
HiT Favourites (formerly Children's Favourites) is a series of UK compilation DVDs including episodes of shows owned or distributed by HIT Entertainment at the time, including The Wiggles series 2.

This article includes only the releases that feature episodes of The Wiggles.

Top of the Tots[]

Top of the Tots FC

Front cover

Top of the Tots is a promotional DVD released by HiT and Tumble Tots in 2004.


  • Bob the Builder Shorts - "Spud Minds his Manners; Scoop's Shapes"
  • Angelina Ballerina - "The Ballerina Ragdoll"
  • Barney (episode unknown)
  • Rubbadubbers - "Row, Row, Row; All Wrapped Up"
  • The Wiggles - "Do the Monkey"
  • Thomas & Friends - "Thomas and the Special Letter"
  • Pingu - "Pingu and the Snowball Fight"

It's unclear what the included Wiggles content is. It has been rumoured to be "Paint a Portrait" (from The Wiggles Show!, which would make it the only HiT Favourites-related DVD to use that series) under a different title, though this is unlikely as that series did not debut until 2005. It may be "The Monkey Dance" episode of Let's Wiggle, which had been used for a promo for The Wiggles on other DVDs (and included in its entirety on another promotional DVD, Introducing... The Wiggles).

Brightest Children's Favourites[]


Brightest Children's Favourites was released on DVD and a 2-tape VHS set on June 21, 2004.


  • Barney & Friends - "A Perfectly Purple Day"
  • Pingu - "Pingu's Makeshift Skis" (titled as "A Barrel of Fun")
  • Kipper - "Kipper the Hero"
  • Oswald - "A Sticky Situation"
  • Yoko! Jakamoko! Toto! - "The Dance"
  • Bob the Builder - "Lofty's Jungle Fun"
  • Fireman Sam - "Steele Under Par"
  • Rubbadubbers - "Spaceman Reg"
  • Angelina Ballerina - "Angelina's Baby Sister"
  • Percy the Park Keeper - "Treasure Island"
  • The Wiggles - "Food"


  • This DVD's files are labeled BRIGHTEST_CHILDRENS_FAVOURITES. The files are dated May 18th, 2004.
  • The menu transition sound heard on this DVD was reused from the 1997 HIT Entertainment logo.

Ultimate Children's Favourites[]


Ultimate Children's Favourites was released on DVD and VHS on January 17th, 2005.


  • The Wiggles - "Dancing"
  • Thomas & Friends - "Thomas to the Rescue"
  • Angelina Ballerina - "Angelina's Surprise"
  • Bob the Builder - "Molly's Fashion Parade"
  • Rubbadubbers - "Finbar's Important Part"
  • Pingu - "Pingu's Admirer"
  • Fireman Sam - "Safe with Sam"
  • Kipper - "The Purple Park Monster"
  • Barney & Friends - "A New Friend"


  • This DVD's files are dated November 19th, 2004.
  • The menu transition sound heard on this DVD was reused from the 1997 HIT Entertainment logo.
  • The Wiggles promo used on this release says that Toot Toot! plus Yummy Yummy is out now; however, at the time of this DVD's release it was not yet out. That DVD may have been planned to be released first, or perhaps both of these were to be released simultaneously.
  • This is the only Children's Favourites release to have The Wiggles promo using the song "Quack Quack" (which was sourced from the Let's Wiggle TV series).

Magical Children's Favourites[]

Magical Children's Favourites

Magical Children's Favourites was released on April 25th, 2005.


  • Kipper - "The Magic Lamp"
  • Rubbadubbers - "Tubb the Magician"
  • The Wiggles - "Imagination"
  • Angelina Ballerina - "William the Conjuror"
  • Pingu - "Pingu the Apprentice Magician"
  • Barney & Friends - "Stick with Imagination!"
  • Bob the Builder - "Wendy's Magic Birthday"
  • Fireman Sam - "Wishing Well"
  • Sooty - "Sooty's Magic Garden"


  • This DVD's files are labeled MAGICAL_CHILDRENS_FAVOURITES. The files are dated March 11th, 2005.
  • This is the only Children's Favourites release to have The Wiggles promo using the song "Rock-A-Bye Your Bear" (which was also sourced from the Let's Wiggle TV series).

