Hamish Munro-Cook
IMG 7091


September 10, 1997 (age 27) {citation needed}

Hamish Munro-Cook (b. September 10{citation needed}, 1997 in Sydney, Australia) is the son of Murray Cook and Meg and Georgia's brother.

About Hamish Munro-Cook[]

Gender: Male

Aged: (1-3) (27 in 2024)

Favourite Colour: Dark Green {citation needed}

Birthday: September 10, 1997 {citation needed}

Family: Lives with {citation needed} his father Murray Cook, his sister Georgia Munro-Cook and his mother Meg Munro.

Hobbies: Dancing{citation needed}, Playing The Guitar{citation needed}, Eating{citation needed} and Playing with the Cars. {citation needed}

Appears In[]

Gallery of Random Children[]
