This page is an image gallery for Getting Strong! (video). Please add to the contents of this page, but only images that pertain to the article.

Promotional Material[]


  • For the "Wags Mixes Some Colours" gallery, see here
  • For the "Dorothy Speaks Warramiri" gallery, see here
  • For the "Football With Kate Gill!" gallery, see here
  • For the "Safety On The Water" gallery, see here

Wiggle and Learn[]

Hello We're the Wiggles (Version One)[]

Skipping rope[]

Getting Strong![]

Musical cushions game[]

The Five Senses[]

Anthony meets some ballet dancers[]

Dorothy's ballet[]

A Bird Flew Around On A Bright Sunny Day[]

Finger food recipes[]

Dorothy's smelling game[]

Smell Your Way Through The Day[]

Anthony choo-choo-choos![]

Hands On Your Ears[]

Anthony meets some guitarists[]


Fingers Standing Very Tall[]

You can listen to your heart beat[]

The Sporting Salsa[]

Goodbye from The Wiggles (Version One)[]

Dorothy's Interlude[]

Hello, We're the Wiggles (Version Two)[]

A Frog Went a Walking[]

Anthony hides a book[]

The Biggest Smile of All[]

Anthony meets some cows[]

Wags' box of letters[]

D is for Dorothy[]

Reading with pictures[]

Hello in other languages[]

Konnichi Wa, Ciao, Hola, Yiasou Everybody![]

I spy game[]

I Spy[]

Anthony meets some trumpet players[]

Dorothy's flag pattern[]

This One Is Different[]

Captain's magic buttons rhyme[]

One, Two, Three, Four Rhymes[]

Each of The Wiggles read a book[]

Beach, Beach, Sandy Beach[]

Goodbye from The Wiggles (Version Two)[]

End Credits[]