Funtastic Children's Favourites[]


Funtastic Children's Favourites was released on July 25th, 2005.


  • Fireman Sam - "Mummy's Little Pumpkin"
  • Thomas & Friends - "Thomas and the Tuba"
  • Angelina Ballerina - "Angelina in the Wings"
  • Pingu - "Pingu Finishes the Job"
  • Barney & Friends - "Up, Down and Around"
  • Kipper - "The River Trip"
  • Rubbadubbers - "Terence the Spy"
  • The Wiggles - "Dressing Up"
  • Bob the Builder - "Mr. Beasley's Noisy Pipes"


  • This DVD's files are labeled FUNTASTIC_CHILDRENS_FAVOURITES. The files are dated June 14th, 2005.
  • The menu transition sound heard on this DVD was reused from Superstar Children's Favourites (a DVD which did not feature The Wiggles).
  • This is the first Children's Favourites release to have The Wiggles promo using the song "Get Ready To Wiggle" (which was also sourced from the Let's Wiggle TV Series).

Playtime Children's Favourites[]


Playtime Children's Favourites was released on September 26th, 2005. Beginning with this release, they are on DVD only.


  • Kipper - "The Dinosaur"
  • Fireman Sam - "Bathtime for Dusty"
  • The Hoobs - "Floating"
  • Thomas & Friends - "Squeak, Rattle and Roll"
  • The Wiggles - "Play" (GMTV version)
  • Pingu - "Pingu Wants to Fly"
  • Barney & Friends - "Let's Play Games"
  • Bob the Builder - "Lofty the Artist"
  • Angelina Ballerina - "Angelina at the Fair"
  • Rubbadubbers - "Copy Sploshy"


  • This DVD's files are labeled PLAYTIME_CHILDRENS_FAVOURITES. The files are dated August 10th, 2005.
  • Once again, the menu transition sound heard on this DVD was reused from Superstar Children's Favourites.
  • This DVD was released the same day PBS Kids Sprout was launched on television.
  • This DVD has the only released 18-minute GMTV version of a Wiggles TV series 2 episode.

Happy Children's Favourites[]


Happy Children's Favourites was released on January 16th, 2006.


  • Thomas & Friends - "Thomas and the Firework Display"
  • Bob the Builder - "Scoop has Some Fun"
  • The Wiggles - "Friends"
  • Fireman Sam - "Twist of Fate"
  • Kipper - "Kipper's Circus"
  • Barney & Friends - "A Fountain of Fun"
  • Rubbadubbers - "Tubb's Cake Mistake"
  • Angelina Ballerina - "The Ballerina Ragdoll"
  • Pingu - "Pinga has Hiccups"


  • This DVD's files are dated November 14th, 2005.
  • This is the last Children's Favourites release to use a Wiggles promo and The HiT Parade. After the release of Angelina Ballerina: Princess Dance it was completely phased out from their releases.
  • The HIT Parade trailer reel that is used on this release is which was originally the Sneak Peek trailer reel (found only on The Daily Mail promotional DVDs released during October 2005 and Pingu: Pingu and the Toy Shop).

Amazing Children's Favourites[]


Amazing Children's Favourites was released on March 20th, 2006.


  • Pingu - "Pingu's Moon Adventure"
  • Thomas & Friends - "Henry and the Wishing Tree"
  • Kipper - "Tiger's Rocket"
  • Bob the Builder - "Spud the Dragon"
  • Barney & Friends - "Lets Go for a Ride"
  • Rubbadubbers - "Terence's Bubble Trouble"
  • Fireman Sam - "Bug Eyed Boy from Venus"
  • The Wiggles - "Storytelling"
  • Angelina Ballerina - "The Legend of Big Paw"


  • This DVD's files are dated February 9th, 2006.
  • The episodes are listed in a different order on the back sleeve from that of the actual disc.

Sporty Children's Favourites[]


Sporty Children's Favourites was released on May 29th, 2006.


