"Guess What?" is a Wiggles song from the Wake Up Jeff! album and the remake video as a Wiggly Animation clip. This song features a fridge, which is first, a table, which is second, and a bed, which is the last one before Jeff falls asleep.
I've got some questions for everybody. See if you can guess what these things are.
What's really cool and keeps things very cold?
It's white and its where your food can live
When you open up the door, the light always comes on
It's in the kitchen
Yep, it's the fridge...
Oh a fridge!
Well what's next Greg?
Here comes one for you
What has four legs and a very flat top?
It's in your house and it's really stable (stable)
It may be made of wood, you can have your dinner there
It's very useful, it's a table
Oh a table
Yeah, see if you can guess this next one
What's next Greg?
What's really soft and very warm too?
It's got a place for you to lay your head (Uh-huh)
It's got blankets and sheets, it's where you go to sleep
I think you've guessed it - yep it's a bed
A bed
Yeah, it's very cozy
Oh no Greg.
Have a listen.
(Jeff snoring)
Jeff's falling asleep
Jeff's always falling asleep. Oh dear
Can you hear that snoring?
I sure can
Oh no!
He's funny that Jeff, always falling asleep
(Jeff snoring continues)
Español (¿Adivina Qué Es?)[]
"Tengo preguntas para todos. A ver si pueden adivinar. Que cosas son?"
Muy frio es, mantienen fresco todo
Es blanco y tu comida viva ahi
Cuando lo tienes que abrir, una vez se aprendera
Esta en la cocina.... Si, es un refiere!
"El refrigerador. Asi que, Fernandito."
"Estas para ti?"
Tiene quatro patas y de rivalizar es
Es en tu casa y siempre en esta vida
De madera puede ser, esto to comes tu
Es muy util.... Si, es la mesa!
"Oh, una mesa!"
"Si. Ahora, a ver si puedes mirar lo que sigue!"
Muy suave es y calientita asi
Era un lugar donde pones tu cabeza
Tiene semanas y cobertura y aqui puedes dormir
Adivinaste? Si, es el cama!
"Una cama? Si, es muy comrade!"
"Oh no! Escucha! Katty ser durmio! Katty siempre si quiero dormida!"
"Oh no! Puedes ir con la ruta? esta Katty esta en la ciencia siempre se queda dormida."
Song Credits[]
Written by Murray Cook, Jeff Fatt, Anthony Field, and Greg Page, published by Wiggly Tunes Pty Ltd, previously published by EMI Music.
- Both this song and "D.O.R.O.T.H.Y. (My Favourite Dinosaur)" were made into Wiggly Animation clips for Series 5 but never appeared in any of the episodes.
- This is the first appearance of Anthony's "What's next, Greg?" catchphrase.
- On the Splish Splash Big Red Boat album, it comes before Let's Go (We're Riding In The Big Red Car) and after Having Fun At The Beach. On the Wake Up Jeff! and It's Time to Wake Up Jeff! albums, it comes before Wake Up Jeff! and after Bucket Of Dew/Paddy Condon From Cobar. And also in the video version of It's Time to Wake Up Jeff!, it comes before Wave to Wags and after I Can Do So Many Things.
- At the end of the music video, during Jeff's snores, whistles play in his dream when a flock of animated sheep jump over a gate on a hill at night, including the things the Wiggles have already guessed.
- This is also one of the very few songs to have it's Wiggly Animation clip end with sound effects.
- This song never had a clip in live-action.
- This song happens once, only in Wiggly Animation.
Album Tracks[]
Video Performance[]
TV Series' Episodes Appearances[]
The Wiggles Show! (Latin America)[]
- Episodio 13 (Wiggly Animation)
- Episodio 22 (Wiggly Animation)