This is the transcript for Haircut.
(The episode starts with The Wiggles logo above these 4 characters in the show. Until, Greg is singing the song: Get Ready To Wiggle plays in the background, it shows their names appear in the opening sequence.)
Greg: (singing offscreen.) Ba-dum-bum-bum, ba-da-ba-da
Ba-dum-bum-bum, ba-da-ba-da
Ba-dum-bum-bum, ba-da-ba-da
We're ready to wiggle, wiggle your fingers high in the sky
We're ready to wiggle, wiggle your ears and wiggle your eyes
We're ready to wiggle, wiggle your hair and wiggle your nose
We're ready to wiggle, wiggle all ten toes, wiggle all ten toes
(A pop-up yellow star with red outlined transition to the song: Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car. A scene where the Wiggles are driving the Big Red Car having a wonderful time & they could toot, toot, chugga, chugga again before they headed back home.)
Wiggles: (singing) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car
We'll travel near and we'll travel far
Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car
We're gonna ride the whole day long.
Greg: (singing) Murray's in the back seat.
Playing his guitar.
Murray's in the back seat
(with the other Wiggles singing.) Of the Big Red Car.
Wiggles: (singing) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car
We'll travel near and we'll travel far
Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car
We're gonna ride the whole day long.
Greg: (singing) Jeff is fast asleep.
He's having a little rest
We better wake him up
so let's all
(with the other Wiggles singing.) Call out "Wake up Jeff!"
Wiggles: (singing) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car
We'll travel near and we'll travel far
Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car
We're gonna ride the whole day long.
Greg: (singing) Anthony is eating.
He's got so much food.
He's eating apples and oranges
(with the other Wiggles singing.) And fruit salad too!
Wiggles: (singing) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car
We'll travel near and we'll travel far
Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car
We're gonna ride the whole day long.
The Other Wiggles: (singing) Greg is doing the driving
Greg: (singing) "Scooby doo ah"
The Other Wiggles: (singing) Greg is doing the driving
Of the Big Red Car!
Wiggles: (singing) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car
We'll travel near and we'll travel far
Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car
We're gonna ride the whole day long.
Wiggles: (singing) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car
We'll travel near and we'll travel far
Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car
We're gonna ride the whole day long.
(After the song, as they wave to the camera since the Big Red Car was flying across the sky. Until, numbers transition to Kaz the Cat. A scene where The Wiggles are singing a song about the coolest cat ever.)
Wiggles: (singing offscreen.) Who is the coolest cat in the land?
Carolyn: (singing offscreen.) I know the coolest cat in the land.
Wiggles: (singing offscreen.) Who is the coolest cat in the land?
Carolyn: (singing offscreen.) Hey, everybody, it's Kaz the Cat.
(Kaz meows.)
(It fades to the segment called "How to Escape the Heat"? A scene where Kaz, Carolyn, Max & Benjamin are feeling so hot & humid outside today.)
Kaz: Oh, it's so hot! I think my furr-o-main melt!
Max: It's leaving hot in my mouse house. Squawk! Let's talk our way to cool down.
Carolyn: I've got an idea. Why don't we go for swim in the local pool?
Max: Oh, wonderful! But, I'm a good mouse paddle.
Benjamin: Yes, a birdbath cools me down.
Kaz: Oh, meow! Wet, bath, swim, water in my person! No, thank you. You guys go get cool in the pool. This cat will cool down with a mice cream cone, on my own.
Max: With cake!
(Paint rollers transition to Wigglehouse. While, Greg is the singing part for Get Ready To Wiggle.)
(After the song, as they wave to the camera since the Big Red Car is flying across the sky. Until, numbers transition to Kindergarten segment. A scene where the kids are doing puzzles.)
Dorothy: (she narrates offscreen) Puzzles is some of my favorite things! I love finding the bits that fit, and then putting them together to make a picture. This one has letters on it, A, B, C, D, E. That one's a picture, but it's upside down from here, so I can't quite work out what it's about.
(the boy builds a train puzzle)
Dorothy: (she narrates offscreen) That looks like it might be a train. Oh, you really have to concentrate to get it right.
(the kids build their own puzzles)
Dorothy: (she narrates offscreen) There's an owl! Sometimes I do a puzzle upside down, just for fun.
(Flowers transition to Wigglehouse. While, Greg is the singing part for Get Ready To Wiggle.)
