The children's beach drawings
The children doing beach drawings
Michael's drawing of a towel
Anthony, Murray and the children
Peter's beach drawing of Wags the Dog
Leonardo's drawing of a person swimming
Sian's drawing of a person jumping in the water
The Non-realistic Wiggles
The Wiggles on the surfboard
Blaine and Anthony putting on sunscreen
Sammy putting on sunscreen
Murray, Jeff, Anthony, Sammy, Blaine, and Murray's daughter, Georgia
Jeff, Anthony, Blaine and Sammy
Anthony wearing a sun hat
Murray and his daughter Georgia and Georgia's teddy bear
The Professional Wiggles on surfboard
Murray and Jeff on surfboard
The Wiggles on a surfboard
Captain, Henry, and the children
Murray playing Red Starry Guitar
Dorothy and her beachball
Henry and his floating toy
Captain and his surfboard