Star transition and an egg
Chicken walking down the road
"That chicken got the hiccups!"
The Cartoon Wiggles' heads and the chicken
Cartoon Jeff, Cartoon Murray, and Cartoon Greg
"Somebody help that chicken, please."
The Cartoon Wiggles and the chicken
Cartoon Anthony, Cartoon Jeff, and Cartoon Murray
"That chicken got the hiccups!"
"Give that chicken some water, please."
Cartoon Anthony and Cartoon Jeff
"Somebody help that chicken, please."
The Wiggles and the chicken tip-toeing in a field
De el agua pollo por favor!
Cartoon Murray and Cartoon Greg
"Somebody help that chicken, please."
Chicken and a bowl of water
Greg introducing "Rock-a-Bye Your Bear"
Jeff sleeping on the boat
Jeff sleeping while playing his accordion
The Wiggles introducing The Little Wiggles segment
"G'day, Wiggles."
"G'day, Greg."
"We gotta rehearse a new song for the party."
Little Jeff, Little Anthony and Little Murray stunned
"Let's spread out and find the words."
Little Anthony and Little Murray
"It's not over here, guys, but this apple's nice and tasty."
Little Anthony eating an apple
"It's not over here, guys, but did you know that
John Fogerty's favorite guitar had 6 strings?"
Little Murray reading the Interesting Guitar Facts book
"We still can't find the words "Wiggly Party" and Jeff is still asleep."
"On the count of 3, let's all say "Wake up, Jeff"."
"Where's the party, where's the party?!?"
"Jeff, we found the words, "Wiggly Party"."
The "Wiggly Party" song sheet
"Now it's song time with the Little Wiggles."
Dorothy introducing Ryan and Caterina
Ryan and Caterina doing the helicopter dance
Dorothy's Dance Class: The Helicopter Dance
The Cartoon Wiggles in the Wiggly Aeroplane
Cartoon Captain Feathersword
The Cartoon Wiggly Friends
Anthony introducing "Here Come the Reindeer"
Murray doing the reindeer dance
Greg doing the belt buckle shine
Captain doing the wobbly dance
Cartoon Greg climbing ten stairs
Murray introducing "Can You Dig It?"
Jessica watering the plants
Michael watering the plants
Michael and Jessica digging in the sandpit
Genevieve watering the plants
Sam digging in the sandpit
Jeff introducing "Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car"
The Wiggles in the Big Red Car
Greg and the Wiggly Dancers
Anthony and the Wiggly Dancers
Jeff and the Wiggly Dancers
Murray and the Wiggly Dancers
The Professional Wiggly Group