Greg: (singing offscreen.) Ba-dum-bum-bum, ba-da-ba-da
Ba-dum-bum-bum, ba-da-ba-da
Ba-dum-bum-bum, ba-da-ba-da
(Until, it translates to Jeff, Murray & Greg fanning themselves since they are feeling so hot outside at Wigglehouse.)
Jeff: Whoo, it must be the hottest day of the year here at Wigglehouse.
Murray: They say there'll be a nice cold change later.
Greg: I hope it gets here soon. This heat is too much.
Anthony: (He arrives, while holding a fan & his hair is all long & curly.) Hi, guys.
Jeff, Murray & Greg: Hi, Anthony.
Jeff: (He notices something about Anthony.) There's something different about Anthony today. Do you know what it is? I just can't put my finger on it.
Murray: His shirt's the same.
Greg: His shoes are the same.
Anthony: What are you guys looking at?
Murray: Anthony, there's something strange about you today.
Anthony: Strange? I'm just hot. When did they say that cold change was coming through?
Greg: In a little while.
Jeff: Hey, I know what it is. Your ears are bigger.
Anthony: My ears? No, same size.
Murray: Maybe it's his nose.
Anthony: Nose? No, not my nose.
Greg: Hey, guys, I know what it is. It's his hair!
Anthony: (He was shocked that his hair was so long.) My hair! I only had a haircut at Madame Bouffant's Styling Salon for the Modern Man last week!
Greg: Well, I'd say it's time to get her on the telephone to arrange an emergency cut!
Murray: Let's go, Wiggles! (They're all head back into Wigglehouse. While, he picks up a phone & dials Madame Bouffant.) Hello? Madame Bouffant? It's Murray Wiggle. It's an emergency. Anthony's hair has grown really long! Yes... (Greg's head pops out.) Yes... (Jeff's head pops out.) Yes. (Anthony's head pops out.)
Jeff: What happened?
Murray: I'm on hold. (He's humming, while singing.) Ba-dum-bum-bum... Yes? Good. See you soon! (He puts their phone down.) She's on her way.
(They heard a knock. It was Madame Bouffant who was knocking.)
Jeff: That was quick.
Wigglehouse Door: Who goes there?
Madame Bouffant: It is I, Madame Bouffant, (She is turning her head from left to right.) your hair's best friend.
Wigglehouse Door: Likely story. You'll have to do the test.
Madame Bouffant: But I only do hair and nails.
Wigglehouse Door: What is Murray's favorite color?
Madame Bouffant: Luscious red.
Wigglehohse Door: Mmm... lucky guess. But you may pass.
(She is turning her head from left to right. Until, Madame Bouffant enters inside the Wigglehouse.)
Murray: Oh, Madame Bouffant, we're so glad you're here.
Madame Bouffant: Please, stand back, everybody. I've seen this before.
Greg: What is it, Madame Bouffant? What could possibly make Anthony's hair grow that quickly?
Madame Bouffant: It's a very rare condition called "rapid hairiness". It made you hair grows really quickly when it gets really, really, really hot.
Murray: So the hot weather's causing it. Is there anything we can do?
Madame Bouffant: Oh, you just provide him with care and support and leave the rest to me.
Paul Field: (offscreen, until the trivia appears on the screen.) Is this a new look for Anthony? If so, will The Wiggles get used to it? If not, how will Madame Bouffant save the day?
Madame Bouffant: (She grabs a comb and a pair of scissors.) I'd recommend you look away; this is not going to be pretty. (She cuts Anthony's hair. It comes out the same as Madame Bouffant's hair.) Ta-da! What do you think?
Murray: Well, it's very nice but...maybe something different would be better.
Madame Bouffant: (She cuts Anthony's hair. It's blonde & short.) Ta-da!
Jeff, Murray & Greg: No.
Madame Bouffant: (She cuts hair, it comes out as blonde and curly.) Ta-da!
Jeff, Murray & Greg: (They're tilting palms up and down.) Ehh...
Madame Bouffant: (She cuts hair once again. Anthony's hair is now an Afro.) Ta-da!
Jeff, Murray & Greg: (They gasp as if they were going to say something.) No.
Madame Bouffant: (Cuts hair. This time around, Anthony's hair is Rasta.) Ta-da!
(Jeff, Murray & Greg exchange looks and shake their heads.)
Madame Bouffant: (She cuts Anthony's hair one more time. This time, his hair is back to normal.) Ta-da! (She giggles.) I think I'm a genius.
