Captain Feathersword at Wiggle Park
"Santa's at the Grand Canyon."
Captain and Anthony doing the reindeer dance
Captain and Anthony doing the wobbly dance
Captain and Anthony doing the belt buckle shine
The Wiggles, Captain, elves Corrine and Larissa
The Wiggles, Captain and Larissa
The Wiggles and Captain Feathersword
Jeff and Anthony doing the reindeer dance
Captain Feathersword dancing
The Non-realistic Wiggly Humans doing the reindeer dance
Greg and Murray doing the reindeer dance
Elf Larissa's feet and Jeff's foot
The Wiggles and Captain Feathersword doing the reindeer dance
"Merry Christmas, everybody."
Murray introducing "Here Come The Reindeer"
Greg Truman singing "Here Come The Reindeer"
Santa Claus, his elves, and his reindeer
Jeff, Anthony, Captain, Caterina, and Larissa
Jeff, Anthony, Captain, Ryan, and Caterina
Jeff, Anthony, Captain, Lyn, Kristy, and Mario
Lyn, Kristy, Captain, and Mario
Kristy, Anthony, Captain, Mario, Lucy, and Flora
Jeff, Kristy, Anthony, and Mario
Lyn, Kristy, Jeff, Anthony, and Mario
Jeff, Anthony, Captain, Lyn, Kristy, and Mario
Jeff, Lyn, Anthony, Captain, Kristy, and Mario
Kristy, Anthony, Mario, and Flora
Jeff, Anthony, Captain, and Lyn
Lyn, Kristy, Anthony, Mario, and Flora
Jeff, Anthony, Captain, and Kristy
Kristy, Anthony, Mario, Flora, and Lucy
Captain, Anthony, Lyn, Kristy, Mario, Lucy, and Caterina
Jeff, Anthony, Kristy, and Lyn
Lucy, Sam, Mario, and Flora
Jeff, Kristy, and Anthony
The Wiggles, the Wiggly Dancers, Carla, and Lucia
Jeff, Kristy, Anthony, and Flora
Jeff, Kristy, Anthony, Lyn, Captain, and Flora
Santa and his reindeer, Ryan and Larissa
Anthony, Lyn, Santa, Captain, and Ryan the Reindeer
Santa, Larissa the Reindeer, Jeff, Anthony, and Lyn
Jeff, Kristy, Anthony, Lyn, and Flora
Jeff, Kristy, Anthony, Lyn, Captain, and Flora
Jeff, Anthony, and Santa]
Jeff, Kristy, Santa, Lyn, and Larissa the Reindeer
The Wiggles, Captain, the Wiggly Dancers, Santa and his reindeer, Carla, and Lucia
Santa, Ryan, Larissa, Captain, and Lyn
Anthony and Captain Feathersword
Anthony presenting the reindeer
Caterina and Nick the reindeer
Captain, Santa, and Oliver
Lucia introducing "Here Come The Reindeer"