This is the transcript for Hat on My Head.
(The episode starts with an opening sequence during the song: Emma's Yellow Bow.)
Emma: (singing) Emma's yellow bow
Bow, bow
It's Emma's yellow bow
Bow, bow
(Opening camera transition to the song: Hello, Nice to See You Today. A scene Emma introducing herself, while walking a dog & playing on a xylophone outside at Hopewood House.)
Emma: (singing) Hello, nice to see you today
My name is Emma
What's your name?
Oh, that's right
Come on, let's play.
(A tinkling yellow circle with bows flying transition to Emma welcomes her bowtiful playroom.)
Emma: Oh, welcome to my bowtiful playroom! Today is going to be a bowtiful day! And it's time for some dancing. Have a listen to this bowtiful music and see how it makes you feel, how it makes you dance.
(Song: Whenever I Hear This Music. A scene where Emma could do the actions to a song.)
Emma: (singing) Whenever I hear this music
Whenever I hear this song,
I just can't stop dancing
And you can dance along
Nod your head up, and down
And twirl your hands round and round
Point one toe and then the other
Or wiggle if you'd rather
Whenever I hear this music
Whenever I hear this song,
I just can't stop dancing
And you can dance along
Nod your head up, and down
And twirl your hands round and round
Point one toe and then the other
Or wiggle if you'd rather
Whenever I hear this music
Whenever I hear this song,
I just can't stop dancing
And you can dance along.
Oh! Bowtiful dancing! (She gasps & she hears a music box tinkling.) Can you hear that bowtiful sound? Ah, you're right! That's the sound of the music box. I wonder which music box we'll open today. Oh, three bowtiful music boxes. A yellow music box, a pink music box and an aqua music box. Which music box would you like me to open today? Ah! The yellow music box!
(Song: Emma's Music Box. A scene where Emma opens up her music box so she could see what's inside.)
Emma: (singing) I open up my music box
And what do I see?
A ballet dancer twirling, dancing there for me...
Come on, try it. Twirl around up high on your toes.
(singing) Look at what my music box has given to me.
(She's holding a tiny little hat.) Have a look at this! It's a tiny little hat with a bowtiful bow! I love wearing my hat, especially when it's sunny outside. Come on, let's go and play. Bring your hat!
(A scene fades to Emma is wearing a hat, while dancing & around a tree during Hat On My Head instrumental track is playing in the background. After that, an opening camera transition to Emma sits down on a bench.)
Emma: So much fun dancing in the garden with my hat on my head. Come on, let's take a ride in the bowboat and let our imaginations take us to places.
(A tinkling pink circle with clouds & stars flying transition to the song: Bowboat. A scene where Emma is going for a ride in her bowboat with a hat to go on a trip.)
Emma: (singing) I'm in my bowboat, my dreaming bowboat
I row and float in my daydreams
I'm in my bowboat, my dreaming bowboat
Come! Join this adventure with me
A sunhat to play, imagine the way
I row and float in my daydreams
I'm in my bowboat, my dreaming bowboat
Let's play some more with the hat today.
(A sliding pink with flying stars transition to Emma planting a garden with her hat.)
Emma: Ohh, it's a beautiful sunny day, perfect for some gardening. And I've got my overalls on too and my gumboots and, have a look here, this is my vegie garden and it's a flower garden too. (She gasps.) There's some vegies growing in there already! Can you see these green tops? Let's see what vegetable this is? Whoa… (She gasps that she pulls out a carrot from the soil.) Oh, it's an orange carrot! Well, that'll be perfect for lunch. We'll pop them in the basket. And another one. (She picks out a carrot from the soil.) Shake the dirt off. Mmm! Yummy carrots. Have a look at this. (She is holding some sunflower seeds.) I've got some sunflower seeds. They've got a little bit of black, white and grey colours in them too. Let's plant the seeds in a row and see what flowers might grow. Here we go.
(Song: Plant the Seeds In a Row. A scene where Emma plants the seeds into the soil.)
Emma: (singing) Plant, plant, plant your seeds
All in a row
Cover them, cover them, cover them, cover them
Wait till they grow.
Plant, plant, plant your seeds
All in a row
Cover them, cover them, cover them, cover them
Wait till they grow.
Ah! The seeds have been planted in a row and we've covered them in some lovely healthy soil. Remember, these are sunflower seeds and hopefully they're going to grow into bowtiful sunflowers. But we need to look after our seeds and we need to water them so they can grow into bowtiful flowers. (She picks up a watering can.) I've got my watering can here filled with water. Now let's water the soil.
(Song: Water the Seeds In a Row. A scene where Emma is using a watering can to water the seeds into the soil.)
Emma: (singing) Water, water, water the seeds
All in a row
Sprinkling, sprinkling, sprinkling, water
Helping them to grow.
Water, water, water the seeds
All in a row
Sprinkling, sprinkling, sprinkling, water
Helping them to grow.
Ah! The seeds have been planted, covered in soil and watered. Now all we have to do is wait for them to grow. (She looks at the plant, while waiting. But, it still won't grow.) Well, when are they gonna grow? It's taking a long time, isn't it? Hmm… I wonder what we can do to help pass the time while we wait for the flowers to grow. (She thinks that her bow tinkles. She gasps.) I know! Let's have a little nap, a little sleep, and then maybe when we wake up the sunflowers will have grown! Come on, let's have a rest. (She yawns & sighs, while she's sleeping. Until, the sunflowers are magically growing. She yawns & sighs, while waking up because she looks at the sunflowers that are growing. She gasps.) Look! Bowtiful sunflowers! Ohh! And they have bowtiful yellow petals and green leaves. Come on, let's pick the flowers and put them in the basket.
(Song: Picking All the Flowers. A scene where Emma picks the sunflowers from the soil.)
Emma: (singing) A-picking all the flowers
And put them in your basket
Gently pick the flowers
Flower-picking today
A-picking all the flowers
And put them in your basket
Gently pick the flowers
Flower-picking today.
Bowtiful sunflowers on a bowtiful sunny day.
(A tinkling pink circle with clouds & stars flying transition to Emma had a great imagination had a great time planting a garden with a sunhat.)
Emma: Ah! So much fun using our imaginations. Well, come on, it's time to go.
(Emma's flying bows transition to the song: Thank You For Coming. A scene where Emma is holding a dog, while waving goodbye during at the end of the show during the end credits are rolling.)
Emma: (singing) Thank you for coming to dance and play
Until next time, have a bowtiful day
Have a bowtiful day!
(The endboard is showing at the end.)