  • Bob the Builder - "Bob the Goalie"
  • Thomas & Friends - "Train Stops Play"
  • Kipper - "The Big Race"
  • Barney & Friends - "Play Ball!"
  • Pingu - "Pingu Plays Ice Hockey"
  • Fireman Sam - "Fun Run"
  • The Wiggles - "Movement"
  • Oswald - "The Go-Kart Race"
  • Rubbadubbers - "Footballer Tubb"
  • Angelina Ballerina - "The Cheese Ball Cup Final"


  • This DVD's files are dated April 21st, 2006.

Incredibubble Children's Favourites[]


Incredibubble Children's Favourites was released on January 22nd, 2007.


  • Kipper - "The Flying Machine"
  • Fireman Sam - "High Jinx"
  • The Wiggles - "Communication"
  • Bob the Builder - "Mr. Bentley's Winter Fair"
  • Pingu - "Pingu Gets Carried Away"
  • Thomas & Friends - Thomas Gets It Right
  • Barney & Friends - "It's Showtime"
  • Angelina Ballerina - "The Anniversary Party"
  • Rubbadubbers - "Spaceman Reg"
  • Bonus: "Pic Me"


  • This is the last Children's Favourites release to use the 2001 HIT Entertainment logo.
  • This DVD's files are labeled INCREDIBUBBLE. The files are dated December 4th, 2006.

The Musical Collection[]


The Musical Collection was released on May 21st, 2007.


  • Bob the Builder - "Bob and the Bandstand"
  • Kipper - "Arnold's Drum"
  • Pingu - "Pingu and the Band"
  • Barney & Friends - "Play Piano with Me!"
  • Thomas & Friends - "Tuneful Toots"
  • Rubbadubbers - "Sploshybird"
  • Fireman Sam - "Carnival of Junk"
  • Angelina Ballerina - "The Costume Ball"
  • The Wiggles - "Music & Musical Instruments"
  • Bonus: Wobblyland - "Wobbly Worm"


  • This is the first Children's Favourites release to use the 2007 HIT Entertainment logo.
  • This DVD's files are dated April 16th, 2007.

A Fun Filled Episode[]


Daily Mirror version

A Fun Filled Episode was released as part of The Totally Kids Collection promotion[2] for Daily Mirror newspapers on June 12, 2007[3]. It was later released in Scotland for Daily Record newspapers on March 6, 2008[4].



The Groovy Collection[]


The Groovy Collection was released on July 30th, 2007.


  • Fireman Sam - "King of the Jungle"
  • Pingu - "Sore Tummy Pingu"
  • Kipper - "Skates"
  • Bob the Builder - "Spud and the Doves"
  • Barney & Friends - "All Aboard!"
  • Thomas & Friends - Fergus Breaks the Rules
  • Angelina Ballerina" - "Lights, Camera, Action"
  • Rubbadubbers" - "Terence's Ties"
  • The Wiggles - "Family"


  • This DVD's files are labeled THE_GROOVY_COLLECTION. The files are dated June 22nd, 2007.

Active Collection[]


Active Collection was released on January 21st, 2008.


  • Fireman Sam - "Fit for Nothing"
  • Angelina Ballerina - "The Gymnastics Championship"
  • Kipper - "The Long Walk"
  • Barney & Friends - "Play for Exercise!"
  • Bob the Builder - "Bob on the Run"
  • Pingu - "Pingu Plays Fish Tennis"
  • Rubbadubbers - "Speedy Terence"
  • The Wiggles - "The Body"
  • Thomas & Friends - Three Cheers for Thomas
  • Bonus: The Likeaballs - "Slimey"


  • This DVD's files are labeled THE_ACTIVE_COLLECTION. The files are dated October 31st, 2007.

General Trivia[]

  • Including A Fun Filled Episode, a total of 13 Wiggles episodes were released as part of the HIT Favourites line, which is exactly half of TV series 2.
  • Episodes from the latter half of The Wiggles series 2 (excluding the GMTV version of "Play") are uncropped on the HIT Favourites DVDs. All other releases, including Wiggly TV and the TV Series 2 Collector's Edition box set, crop the far edges of the image, leaving thin black bars. (Note that bars do naturally appear in some live-action scenes; but, other scenes, all animated elements and song title cards reach the edges in these releases of the episodes.)
  • The Series 2 Episodes featured don't contain the interlacing issues that affect the TV Series 2 Collector's Edition box set.

