
"Get Ready To Wiggle" is the very first song performed by The Wiggles. It was originally written for The Cockroaches by John Field, but that version was never released to the public.


Song Lyrics[]

Get ready to wiggle, we've been ready for so long
Get ready to wiggle, when you wiggle, you can't go wrong
Get ready to wiggle, wiggle will make you big and strong
Get ready to wiggle, c'mon, wiggle to this song,
Wiggle to this song


We're ready to wiggle, wiggle your fingers high in the sky
We're ready to wiggle, wiggle your ears and wiggle your eyes
We're ready to wiggle, wiggle your hair and wiggle your nose
We're ready to wiggle, c'mon wiggle all ten toes
Wiggle all ten toes


We can wiggle and wiggle, wiggle at home without a care
Wiggle and wiggle, wiggle on your own or with teddy bear
Wiggle and wiggle, wiggle at breakfast, lunch or tea
Wiggle and wiggle, wiggle along with me
That's right, wiggle along with me


"Okay, everybody, get ready to wiggle! It's wiggle time! Let's see you dancing, wiggle!"

Get ready to wiggle! (Shooby-dooby-doo)
We've been ready for so long!
Get ready to wiggle! (Shooby-dooby-doo)
When you wiggle, you can't go wrong!
Get ready to wiggle! (Shooby-dooby-doo)
Wiggle will make you big and strong!
Get ready to wiggle! (Shooby-dooby-doo)
Wiggle to this song!
Wiggle to this song!

Let's all sing!
"Gee, c'mon!"

We're ready to wiggle! (Whoo!) (Shooby-dooby-doo)
Wiggle your fingers high in the sky!
We're ready to wiggle! (Shooby-dooby-doo)
Wiggle your ears and wiggle your eyes!
We're ready to wiggle! (Yeah!) (Shooby-dooby-doo)
Wiggle your hair and wiggle your nose!
We're ready to wiggle! (Shooby-dooby-doo)
"Wiggle your toes!"
Wiggle all ten toes
"Gee, cmon!"
Wiggle all ten toes!

"Big jumps, everybody, c'mon."
"Big jump, c'mon!"
"Gee, c'mon!"
"Big jump now!"

We can wiggle! (Whoo!)
And wiggle! (Whoo!)
Wiggle at home without a care!
Wiggle! (Whoo!)
And wiggle! (Whoo!)
Wiggle on your own or with teddy bear!
Wiggle! (Whoo!)
And wiggle! (Whoo!)
Wiggle at breakfast, lunch or tea!
Wiggle! (Whoo!)
And wiggle! (Whoo!)
Wiggle along with me!
"That's right!"
Wiggle along with me!

"Everybody, keep wiggling now!"
Ba-da-ba-ba, ba-da-bada
"Gee, c'mon!"
Ba-da-ba-ba, ba-da-bada
"Wiggle! Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle!"

(Ahora, ¡todos listos para hacer el wiggle!)

Con ritmo a wiggle,
Todos listos para bailar
Con ritmo a wiggle,
Bailando el wiggle, no puedes fallar
Con ritmo a wiggle,
El wiggle es bueno para ti
Con ritmo a wiggle,
Al ritmo de esta canción
Al ritmo de esta canción

Ba-dum-bum-bum, ba-dum-ba-dum
Ba-dum-bum-bum, ba-dum-ba-dum
Ba-dum-bum-bum, ba-dum-ba-dum

Con ritmo a wiggle,
Con tus dedos al compás
Con ritmo a wiggle,
Con las orejas y los ojos así
Con ritmo a wiggle,
Con el pelo y la nariz
Con ritmo a wiggle,
Y los dedos también,
Y los diez dedos también


El wiggle, el wiggle,
En tu casa sin parar
El wiggle, el wiggle,
Tu oso de peluche se mueve también
El wiggle, el wiggle,
En el desayuno, comida o té
El wiggle, el wiggle,
Wiggle conmigo así,
Wiggle conmigo así

Ba-dum-bum-bum, ba-dum-ba-dum
Ba-dum-bum-bum, ba-dum-ba-dum
Ba-dum-bum-bum, ba-dum-ba-dum
¡Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle!

踊ろう、さあウィグル 楽しい行こうよ
踊ろう、さあウィグル 嫌な事ふっ飛ばせ
踊ろう、さあウィグル 力あふれ強くなる
踊ろう、さあウィグル カモン、ウィグルスとおどろう


踊ろう、さあウィグル 手の平空に広げ
踊ろう、さあウィグル 耳も目も動かせ
踊ろう、さあウィグル 髪の毛も鼻も
踊ろう、さあウィグル カモン、つま先も伸ばそう


さあ踊れさあウィグル 気楽に家の中で
さあ踊れさあウィグル ぬいぐるみを抱きしめ
さあ踊れさあウィグル ご飯やおやつの時も
さあ踊れさあウィグル 僕たちと踊ろうそうだよ!


