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"Hey, It's Dorothy The Dinosaur Show!" is the opening song for The Dorothy the Dinosaur and Friends Video. It was never officially released on an album.


Come on everyone, let's clap our hands,
Wiggle your fingers, it's time to dance. 
Hey, it's the Dorothy the Dinosaur show!
They'll be time to point and do the twist,
Hot potato, it goes like this.
Hey, it's the Dorothy the Dinosaur show!

You might see
Henry the Octopus, doing his eight legged tentacle dance,
and there's Captain Feathersword, dancing in his pirate pants.

Come on everyone, let's clap our hands,
Wiggle your fingers, it's time to dance.
Hey, it's the Dorothy the Dinosaur show!

You might see
Wags the dancing dog, ruff ruff ruff ruff, ruff-ruff ruff!
And there's someone else to see, look everyone, it's Dorothy!

Come on everyone, come join the fun,
Dorothy's dance has just begun.
Hey, it's the Dorothy the Dinosaur, 
Hey, we're the Dorothy the Dinosaur,
Come and join the Dorothy the Dinosaur show!

Song Credits[]

Written by Murray Cook, Jeff Fatt, Anthony Field, Greg Page, John Field, and Todd Goddard, published by Wiggly Tunes Pty Ltd.
