This page is an image gallery for Getting Strong! (video). Please add to the contents of this page, but only images that pertain to the article. |
Promotional Material[]
- For the "Wags Mixes Some Colours" gallery, see here
- For the "Dorothy Speaks Warramiri" gallery, see here
- For the "Football With Kate Gill!" gallery, see here
- For the "Safety On The Water" gallery, see here
Wiggle and Learn[]
Hello We're the Wiggles (Version One)[]
"Hello, we're the Wiggles, we like to say hello to you. Hello, we're the Wiggles, we like to say hello. Hello, we're the Wiggles, we like to say hello to you. Hello, we're the Wiggles, we like to say hello."
Skipping rope[]
Getting Strong![]
Musical cushions game[]
The Five Senses[]
Anthony meets some ballet dancers[]
Dorothy's ballet[]
A Bird Flew Around On A Bright Sunny Day[]
Finger food recipes[]
Dorothy's smelling game[]
Smell Your Way Through The Day[]
Anthony choo-choo-choos![]
Hands On Your Ears[]
Anthony meets some guitarists[]
Fingers Standing Very Tall[]
Anthony singing Fingers Standing Very Tall
Jeff singing Fingers Standing Very Tall
Murray singing Fingers Standing Very Tall
Sam singing Fingers Standing Very Tall
You can listen to your heart beat[]
The Sporting Salsa[]
Goodbye from The Wiggles (Version One)[]
Dorothy's Interlude[]
Hello, We're the Wiggles (Version Two)[]
Hello, We're The Wiggles (Language and Literacy)
A Frog Went a Walking[]
Anthony hides a book[]
The Biggest Smile of All[]
Anthony meets some cows[]
Wags' box of letters[]
D is for Dorothy[]
Reading with pictures[]
Hello in other languages[]
Konnichi Wa, Ciao, Hola, Yiasou Everybody![]
I spy game[]
Captain Feathersword
I Spy[]
Anthony meets some trumpet players[]
Dorothy's flag pattern[]
This One Is Different[]
Captain's magic buttons rhyme[]
One, Two, Three, Four Rhymes[]
Each of The Wiggles read a book[]
Beach, Beach, Sandy Beach[]
Goodbye from The Wiggles (Version Two)[]
Goodbye From The Wiggles (Language and Literacy Version)
End Credits[]
More Song Credits #4 without We're All Friends listed (US version only)