Anthony: I think you are too, Madame Bouffant. (He brushes his hair off, stands up.) Thank you so much for fixing my hair.
Greg: Well, you won't have to worry about the heat anymore. That cold change has come through.
Jeff: Thank goodness.
Anthony: Guys, I'll just walk Madame Bouffant to her car. It'd be nice to cool down outside too. (He has handed over her bag to Madame Bouffant.) Here's your bag.
Madame Bouffant: 'Bye, Wiggles. Sorry to leave you with all this mess.
Murray: (He's holding a broom.) No problem, Madame Bouffant. See ya!
Madame Bouffant: See ya.
Anthony: After you, Madame Bouffant. (Madame Bouffant leaves outside he Wigglehouse, while waving goodbye to her. Until, the wind was blowing.) See you, Madame Bouffant! Thanks for my new haircut! (He shivers.) Ooh, it's cold! Brrrr. Well, at least my hair won't grow long now because it's not hot anymore. Brrrr. It's cold. (He walks inside to Wigglehouse.) Brrrr. It's cold. Brrrr. It's cold.
Murray: Huh?
Greg: Huh?
Jeff: Huh? (They're looking at Anthony's hair goes bald.)
Anthony: What is it? Don't tell me my hair's grown long again!
(Jeff, Murray & Greg shakes their heads.)
Anthony: (He touched his head without hair.) Oh, no, I'm bald! Oh, hot weather makes my hair grow long, but the cold weather must make it super-short. Ooh, quickly, get me Madame Bouffant on the phone!
Murray: (They're all rushing towards to the phone. While, he picks up a phone & dials Madame Bouffant again.) Hello? (He's humming, while singing.) Ba-dum-bum-bum, ba-da-ba-da
(with Greg & Jeff singing repeated over & over again.) Ba-dum-bum-bum, ba-da-ba-da
Ba-dum-bum-bum, ba-da-ba-da
Anthony: (He picks up hair pieces.) No hair. I could get used to this. (He smooth his head.) Feels good. And there's no brushing in the morning. (He chuckles, while throwing hair pieces up in the air.) Yippee! No brushing and it feels good. I like being bald. (He laughs.)
(Stars transition to the song: Uncle Noah's Ark. A scene where The Wiggles are telling a story about Uncle Noah who built with all the animals.)
Greg: (singing) A long long time ago
As all you folks should know
Uncle Noah built himself an ark
Uncle Noah: Now, that's a boat folks!
Greg: (singing) For 40 days and nights
The rain was quite a fright
The animals nearly tore the ark apart
The ducks went quack
The cows went...
The roosters
The old tom cat sure raised an awful row
The little pig oink
The billy goats
The bullfrog said
Anthony: (singing) "Biggest rain we've ever had".
Greg: (singing) Uncle Noah's ark is a mad house now
(They're making animal noises.)
The horses and cattle, and foul of the air
Even the long eared donkey was there.
The ducks went quack
The cows went moo
The roosters
All were there at Uncle Noah's ark
(Instrumental break to The Wiggles are doing their animal actions.)
(quacking, cock-a-doodling, moo sounds.)
Anthony: (singing) "Biggest rain we've ever had".
(They were all making animal noises.)
Greg: (singing) The ducks went quack
The cows went...
The roosters
The old tom cat sure raised an awful row
The little pig oink
The billy goats
The bullfrog said
Anthony: (singing) "Biggest rain we've ever had".
Greg: (singing) Uncle Noah's ark is a mad house now
(They're making animal noises.)
The horses and cattle, and foul of the air
Even the long eared donkey was there.
The ducks went quack
The cows went moo
The roosters
All were there at Uncle Noah's ark
Anthony: But what about the unicorn?
Greg: (singing) All were there at Uncle Noah's ark
(They were all making animal noises at the end. Until, 3D block shapes transition to Henry the Octopus. While, Greg is the singing part for Henry the Octopus.)
Greg: (singing offscreen.) Henry the Octopus
Lives down in the deep blue sea
Henry the Octopus
He's a friend to you and me.
Henry: Hi, everybody. Or as we say in octopus language, "Breebop!"
(It translates to the segment called, "Henry the Octopus: The Fishette's Birthday" A scene where Henry & the other underwater friends are getting ready to have a birthday party for the Fishettes.)
Greg: (offscreen.) It was a lovely morning in the ocean. The water was cool, clear and blue. Henry the Octopus lived in his house under the sea. Henry was busy preparing a birthday party for the Fishettes, the twin fish. All the Underwater Big Band were there helping.
