
"Goodbye from the Ballet Today" is the closing song from The Wiggles' Big Ballet Day! album and video. It uses the tune "Hector the Hero" as the backing track.


Lachy: From Italy, Russia and Scotland

To China and England and France

From Mexico, India, Spain, Australia

The ballet we love to dance

From Emma, Lachy, Simon and Anthony

To our Friends in Wiggle Town

From the lovely dances at The Australian Ballet

Let's take one final bow

(Instrumental break)

Oh, the curtain must close on the show now

But the dancing, on it goes

The beauty of ballet will live forever

Goodbye from our ballet show.

Song Credits[]

Trad Arr Anthony Field, Lachlan GillespieSimon Pryce, Emma WatkinsOliver Brian, Alex Keller (Wiggly Tunes Pty Ltd)
