"Hello Everyone" is the first episode of Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle!
Anthony introduces himself by singing a nursery rhyme adaption whilst playing an accoustic guitar.
Simon introduces himself by singing some opera.
- Song #1 - Lachy Theme Tune!
- Song #2 - Hello, My Name Is Emma
- Song #3 - ABC
- Song #4 - Henry's Dance
Emma speaks about the festival of drum amercements and tells the viewers to have a wonderful day.
Anthony starts to speak about a Scottish music festival with his bagpipes.
Lachy starts to speak about a carnival and then says that they are so much fun.
- Song #5 - Fruitie In My Hat
- Carnival Of The Animals - Segment 1
Lachy tells us about when he was young and when he used to play a grand piano as well as describing the piano. He plays a tune in his grand piano which he says sounds like circus music. Captain enters singing to the tune as a clown "Up and down, juggling balls."
Emma introduces 'The Little Wiggles'
- The Little Wiggles - Segment 1
- Song #6 - Dressing Up
- Song #7 - Do Your Ears Hang Low?
- Song #8 - Come on Down to Wiggle Town (Live)
- My Name's Anthony
- My Name is Simon
- Lachy! (New recording, Wigglehouse recording)
- Hello, My Name Is Emma (New recording, Bow Studio)
- ABC (Audio from Nursery Rhymes, omitting Emma's vocals)
- Henry's Dance (New recording)
- Fruitie In My Hat (Wigglehouse performance)
- Dressing Up (Little Wiggles)
- Do Your Ears Hang Low? (Audio from Apples & Bananas)
- Come on Down to Wiggle Town (LIVE at Australia Day Concert 2016)
- This is the first episode since Swish, Swish, Swish where The Little Wiggles appear.
- This episode aired on ABC Kids on Australia Day 2018.