
"Fun on the Farm" is a Wiggles song from the Hoop-Dee-Doo it's a Wiggly Party album and video.


Fun, fun on the Farm
Fun, fun on the Farm

Running in the paddock
Stacking up the hay
Life on the farm
You know there's lots of fun all day

Fun, fun on the Farm
Fun, fun on the Farm

Riding on the tractor
Planting the corn
In another paddock
A little baby calf's been born

Hey everyone here's a farm joke
How do sheep get themselves clean?
How Murray how?
They have a Ba-a-a-a-ath
(Ha, ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee)

Fun, fun on the Farm
Fun, fun on the Farm

Working in the field
With a dog named Blue
Rounding up the sheep
Living on a farm is lots to do

Fun, fun on the Farm
Fun, fun on the Farm

Song Credits[]

Murray Cook, Jeff Fatt, Anthony Field, Greg Page, John Field (Wiggly Tunes)