Henry: "Come on, everybody, it's party time! The Fishettes will be here at any moment! Have we got everything ready?"
Greg: (offscreen.) ..asked Henry. Just then, Joey the Crab arrived, carrying a lot of balloons.
Joey: "Er, here are the balloons, Henry, but I think I got too many!" (He floats up in the sky.)
Greg: (offscreen.) Jacques brought Joey back to the ocean floor and said...
Jacques: (He carries Joey down.) "Henry, the birthday rule is to stay really cool. We have the streamers, we have the balloons. The party fun is starting soon."
(A scene translates to the Fishettes arriving.)
Greg: (offscreen.) The guests of honor arrived, the Fishette Twins. Everyone cheered and let them in.
All: "Happy birthday!" (They're all cheering after the Fishettes arrived.)
The Fishettes: "Oh, thank you, everyone. This is really great. Let the party begin. We can hardly wait!"
(A scene translates to Henry is playing a game called pin the tail on the whale.)
Greg: (offscreen.) And so, the games began. First was pin the tail on the whale. Henry was blindfolded and tried to pin the tail on the whale, but missed the mark.
Henry: "Ooh! I missed that time." (He's holding 7 whale's tail on each tentacle.) "But I've still got seven turns left."
(A scene translates to Henry is playing a game called musical shells.)
Greg: (offscreen.) Everyone laughed and then played musical shells.
Henry: "We'll play music and when it stops, everyone will find a shell to sit on!" (The music plays in the background, while the sea creatures come out & play. Until, the music stops everyone will get to sit on each shell. Except, one who is sitting on a shell & she is out.) "That was a fun game! Now let's cut the cake!"
(A scene translates to a mud cake with candles on it.)
Greg: (offscreen.) There was a beautiful mud cake with a candle for each Fishette. They were so excited.
The Fishettes: "It's a happy birthday to both of us. We've had so much fun. You've made such a fuss. With streamers and games, balloons and cake. We've eaten so much, our bellies will ache."
Greg: (offscreen.) The Fishettes and Henry's Big Band celebrated the birthday well into the afternoon. Birthdays are special days to share with friends, especially with friends like Henry the Octopus.
All: (singing) "Have a happy birthday, fishes"
"Have a happy birthday, fishes"
"Have a happy birthday, fishes"
"We didn't forget, we didn't forget"
"Your birthday is today."
Henry: "Hip hip..."
All: "Hooray!"
Henry: "Hip hip..."
All: "Hooray!"
Henry: "Hip hip..."
All: "Hooray!"
Henry: "Whoa!"
(It translates to Captain Featherswords Pirate Show. A scene where Captain Feathersword introduced himself with his buddy, Wags for having a song.)
Captain Feathersword: (singing) Ahoy there, me hearties, you're all welcomed here!
All: (singing offscreen.) It's Captain Feathersword's Pirate Show!
(It translates to the segment called "The Flu". A scene where Captain Feathersword coughs & blows his nose, while he has the flu.)
Captain Feathersword: (He whines, while he is feeling very seasick.) Wags! Wags, my friend!(Wags arrives holding a tray full of biscuits & lemonade.) Oh, thank you, Wags. I don't know if I can drink that yummy lemonade or eat those delicious biscuits. I'm so sick with the flu! But I'll try. After all, I do not know how to keep up my strength. (Wags puts his tray down.) Oh, Wags, could you please get me a nice, cool face towel? I have such a terrible fever. (Wags throws a towel on his face.) Thank you. (He grabs a towel, while blowing his nose amd he coughs.) Oh! Oh, Wags. I'm so sick! (Wags arrives with a newspaper and puts his chocolate cake down.) Oh, Wags, thank you for looking after me. Oh! Cake! Still warm from the oven. Just what the doctor ordered. (Wags shakes his head.) Oh, Wags, I know it's a special cake for the party tomorrow night, but couldn't I just have a little taste? (He is crying and wailing, while he's sick.) WAGS!!!!!!!!!!!
Wags: (He barks, "Nope!")
Captain Feathersword: (He is crying & blubbers, while he's sick.) WAGS!!!!!!!!!!!
Wags: (He barks, "No, no!")
Captain Feathersword: Oh, alright. Alright. I'll just have to nibble on these hard old biscuits. (He bites a biscuit. Then, he spits, until he's so sad that he has a flu.) Oh! Oh, misery, Wags! Can you please fetch the Captain his slippers? I would get up, but I'm just so we...eak!
