This page is an image gallery for Get Ready To Wiggle. Please add to the contents of this page, but only images that pertain to the article.
Murray, Anthony, Phillip and Jeff
"Everybody loosen up! Let's get ready to wiggle!
"Ba dum ba bum, ba dum ba dum"
Jeff playing Yamaha keyboard
Greg, Phillip, Anthony and Murray
Anthony's black leather shoes
Anthony playing the drums
Anthony's black leather shoes
Phillip playing the trumpet
Murray playing Red Fender Stratocaster guitar
"Hey, keep wiggling now! Don't stop!"
"Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle! Wiggle!"
The Wiggles and their logo
Greg wiggling his fingers
"Ba-dum-bum-bum, ba-dum-ba-dum"
"Hey, keep wiggling now. Don't stop. Wiggle."
Anthony introducing "Get Ready To Wiggle"
Emma Watkins and her sister Hayley
Wags, Dorothy, Greg, Henry, Jeff and Anthony
Captain riding on his unicycle again
Greg, Dorothy, Jessica, Murray and Wags
Anthony, Emma, Henry, Greg, Dorothy and Jessica
Wags, Captain, Jeff and Henry
The Opposite Wiggly Group and the Wiggly Coloured Dancers
NOTE: This main section reflects the YouTube upload.
"Ba-dum-ba-bum, ba-dum-ba-dum"
Captain, Dorothy and Jeff
Jeff, Anthony and the Early Wiggly Friends
Anthony, Murray and the Early Wiggly Friends
The Wiggles, Captain, and Dorothy jumping
The Wiggles, Captain and Dorothy
Murray, Jeff, Captain and Dorothy
Wags, Murray, Greg, Captain and Dorothy
Greg, Murray, Captain, Dorothy and Anthony
"Let's all wiggle, everybody."
S.S. Feathersword song title
The Wiggles in an extended shot
The Wiggles and their logo
Murray, Henry, Captain and Greg
The Male Wiggly Group dancing a conga line
Jeff getting up from Morty
Anthony talking about Morty
Greg Doing the Romp Bomp a Stomp
Wags riding on Captain's unicycle upside down
The Non-realistic Wiggle Puppets
Puppet Captain Feathersword
Puppet Captain and Dorothy
Puppet Greg, Puppet Anthony, Puppet Wags, and Puppet Dorothy
The Taiwanese Wiggles and the logo
The Taiwanese Wiggles dancing
Danny (Note: Footage of Danny is mirrored)
Carlos driving the Big Red Car
Anni (Note: Footage of Anni is mirrored)
Anni playing Red Starry Keyboard
The Taiwanese Wiggles, Captain and Dorothy
Dorothy, Henry and Sharryn
The Taiwanese Wiggles in their short-sleeved shirts
Arthur introducing "Get Ready to Wiggle"
Anni playing the Red Starry Keyboard
Arthur playing the blue Fender Electric guitar
Dorothy, Carlos, Arthur and Henry
Anni, Captain and Dorothy
The Wiggly Group and the kids
Wags, Anni, Arthur and Captain
Dorothy, Carlos, Henry and Danny
The Wiggles in the Big Red Car
The Wiggles in the Big Red Boat
The year 2006 on the Big Red Boat
Elle MacPherson on the billboard
The Latin American Wiggles (2006)[]
The Taiwanese Wiggles in the Big Red Car
Lachy and Captain Feathersword
The Non-realistic Wiggly Humans
Captain Feathersword at Tower of London
Lachy and Henry at Tower of London
The Replacement Wiggles and Henry
Lachy and Dorothy at Tower of London
The Replacement Wiggles and Dorothy
Dorothy at Tower of London
The Replacement Wiggles and Wags
NOTE: This main section reflects the YouTube upload.
Emma, Officer Beaples, Henry, Anthony, Wags, Greg and Dorothy
Emma, Officer Beaples, Henry, Wags, Greg and Dorothy
Officer Beaples, Greg and the Wiggly Friends
Greg, Dorothy, Captain and Murray
Wags, Anthony, Greg, Dorothy and Captain
Emma, Henry, Officer Beaples and Dorothy
Emma, Henry, Officer Beaples, Dorothy and Greg
Henry, Officer Beaples, Dorothy, Greg and Wags
Henry, Captain, Wags and Murray
Officer Beaples, Dorothy, Greg and Wags
Henry, Officer Beaples, Dorothy and Greg
Emma, Henry and Officer Beaples
Dorothy, Greg, Wags and Captain
Dorothy holding Lachy and John's skivvies
Dorothy holding Anthony and Lucia's skivvies
Dorothy holding Tsehay and Evie's skivvies
Dorothy holding Simon and Caterina's skivvies