fe Caboose
The Professional Wiggles and Santa Fe Caboose
The Wiggles and Santa Fe Caboose
The Other Wiggles and Santa Fe Caboose
Lachy, Emma and Santa Fe Caboose
Dorothy talks about food.
Daniel Attard making a sandwich
The Wiggles and Captain Feathersword
Emma as the second sister
Emma as the fourth sister
The Wiggles, Lauren and Zamel
Lachy telling The Wiggles that he would like to show how well he and Beaky can sing
Lachy sings, but Beaky can't sing along!
Captain on the Wiggly Couch
Lachy in his Purple Armchair
Simon explains the problem and Emma suggests that they should call Bertie Birdman
Bertie Birdman looking at Beaky, and says for her to come with him
The Wiggles outside Wigglehouse
Lachy trying to sing with Beaky again
And they finally sing together!
The Wiggles and Lou Diamond Phillips
Intro by Emma, Captain and Anthony
Lachy dressed as Sherlock Holmes
"Will The Wiggles detect what Lachy is dressed as?"
"Sher-Lachy's dressed wonderfully well!"
"It'd be a crime to miss the next segment!"
Lachy asking the Wiggles if they can guess what he is dressed as today
Emma has a guess, but she guesses incorrectly
Simon has a turn, but the guess is also wrong
Anthony has a turn, but he's answer is not right either! The Wiggles have one more try and they finally get it right.
Emma is having trouble reading.
"Do The Wiggles have a clear vision of what's happening?"
"Is Emma making a spectacle of herself?"
"Eye think this is really challenging!"
Captain Feathersword swimming
Simon telling everyone tat Emma is having trouble reading.
The Wiggles call Doctor Spectacles
Doctor Spectacles telling Emma to come with him so he can help fix the problem
"Will Emma ever look at a book again?"
"How will Dr. spectacles help her see?"
Captain Feathersword in Clovelly
Captain and Simon in Clovelly
Anthony playing Maton guitar
The Professional Wiggles, Henry and Wags
Anthony, Lachy, Henry and Wags
"Would you keep that noise down? I'm trying to sleep."
Emma says she fiches her problem by cleaning her glasses.
The Pro Wiggly Humans wearing glasses
Lachy and Emma wearing glasses
Captain Feathersword wearing glasses
Emma and Anthony wearing glasses
The Awake Wiggles wearing glasses
The Wiggles wearing glasses
The Wiggles and Captain Feathersword wearing glasses
Anthony and Captain Feathersword wearing glasses
Emma, Anthony and Captain wearing glasses
The Replacement Wiggles wearing glasses
Lachy says he's gonna write a poem about his pet bird, Beaky.
Lachy recites his poem about Beaky.
Lachy wants to find a word that rhymes with bird.
"Will Lachy ever find a word to rhyme with bird?"
"Will he get himself in a flap?"
"Or will he just wing it?"
Captain on the Wiggly Couch
Lachy in his Purple Armchair
Lachy suggests to call his pet bird, Beaky.
Lachy calls Beaky on his purple phone.
Lachy tells Beaky that he's trying to rhyme a poem rhyming with bird.
"How am I gonna find a word that rhymes with bird?"
"Will Beaky break the birdy code?"
"Will Beaky have an egg-cellent idea?"
"Stay perched for this Wiggly episode!"
Captain Feathersword at London Docklands
Simon, Lachy and Captain Feathersword
"Beaky, listen to this classic poem by Lachy Wiggle."
Lachy reciting his bird poem
Emma dressed up as a bird
Simon dressed up as a bird
Captain Feathersword dressed up as a bird
Lachy greets the Wiggles while holding a bowl of oranges.
Anthony tells Lachy that he's got a bowl of oranges.
"Today, I've already eaten 15 oranges."
Emma warns Lachy not to eat them.
"If you eat too many, anything can happen."
Anthony warns Lachy that he's gonna be sticky.
Simon also warns him that he'll get an upset tummy-ache.
But Lachy eats an orange anyway.
Lachy's hair turns orange!
"Orange you glad you saw this episode?"
"Will Lachy find an outfit to match his hair?"
"Is Lachy's hair more a-peeling?"
The Wiggles, Caterina, and Kendall