Wags: (He grumbles & walks away from the dock.)
Captain Feathersword: (He is getting up from his lounge chair, while looking at his cake.) Cake! Oh, I am sick. I do deserve just a little slice. A tiny, weeny piece. He'll never know. (He's using a plastic knife to cut a slice of chocolate cake. He notice something that Wags is coming. So he has to go sit back in his lounge chair, while eating his chocolate cake. When, Wags arrives with these slippers.) Oh, thank you, Wags. (Wags puts these slippers down.) You're such a good doggie! Thank you. Just one last request from a sick old seaman. Could you fetch my favorite feathersword? (Wags from the dock again. Until, he gets up from his lounge chair again, while looking at his cake to make him feel better.) This should make me feel better. Ooh! Oh! (He moans & grunts while he is using a plastic knife to cut another slice of chocolate cake. He notices something that Wags is coming. So he has to go sit back in his lounge chair, while eating his chocolate cake. When, Wags arrives with his feathersword.)
Wags: (He grumbles that he ate his slice of chocolate cake.)
Captain Feathersword: Must've been them there biscuits... ..is making me feel, well, unwell.
Wags: (He growls, while telling a truth about eating a cake.)
Captain Feathersword: Look at that! It shrunk. Oh, OK! OK! How did you know it was me? I only had such a little slice! Just a teeny, weeny, little peteeny little piece! Oh! Oh. I don't feel so good. Oh. No. No more, thank you, Wags. It must be this flu. It's making me feel, well, sick! (He gets up of his lounge chair, while running away. He goes to the doctor.)
(Wags has to sit back down his lounge chair, while eating some chocolate cake. Until, it translates to the song: Crunchy Munchy Honey Cakes. A scene where Captain Feathersword, Paul the Cook & The Wiggles are making their Crunchy Munchy Honey Cakes.)
Wiggles: (singing) Crunchy Munchy Honey Cakes
Crunchy Munchy Honey Cakes
Crunchy Munchy Honey Cakes
Crunchy Munchy Honey Cakes
Greg: (singing) Crunchy Munchy Honey Cakes
They're great to eat and they're fun to make
In your hand or on a plate
Crunchy Munchy Honey Cakes.
Wiggles: (singing) What do you do?
Greg: (singing) Apron on then wash your hands.
Get a bowl and a baking pan.
Wiggles: (singing) What's next?
Greg: (singing) Rolling pin and mixing spoon.
We'll be mixing very soon.
Crunchy Munchy Honey Cakes
They're great to eat and they're fun to make
In your hand or on a plate
Crunchy Munchy Honey Cakes.
Wiggles: (singing) What do you do?
Greg: (singing) Take the flour and honey, too.
Put them together and make a goo.
Wiggles: (singing) What's next?
Greg: (singing) Add some milk and muesli flakes.
Now we're almost ready to bake.
Crunchy Munchy Honey Cakes
They're great to eat and they're fun to make
In your hand or on a plate
Crunchy Munchy Honey Cakes.
Wiggles: (singing) What do you do?
Greg: (singing) Roll some balls on the baking tray
Then in the oven right away.
Wiggles: (singing) What's next?
Greg: (singing) Stand back and watch them bake.
Now let's eat those yummy cakes.
Crunchy Munchy Honey Cakes
They're great to eat and they're fun to make
In your hand or on a plate
Crunchy Munchy Honey Cakes.
Wiggles: (singing) Crunchy Munchy Honey Cakes
(They repeated 9 times. Then, Captain Feathersword stole their Crunchy Munchy Honey Cakes, as they were running around a circle, while Paul the Cook was chasing the Captain. Until, paint rollers transition to the end credits are rolling, while The Wiggles, Officer Beaples & their friends are playing a game of tennis with their rackets. When, Jeff is holding a ball. While, Anthony & Murray are moving back & forth. Then, Jeff swings the racket & hit a tennis ball. They we're all trying to catch it. But, Captain Feathersword has caught the ball with his mouth, riding on his bike. While, they're running around during The Chase (Instrumental) track is playing in the background. So, they had to catch up Captain Feathersword with a tennis ball. After that, it fades to black. Then it translates to Emma Ryan painting a picture. Then, the paintbrush splats to The Wiggles Logo appears on the screen. Then, it fades to black.)