Get ready to wiggle, 好久沒有扭扭扭
Get ready to wiggle, 扭扭扭心裡好快樂
Get ready to wiggle, 扭扭讓你長高長大
Get ready to wiggle, 跟著大家扭扭扭


We're ready to wiggle, 動動手指像那㗅蝶
We're ready to wiggle, 拉拉耳朵也轉轉眼珠
We're ready to wiggle, 捲捲頭髮也皺皺鼻子
We're ready to wiggle, 讓你腳趾動起來


We can wiggle and wiggle, 隨時隨地都扭扭跳
Wiggle and wiggle, 小熊也來扭扭跳一跳
Wiggle and wiggle, 早也扭扭晚也扭扭
Wiggle and wiggle, 和我一起扭扭
就是這樣, 和我一起扭扭


Get ready to wiggle, we've been ready for so long

Get ready to wiggle, when you wiggle, you can't go wrong,

Get ready to wiggle, wiggle will make you big and strong,

Get ready to wiggle, c'mon, wiggle to this song,

Wiggle to this song

(VOICE) Let's all sing!

Ba-dum-ba-bum-ba-da-ba-dum Ba-dum-ba-bum-ba-da-ba-dum Ba-dum-ba-bum-ba-da-ba-dum

(VOICE) Wiggle (X5); Wiggle!

Ba-dum-ba-bum-ba-da-ba-dum- bum

We're ready to wiggle, wiggle your fingers high in the sky
We're ready to wiggle, wiggle your ears and wiggle your eyes
We're ready to wiggle, wiggle your hair and wiggle your nose
We're ready to wiggle, wiggle all ten toes, wiggle all ten toes

Song Credits[]

Written by Murray Cook, Jeff Fatt, Anthony Field, Greg Page and John Field, published by Wiggly Tunes Pty Ltd.

ReWiggled: A Tribute To The Wiggles[]

© 2011 Liberation Music
Recorded at Birdland Studios. Adalita appears courtesy of Liberation Music


  • The 1991 version of the instrumental track is played over the opening and closing credits of the Wiggle Time! video.
  • This song played during the opening of the Yummy Yummy video.
  • Anthony speaks in the 1991, 1993, 2013, and 2023 versions, as well as most live versions.
  • The bass that is heard in the 1991 version is actually on the Fairlight synthesizer Jeff plays. In most other songs, Murray would use a Fender Jazz Bass.
  • The brass that is heard in the 1991 version are actually on the Korg M1 Jeff plays. (It's the same heard in Tidy Up Song)
  • The drums in the 1991 version were played on Jeff's drum machine, Fairlight and E-mu Emax rack sampler.
  • The 1991 version is played in A Day with the Wiggles and The Wiggly Circus PC game. It was also played on The Wiggles' 20th anniversary quiz game: The Wiggles Trivia Quiz.
  • The Sam Moran version is played on the game Matching Instruments.
  • This song, along with "Rock-A-Bye Your Bear" and "Dorothy the Dinosaur", is Greg's favourite song from the debut album.
  • An instrumental track resembling the 1991 version is partially heard in the opening of Wiggledance!.
  • Dorothy sings this song in the Series 6 episode "The King of Swing".
  • Sam plays the opening horn line during the end credits of You Make Me Feel Like Dancing.
  • The song's video first appeared in ABC For Kids Video Hits.
  • This was the first song The Wiggles ever wrote.
  • The song is sung in the Warner Brothers movie, "Life as We Know It".
  • The 1998 version was uploaded to The Wiggles' YouTube channel on March 15th, 2021. The Wiggles 1997 Big Show version was uploaded on August 15th, 2022.
  • The "Shooby-dooby-doo" during the verses wasn't yet added until 1995 concerts.
  • According to Anthony, the song was originally called "Here Comes Mr. Wiggle", but it was re-written to make it a kids song.
  • This is the first song to be credited under Murray Cook, Jeff Fatt, Anthony Field, Greg Page and John Field.
  • The TV Series 1 Intro version plays in a slightly higher pitch compared to the normal version.
  • There is a partial translation error in the Spanish version of this song: the original lyric "Wiggle at breakfast, lunch or tea" is translated as "El wiggle en el desayuno, comida o té". The English "tea" (particularly in Australia) can be used to refer to tea leaves and its products, or as another word for "supper" or "dinner" (how it's used in the original song); the Spanish "té" is only used for the former.


Let's Wiggle[]

The Wiggles (TV Series 1)[]

12-minute versions (Sprout exclusive)[]

22-minute versions[]

The Wiggles (TV Series 2)[]

Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles![]

11-minute versions[]

22-minute versions[]

The Wiggles Show![]

11-minute versions[]

22-minute versions[]

The Wiggles Show! (Latin America)[]

Wiggle and Learn[]

11-minute versions[]

22-minute versions[]

